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View Full Version : Extension of 3 yr Timeframe of ATPL Exams

3rd Dec 2010, 06:57
Has anyone had the good fortune of being able to extend their ATPL exams over the three year taking period? I am an expat and currently unable to travel back to Oz before my three year time frame expires. Would love to know of any stories and if possible to do. Cheers!

3rd Dec 2010, 09:04
Had a friend who managed to get a one week extension after a failed attempt on their last subject a week before it was due to expire. I believe it took more than a few phone calls.

Phil O'Rupp
3rd Dec 2010, 22:31
I had quite a different experience. I did one exam then didn't attempt any others for another 18 months. Ended up with five passes but only a few weeks to do the two hardest exams. Rang CASA to ask about an extension and was told that they should be able to add a week or two (which wouldn't be enough as exams are only offered once a fortnight where I live) so decided I would have to do them all again. Then one day thought I would try ringing again. Got onto a different person and suggested to them that the record of the first exam be deleted and I would resit that in return for a longer extension. After some discussion about the long break after the first exam and the fact that I had been self studying (and deliberately not mentioning any personal problems that had hindered my study) he thought that sounded alright and I should put the proposition in writing to them (oh yes, and pay $150 to have it considered). After quite an effort to follow up the result I was very surprised but happy to have an extra 18 months added to the time and only have to resit Human Factors.

3rd Dec 2010, 22:44
Don't expect much compassion. In my case, dealing with a seriously ill parent and subsequent death was met with a flippant comment about how lucky we are to get 3 years and only 7 subjects compared to the UK system.

That is an absolute disgrace. Imagine if these were exams applicable to a much larger segment of the market, say, university entrance exams or what have you. That sort of behaviour would be plastered up in the newspapers.

4th Dec 2010, 12:53
I got an extension of about a week or two after having to re-sit a failed exam. Only after i finished it i realised i was over the 3 years by a bit. CASA said fine - i made sure i got it in writing so when the time comes to actually get the licence i have some proof... we'll see.

training wheels
4th Dec 2010, 13:07
I was an expat when I finished my ATPLs .. did them all by AFT's distant learning course and flew back to Oz to sit the exams at regular intervals. So I doubt whether CASA would accept being an expat as a valid excuse to not having them done within 3 years.

Peter Fanelli
4th Dec 2010, 15:05
Geez how would you blokes have survived back when you could only do them twice or three times a year?
I recall one year one of the exams was only run once.

14th Dec 2010, 15:31
Thank you for the responses... CASA did get back to me with the news I was not able to extend.... yet I have found a way to get back to OZ and keep my job... so happy days..

15th Dec 2010, 10:56
im still doing my ATPLs but a month or two after i sat systems my friend tested me for the hell of it with some AFT exams (which from memory are pretty accurate to the CASA ones) and i flunked them hard especially with turbine theory which was what i started studying first for the subject

few months on now... no chance

i dont get it... i mean, i dont know about you guys but half the stuff I'm learning for my ATPLs is not going to stick in my head because I'm not using it... and wont be for another few years... so whats the point?

on another note can someone quickly tell me how many exams i'd have to sit to convert my CPL/fATPL to a european one? I've heard stuff like you have to re-sit all 14 exams... but if i did my european theory and license and was converting over to the aussie CASA ones it'd only have to re-sit airlaw. true or bs? cause if its true...:eek::ouch:

Capt Fathom
15th Dec 2010, 11:34
Come on people.

The exams are not that hard. You just have to get organized and put your mind to it!

I did most of the study for mine whilst sitting in aeroplanes, waiting for passengers to return!

15th Dec 2010, 13:31
Can I use the excuse that I got lazy but now regret it??

3 years is a long time... people complete university these days in less...

Im just sad mine will expire in a month and cramming will only make me angry :(

oh well next annual leave might be spent on a beach with a book instead of a Cocktail this year...

15th Dec 2010, 23:13
I feel that no one should get an extension.

Getting an extension is the equivalent to doing a flight test and asking
the examiner, can we fly another half hour.

Fact: A person cannot work and study at the same time.

To pass the atpl exams, a person really has to be focused and dedicated
towards each subject.

It should be remembered, that after completing a course of study for a subject, it doesn't mean a person is ready to sit for that exam the following week.
A trial exam mark is a good indicator of a person's chances in passing that particular subject, a good result is an indication that they're ready.

*onezeroonethree, systems is probably the hardest exam and it's better doing it last, as it involves a few topics.

To pass any of these exams, a person has got to have an understanding of the fundementals of the subject and not analyse the information to deeply in terms of what,why and where?
That's one of the reasons aircraft engineers fail pilot exams.

In relation to doing 14 JAA exams, if you got the appetite to do this, then i wish you well. Remember, you have to pass all 14 of them within 18 months from the commencement of the first exam and you're only allowed four attempts at any exam, after that, it's game over.

16th Dec 2010, 00:45
*onezeroonethree, systems is probably the hardest exam and it's better doing it last, as it involves a few topics.

