View Full Version : Hawker 1000 external hold

Crosswind Limits
15th Dec 2010, 10:34
I understand this is the only 125 series plane with a 'proper' external baggage hold located in the aft section. I am ignoring the Hawker 750 for this purpose.

We taxied past a 1000 the other day but couldn't work out where the hold was? :confused:

Anyone with any pics of the hold area?


Mike Echo
15th Dec 2010, 11:46
Not sure if this helps it's been a long time since I worked on one.
The external access is just forward of the left engine via a plug type sliding (up) door. It's stretching my memory but I think it was about 2ft square. There was also access from the cabin - The engine intake was perfect for putting keys on after locking the door :) and the flap was perfect for resting the bags on.



Just cannot find a picture of the door itself.

Mike Echo

15th Dec 2010, 19:17
Here you go...


15th Dec 2010, 19:42
What hold?????!!
Do you mean the "letterbox"?
No, the Hawker 1000 hold is inside the cabin, and for some reason, they have a built in flushing toilet in it................
Such a fab aircraft ruined by the lack of a suitable luggage area.

Mike Echo
16th Dec 2010, 13:31
Got to agree. Worked on every Series of Hawker (1 to 1000) and baggage was always a major issue, but you did get really good at stowing bags in all sorts of places. The designers of the baggage door on the 1000 had obviously never seen a Middle East owners suitcase! Lovely reliable aircraft.

16th Dec 2010, 14:42
With the later models (Proline 800 onwards) you get some storage back in the cupboard opposite the bog thanks to moving some avionics items out of there.

The other external baggage option is the pannier in lieu of the ventral tank, I don't really know what real world experiences have been but it doesn't look a very practical shape. It was also an option on the 800A&B but not very popular AFAIK. Personally I'd rather have the fuel (or rather the option thereof)

To be honest I've often been amazed with a bit of practice and ingenuity what you can make go missing in the available space in the Hawker, Last summer we made the entire contents of an Audi Q7 (seats folded and cubed-out full) fit; Nothing was visible except for 2 briefcases. It's generally easier if the pax/crew are educated to use soft bags.