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View Full Version : UAE expats now up to 65 ?

1st Jan 2011, 07:04
UAE expats 'can work up to 65' under new rules - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/expat/expatnews/8232130/UAE-expats-can-work-up-to-65-under-new-rules.html)

In light of the new regs , might this mean that FD and EK can employ over 60s now , or is the DCA ATPL only valid up to 60 ? heard that the EK T and C s now mention 'up to 65 ' for new hires. Still fancy a stint with FD as DEC if on offer ( but doubt that is on offer ) .
Anybody care to comment ?

1st Jan 2011, 11:49
We have had pilots working at EK to 65 for a couple of years now, so it is not impossible. As to DEC's no idea if they will start that again, actually they will at some point, as by then they will have forgotten the nightmare they had with the last lot.

1st Jan 2011, 12:19
By nightmare , I take it you mean EK DEC , as virtually all FD skippers are DEC so far ?