View Full Version : Wannabe to Cannybe

10th Apr 2001, 20:19
This is my first Topic and probably my last post on PPRuNe after 6 months of checking it every day....I'll miss you guys!

I had the worst possible call today for a Wannabe, from the CAA, confirming that I can't attain a Class 1 (or even Class 2) due to a vision defect which I didn't even know I had. I'm told it's 99% sure to be untreatable and although I'll obviously be having it investigated further, I'm a realistic kind of chap and am calling this the end of the road.

So especially to those of you starting the BA CEP courses this summer, good luck with your careers, and always be thankful that you at least have the chance of achieving your dream.

The roller-coaster of trying to get airline sponsorship is over for me, so I'm gonna try to channel the enthusiasm into something else now, but I'll always remember my virtual buddies on PPRuNe who helped me get that one week of elation after passing the Final Board.


10th Apr 2001, 20:32
OH thats the most disheartening news i have heard for a long time.
good luck,.. however, i do think in my lay -opinion that there are also a lot of guys and guyesses in non piloting related aviation industry seats whom we all owe a great deal and a debt of thanks too.

10th Apr 2001, 20:44

Sorry to hear your news. I can't even begin to understand how you must be feeling at the moment.

Good luck.


10th Apr 2001, 20:57
Ah mate, that's awful news.

Life can be a right b*****d at times, I suppose you just have to accept it and get on with things.

I hope you find another career that you are just as excited about (if not more!) as flying. Have you thought about training to be a Deck Officer in the Navy or Merchant Navy? You get to navigate the world and have great career prospects in a similar sort of way as that of an aircraft pilot.
Not sure on vision requirements but I believe they are lower than that required to be a commercial pilot.

Just a thought.

All the best, VFE.

[This message has been edited by VFE (edited 10 April 2001).]

10th Apr 2001, 20:59

I am sorry to hear your news, and wish you all the best for the future, whatever your choosen career may now be.
Don't give up on the flying as a hobby - you can still glide, paraglide etc without a class 2.
chin up, have one from at the pub.

10th Apr 2001, 21:44
Sorry to hear that pal, hope things pan out for you.

All the best.


ABZ no.2
10th Apr 2001, 21:50
I would like to reiterate the points already made, if any of us were in your position we would be similarly devastated. As you have said, channel your thoughts and energy into another field and I'm sure you will succeed.

A personal note from me and that is to say that without the help and advice you gave me I would have struggled to get as far as I have, I am grateful for that.
Hope the piste treated you well!

[This message has been edited by ABZ no.2 (edited 11 April 2001).]

Eff Oh
10th Apr 2001, 22:30
I am realy sorry to hear that. It must be absolutely awfull!! As someone said, dont give up aviation! You can have fun gliding etc... I wish you all the best in your new career. I hope it works out for you.
All the best.
Eff Oh http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

10th Apr 2001, 23:38

I'm absolutely gutted for you mate.

If it's any consolation at all, at least you know that if it was up to you, you would have made it, unlike a some of the people on this forum, I'm sad to say. There's always that 1% chance, but then that's possibly the worst thing about it.

Just remember that being a pilot, although cool, is not very creative, and realistically, one of the only ways you can make your mark is by screwing up. (Sorry guys, but we are all just systems operatives!) Most of the best pilots will just go unnoticed; just holding the system together, save for the odd show of 'heroism'.

So, I'd suggest that you make the best of the rest by using your skills to make a real positive difference somewhere.

Pie http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Up Front
10th Apr 2001, 23:48
I can only begin to imagine how you must feel. You must feel really low at the moment. Things in life happen for a reason and I'm sure that you will pick yourself up and find another purpose. Sorry once again and here's wishing you all the luck for the future. Keep smiling.

11th Apr 2001, 03:04
It is a sad sad story, thoughts are with you.
And hope that you prosper in whatever you decide to do.

A point can be raised by this sad story, we see so many what degree, what A levels to be a pilot on these boards. These things happen, do what you enjoy and you feel that you are best at. not what you think airlines want you to do. Have as many interests as possible, life cannot end after sad events like this.

