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8th Jan 2011, 21:10
I was just looking around Wikipedia and came across the history of Dan Air.
When British Airways took them over,how was it decided which flight crew would keep their jobs and which would not.According to Wikipedia only the 737's went to BA.

8th Jan 2011, 21:35
Correct - 60 Captains and 60 F/Os (all quite outstanding chaps), only those 737/CFM/LGW, were retained. Lines drawn 60 down each scale, which meant the F/O who had JUST got his command a few weeks earlier was sacked! 12 (maybe 13? - can't remember) a/c transferred.

Frankie B
9th Jan 2011, 13:02
Not just "chaps", BOAC. My friend Sheena Reid was captain on the 737 with Dan when taken over by BA. Funny thing was, in about 1975 Sheena applied to BA (as a Bsc, CPL & CFI at Aberdeen Aero Club) & was rejected on the grounds that BA was "not accepting applications from women". She still has that letter. Not to be dissuaded, she carried on & did it the hard way -Air Ecosse, Dan Air - eventually becoming a BA capt after the take-over. I wonder if she ever got an appology.

9th Jan 2011, 17:43
Hello F B - the 'chaps' was 'TIC' as I hoped you would realise - after all, Val and Meredith 'came across' in the 60.

bad bear
10th Jan 2011, 00:32
was just wondering a few days ago what happened to Sheena Reid, glad to see things worked out well.

10th Jan 2011, 13:58
I heard BA just took only those who were willing to accept the pay cut.

Sir George Cayley
10th Jan 2011, 20:54
There was a court case about Dan Air crews and the BA seniority list.

The deal was the transferees were shoed into the list based on their Dan Air time in service. This meant any existing BA aircrew were forced back down the list.

BALPA took the company on and lost.

I think some 'chaps and chapesses' so affected are still a bit miffed.

Sir George Cayley

10th Jan 2011, 22:01
"I think some 'chaps and chapesses' so affected are still a bit miffed". - and all who got the 5 figure 'settlements' (oh, sorry - non disclosure agreement) were rightly chuffed.

Genghis the Engineer
14th Jan 2011, 16:44
Not just "chaps", BOAC. My friend Sheena Reid was captain on the 737 with Dan when taken over by BA. Funny thing was, in about 1975 Sheena applied to BA (as a Bsc, CPL & CFI at Aberdeen Aero Club) & was rejected on the grounds that BA was "not accepting applications from women". She still has that letter. Not to be dissuaded, she carried on & did it the hard way -Air Ecosse, Dan Air - eventually becoming a BA capt after the take-over. I wonder if she ever got an appology.

Just before the sex descrimination act of 1975.

I seem to recall that around then, there was a council that advertised for an equal pay act enforcement officer (the equal pay act of 1970 only finally kicked in late in 1975), and in a monumental own goal, published an advert that showed two different payscales - one each for men and women.