Self studied it... didnt find it as bad as people thought although my score was average. A mate who self studied with me went pretty well...

having said that it was easy because it was damn interesting. the turbine stuff i couldnt stop reading into and in general all the other topics were fun to read

now flight planning... thats hard. its math :ugh: and its boring and not fun. i get suicidal thinking about it... and im contemplating self studying it :{

16th Dec 2010, 03:01
Flight Planning,

It's best to enroll in a course for this subject, then just practise and practise the questions until you get into the right rhythm.

With flight planning, you just got to know the steps involved in
approaching each question, then mastering it.

Mr.Secombe at Bankstown, Sydney, is quite experienced and specialises
in the atpl course both through classroom and distance learning.
Try his approach but you also got to put the effort in.
www.atpl.com.au (http://www.atpl.com.au)

The biggest downfall with flightplanning is, not reading the question and giving away easy marks, but in most cases, with the correct preparation there's enough marks to get over the line.

Once you have completed all the OZ atpl subjects, then you're well prepared and equipped to do the 14 JAA exams.

A person has to virtually take a year off work, to do these JAA exams.

The JAA exams are designed in that fashion and time frame, to keep people from non-European countries out of their aviation circles, enabling only European Union nationals to apply for jobs in that part of the world.

That's fair, because they and others have to pass all the CASA exams.

The current CPL exams and 150 hour programme, is an absolute joke and really lowers the value of the OZ CPL license.

That's why the JAA license is currently more superior than the OZ CPL license.

16th Dec 2010, 04:00
Fact: A person cannot work and study at the same time.

Rubbish, I know more than a few people who've obtained bachelor's and master's degrees whilst working fulltime. It's entirely possible if you're motivated enough.

16th Dec 2010, 04:43
I had passed 5 of the 7 ATPL's for helicopter (self studied), and due to personal circumstance I didn't have the chance to finish the last two within the 3 years.

I did the whole lot again (much easier the second time around, albeit even more painful to shell over the $$ for exams you've already passed), also self studied.

I say suck it up. The only legitimate reason I could see is if you were sitting your last exam (with only a few days left for the 3 years to lapse) and the ASL computers crashed etc.. Maybe that would warrant an extension to an immediate re-test when they're back online.

In essence, I also think that no-one should get an extension. It's your own fault for not finding the time to finish the exams within the alloted timeframe.

17th Dec 2010, 00:23
The JAA exams are designed in that fashion and time frame, to keep people from non-European countries out of their aviation circles, enabling only European Union nationals to apply for jobs in that part of the world.

That's fair, because they and others have to pass all the CASA exams.

So European pilots coming to Oz need to sit ALL ATPLs? What about CPLs? I was told they need to sit only airlaw...

I hold a passport to a country thats in the EU and recently it's REALLY started to take my interest in looking for work back in my home country / another EU country... but I know nothing on the issue. I might have research it on the european boards (i presume they exist, i never venture outside of DG&P!)

18th Dec 2010, 06:58
I don't know what the European pilots coming to OZ have to do, to get an OZ license.

If you want to get a JAA license, then you have to pass all those 14 exams in an 18 month period, unless you got command time on a medium size commercial jet,
then you'd be eligible to sit for just one exam which is airlaw.

The Western Australian Aviation College conducts regular distance learning courses, where after each group of subjects that are completed,
you'd then have to attend a one week brush up course to knock over 5 exams in a few days.
Each exams costs around 80 pounds.

Some people have got the apetite to do this and perservere with it.

Look up the www.waaviationcollege.com.au (http://www.waaviationcollege.com.au)

I mentioned this to an instructor years ago and he said to me, after you finish all 14, then you can do another 14 for me.

The JAA exams are a nightmare to complete, it's going to cost you at least $10K to finish it all.

Some people can do it!

I strongly recommend you do the English exams as it's recognised by all Euro JAA bodies.


18th Dec 2010, 09:59
$10,000 to do them?!!?!?!?

18th Dec 2010, 11:24
Yeah, i think it's around $3K to enrol and purchase the study material.

Throw into the price, up to 3 return flights to Perth, accomodation and meals for the 3 two week stays, also the 3 brush up courses before the exam.

Fourteen exams at 80 pounds each not AUD.

You'll find it's very close to $10K.

If you can pass all 14 exams in 18 months and not re-sit any exams,
also work at the same time, then that would be brilliant!
Better than a gold medal!

The more closer you have a look at it, and when you actually digest what's involved, you'll find most people would run away from it!

The problem is the time frame given, to complete everything!

18th Dec 2010, 11:53
gah thats scary
i know this thread has been hijacked... but theres no european forum here on pprune? only a few select languages plus a nordic section... I really want more info on working in europe especially from aussies who have gone over... or probably more specifically aussies who hold european passports...

i can work in europe no problem but i got no clue what the industry is like up there... and what other routes there are to take to do my euro atpls etc...

hrmmmm *hoping someone who has done this reads this and messages me with info!*

26th Mar 2011, 12:43
I got an extension on my exams by making a phone call but not sure if I was sent it in writing. Now that I have the hours and applied for the licence, they want to see proof of the extension that I was "sent" to approve my application. They say that I will have to sit all seven subjects again, what nonsense. Has anyone been through anything like this? Will the ASL cyber exam system even allow you to sit more exams and get a pass if you have gone past the three year period without getting an extension approved??