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View Full Version : General Navigation ATPL - Private tutoring

30th Dec 2010, 14:53
Hi there,

I was wondering if there is anyone based in London or Surrey who might be able to provide some private tutoring for ATPL general navigation?

I have taken the exam and unfortunately failed by just a few percent, but the next sitting is the start of february and I need to make absolutely sure I pass.

Any help at all would be hugely appreciated.

go around flaps15
30th Dec 2010, 17:19
Ring Bristol ground school. Tell them you are in bother. They will arrange a day for you to sit one on one with one of their instructors.

That should sort it out.

30th Dec 2010, 17:21
Thanks for that I will give them a try..

Doug Down
30th Dec 2010, 17:54
Hi I've just failed NAV PT03 Gen Nav Progress Test 3 for the second time - despite reading through the notes 3 + times / taking my own notes / reading my notes before the test / and cheating. I must be thick or summat?

Plotting on a Mercator / Scale on a Mercator / Lamberts Heading Calculation / Scale on Oblique Mercator / Mercator Variation / Pure Mental Stuff. The test asked about stuff that wasn't explained in the syllabus - ie direct comparison of different charts and plotting on a Lambert Chart. Maybe my powers of concentration are just not up to this stuff???

Not sure that if I do get through the progress tests somehow that I will in fact not just forget the whole lot of it before the exam as the topic is too mentally torturing and mind bendingly obscure and sooo far away from the usual in terms of what is useful for my brain to chew on. If this is a measure of the rest of the ATPL, I'm off to America :ugh:.

If you wanna hook up for a day at Bristol, I'm up for it as you can't beat having a human to discuss things with in the flesh as opposed to staring at a whole load of text for hours on end :\.

30th Dec 2010, 17:57
I have a couple of good names for Nav if you want to PM me - One in Sarfend and one in Solihull.

1st Jan 2011, 17:44
If you are struggling with Gen Nav give Bristol ground school a call and speak to Baz. He runs brush up days for Gen Nav along side the brush up the Bristol students do. Brilliant tutor who has a very unique way of making things make sense!

Baz got me through Gen Nav and I finished the ATPLs last October getting an average of 95% with first time passes!

1st Jan 2011, 19:44
The one in Solihull is great :ok:

4th Jan 2011, 09:12
Thanks you very much for the replies guys and all your suggestions.

4th Jan 2011, 09:36
just do the feedback questions over and over and over and over.............until you master the technique. Don't worry too much about understanding the content, just know the technique.

4th Jan 2011, 21:19
A plan to pass the exams but unfortunately I suspect that the technical interviews for airlines are not in the habit of asking questions appended with "please answer A, B, C or D"!!!!

I thought about the learn the question bank option but it seemed to be more productive to actually learn the material for the long term!!!

4th Jan 2011, 21:28
1. Best bet is Bristol GS - ask for BAS.

This should give you a min 85-90%

2. If this is not enough and you still want more "tutoring" then take the brush course at Oxford, 2-3 days including the most up to date Question bank.

This should take you up to +95%.

Good luck

9th Jan 2011, 19:12
I did all my PPL ground studies with this guy Coventry Ground School Aviation (http://www.coventrygroundschool.co.uk)

I then started on my ATPL's with CATS and I have by accident ended up having lots of one to one with him. With an Average of 96% I can't complain, with my work commitments Monday to Friday, a few hours at the weekend with this legend is ideal.

He doesn't have FTO status but knows the same if not more than most ATPL ground school instructors.

He can be difficult to get hold of sometimes with his work and flight instruction commitments.

Mainly likes his favourite subjects, which are; AGK, GEN NAV and M&B.

Luckily all the ones I'm hopeless at! I've had a wizard session today on Jet Engines :)

He also lives in Solihull, is he Mr Solihull?