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View Full Version : I'm Looking for Jewels....

Cockpit Remains Mine
14th Dec 2010, 01:12
It's that time of the year again.... Time to pay for all those nights out with the boys, golf trips, and forgotten anniversaries!

Does anybody have the name or address of the jewelry store in TST that gives good discounts to CX crew? A very nice woman runs it (it's not a big brand store) and it's located 2 or 3 blocks west of Nathan Road. I was there a couple years ago and just went back today but do you think I could find it anywhere?? Hopefully it's still in business!

Thanks in advance for looking!

14th Dec 2010, 08:36
I can't remember the name of the street but it's opposite HMV next to the Tissot watch shop in TST...

Good luck and Merry Christmas!

14th Dec 2010, 10:26
Can't remember the phone number, but the store is:

Power Jewelery.
A family business, very nice people. They've done a lot of custom made stuff for my wife and I.