Best wishes


11th Apr 2001, 04:33
Bad news indeed. However, no class one - does that mean no class 2 or 3??

If you can get one of those, nothing to stop you from getting a ppl, instrument, multi etc.

Get sloshed, and then move onwards.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

Good Luck.

11th Apr 2001, 12:28
Very sorry for you - especially after passing final board.

Good luck in the future, with whatever path you choose.

11th Apr 2001, 14:47
Aw hell, thats the worst.

Chin up man and get your ass in a sailplane. You'll find something to get stuck into. Meantime spend a few days in the pub.

BTW, what about laser treatment? Can't that correct almost anything?

11th Apr 2001, 16:19
Whatever I say won't cover it.

Lots of beer and moving on.

If you can't have a class 1/2 you can still get a PPL get your aopa aerobatics cert and scare the hell out of everyone....

A sage lesson to everyone - 400 notes for a Class 1 - not alot when I consider I only did mine after passing my ATPL groundschool and accruing 125 hrs.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to do that.

ADVICE TO ALL WANNABES - Before anything get your Medical sorted so that you can get on with your life either way.

Really am sorry BAB2B - I hope you and Jane etc. keep in touch on my work email.


11th Apr 2001, 16:50
I am waiting on some consultants reports for my Class 1 and so have an incling to how you must be feeling. I really do hope you find an alternative passion, I'm sure you will.

11th Apr 2001, 17:18
check your email



Half man, Half jalfrezi.

Big Bad Dom
11th Apr 2001, 17:43
I've not got much to say, but would just like to add my sincere condolances to the list. It must be absolutely devastating.

I hope you can find something else that gives you just as much happiness.


11th Apr 2001, 17:47
Knew how you felt nearly 15 years ago. I was told NO CHANCE persue something else. I did but never forgot flying.

One month ago, I got the all clear. Remember, not only is medicine advancing very fast, but also oppinions of what is not acceptable change.

I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

combi pilot
11th Apr 2001, 20:59
Geez mate,

I really really feel sorry that you're giving up this wonderful world of flying. Isn't there any other alternative that you can turn towards other than away?

Well it's your choice and I'm sure you do what you think is best for yourself. All the same, I wish you the very best in whatever you do in future.

Forever flying...


Patsy 001
11th Apr 2001, 21:23
I can't imagine how you must feel. But you should be proud of yourself for having succeeded in getting so far with BA.

With qualities that you have proved you possess, whatever you decide to do you will definately be a success.

Good Luck and all the best.

12th Apr 2001, 01:07
What a damn shame-Life can be really unfair,but I'm sure there is going to be something that you are going to be very, very good at.You must be a pretty outstanding person to have gotten this far!Whatever happens,all the very best & we're all still here if you need us.

12th Apr 2001, 01:20
Mate that is such bad news, but dont leave us, you can still stay online with your pals and we will still speak to you.

If you want a rewarding job then please look at Her Majesties finest. In the Forces you know that for many jobs perfect vision is not a prerequisite and corrective vision is perfectly available. If you want then please e-mail me direct and I will give you as much advice guidance names and addresses as you could possibly ever need. I am sure that we can give you another dream and goal that you can aim at. That I promise you.

Remember if things are getting heavy, then just... up and at 'em.

Best of Luck

12th Apr 2001, 13:01

Thanks so much for all the messages and emails of support, you lot are a great help as well as a great resource. I've had suggestions of alternative careers as well as help and advise on the long shot of treatment.

It's cheered me up a lot, and I'll be contacting some of you soon to follow up. I'm in the lucky position of having a good aero engineering degree and job, and things are not all bad. I've never put all my eggs in the commercial flying basket, thankfully.

I'd re-iterate the point made by my one time colleague earlier, get your Class 1 well before investing your own dosh should you decide to go down that road.

Thanks guys, and keep the suggestions coming!

ps I'd never really give up PPRuNe, it was an idle threat :)

13th Apr 2001, 20:04
I didn't think we could get rid of you that easily!!
Seriously mate, I'm gutted for you. I'm sure that whatever you decide to do you'll be a success at.
All the best and keep in touch on the old email.