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21st Dec 2010, 20:19
PM offers troops to clear Heathrow

The Prime Minister has offered to send British troops to clear Heathrow airport from snow.

Speaking to British Forces News David Cameron said that the offer had been made to the British Airports Authority, but had been declined at present.

“We are very happy if that’s what they want. I think BAA at the moment believe that they can do the work themselves.”

“But you know the British military do a fantastic job at helping with our national resilience, helping with our infrastructure. They’ve done that with the floods in Cumbria as I saw myself, and they’ve done amazing work in the snow. They stand ready to do more.”

Heathrow airport has suffered extreme problems since the weekend because of heavy snowfall with hundreds of flights grounded and thousands of passengers stranded.

A spokesperson for BAA said: “We are grateful for the offer of manpower assistance from the Ministry of Defence and while our airport is still suffering from disruption following this weekend's poor weather our recovery efforts are focused on customer service and the use of specialist airfield equipment to return our operation to normal.”

“We currently have over 200 volunteers supporting our passengers in the terminals and we have also engaged our construction contractors to assist with the clearance of snow around the airport.”

Mr Cameron also revealed the most difficult part of his job was writing to the relatives of those killed in action. British Forces News Presenter Kate Gerbeau spoke to the Prime Minister at Downing Street this morning.

BFBS News (http://www.bfbs.com/news/uk/pm-offers-troops-clear-heathrow-42449.html)

Excellent use ofan overstretched military - give up Christmas so others can go on holiday.... :ugh:

WE Branch Fanatic
21st Dec 2010, 20:40
Don't forget the very real chance of a NEO operation in the Ivory Coast soon:

Ivory Coast crisis: Gbagbo ally warns of UN rebellion (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12048259)

21st Dec 2010, 21:13
Well it was reported in the news today it would be the British Army offered to assist. I know as well as anyone else the Army PR machine loved this one even though it would be made up of all the 3 services, the British public yet again think the Army are the only service to do anything, meanwhile at Brize Norton and the Sun reports the Tristars are knackered and its the RAFs fault no troops can get home for Xmas.

Brilliant PR though, sometimes get the feeling we are not fighting on the same side.

21st Dec 2010, 21:39
CS95 or whatever the **** it's called nowadays, when we were forced to wear that crap, that's when "they are all Army started" :(

Pontius Navigator
21st Dec 2010, 22:04
SFFP, DPM before that, issued around 1982, but only jackets, trousers, boots and puttees.

One time, in a pub at Otterburn, we were asked to join our 'friends' at a table at the other end of the bar as the two groups made the place look untidy and would put off his regulars. A quick look at the brown jobs at the other end and we declined.

In those days the only difference was the beret and cap badge so I guess it was a fair call.

22nd Dec 2010, 00:11
The RAF needed better uplift a decade ago. Some A330's should have been quick purchased/leased to cover the air bridge while the remaining Tristars/VC-10K's do a bit of tankering until the K model A330 comes on board.

What are these people thinking..?:sad:

22nd Dec 2010, 11:52
Already had Jocks snow-clearing in Edinburgh ..... remind me again how many able-bodied unemployed there are in Jockistan ..... THAT's the Big Society Call-me-Dave.

"It's Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy best you go

But it's useful hands to shovels when we need to clear the snow."

with apologies to RK

22nd Dec 2010, 12:11
Teeteringhead - that was my thoughts as well. Get the unemployed out actually earning their dole rather than sitting at home waitng for the money to arrive.

Was in Plymouth the other day and saw about 20 council men out with shovels and brooms clearing the pavements....as the Big Issue selling types complained about the snow on the pavements.

Still it is easier to get the "troops" out to do the work.

22nd Dec 2010, 15:30
Don't drag the army into this and don't waste time with the workshy. There are terminals packed full of passengers with nowhere to go. They have a vested interest in getting the airport moving, get them clearing it.