View Full Version : getting off a plane last minute

30th Nov 2010, 20:53
can anyone tell me the position if I wish to leave an aircraft before she takes off, I am on a Fr Gatwick to Mad on thurs with a connecting flight MAD to IBZ also with ryanair. the window in MAD is only 1.5 hours and I am hand luggage only, but a delay may mean I miss the connecting flight. Can I get on the first flight and sit waiting for doors to close whilst watching my watch, and request getting off if the delay is too much? Fr don't book connecting flights so its russian roulette to make the connection!

30th Nov 2010, 21:27
This is going to make you very unpopular for security reasons. There was one high profile case where passengers hid a B-thing in the overhead locker and then left the plane. The aircraft, crew and passengers were all lost. Even if you only have hand baggage how can anyone be sure you haven't stuffed something into a locker or seat pocket before you get off?

30th Nov 2010, 21:33
popularity is not what i am after, purely making my connection. I will go through all x-ray/metal detectors as required but am not prepared to fly the first leg of my flight to be left stranded in Madrid airport because I missed the second leg of my trip.... both legs being the same airline

30th Nov 2010, 21:51
The problem is not putting you through metal detectors, but what to do with the airplane. To be properly careful, after you have left they would have to have everyone else disembark with their hand luggage and search the cabin. There is no other way to be sure you didn't leave a surprise.

30th Nov 2010, 22:02
I get that and I don't want to upset anyone... however as I have 2 flights booked with FR and am sitting on the plane at the gate at Gatwick but feel I am delayed too much to make my connecting Ryanair flight in Madrid, knowing that Ryanair will not look after me at Madrid or even not put me on the next day flight from Madrid to Ibiza, I may as well get off at Gatwick and go home?? Can I do that??

And to the pros out there, how about at the last hold before lining up rather than the apron?

Load Toad
30th Nov 2010, 22:19
Why not book an airline that caters to your needs then & not a cheap one that will put you and your fellow passengers to great inconvenience?

Or do you simply live in the 'Me, me, me' world?

30th Nov 2010, 22:31
mmm...clear off will you, I am only interested in facts

Lord Spandex Masher
30th Nov 2010, 23:26
Aside from the fact that you appear to care little for the disruption you will cause your fellow travellers, yes you can get off although if we were at the hold then too late chap.

However, why get on? You will know by the point you need to board how late the flight is running. An hour and a half is pushing it for a connection anyway so don't get on if it's running late.

You say you won't risk flying your first sector just in case you miss the next flight and therein lies your answer. Get an earlier flight or get a later connection.

30th Nov 2010, 23:47
Your flight will leave the gate on time, giving you the expectation of making the connection at MAD. However, as the aircraft approaches the runway, another passenger will throw a massive wobbler, and the Captain will be forced to return to stand to off-load said pax, and have their luggage removed from the hold. The net result is that the flight departs more than 90 minutes behind schedule, and your plans are shot to pieces! :rolleyes:

1st Dec 2010, 04:18
You must have a critically important business meeting in Ibiza (HAH) for this to be such a worry. "Last hold before lining up"...... you've got to be joking. If it's so important to you to be there at a particular time, leave a day early and stop thinking you're more important than everyone else on the aircraft. Actually you seem to be more a bus person anyway.

1st Dec 2010, 04:50
Lets look at the scenario in action....
You board the aircraft, take your seat. Handling agent confirms everyone and their bags are on board. Paperwork is complete. Lovely, ready to go! However there were issues during turnaround that have delayed the flight slightly...
You.... quite clearly thinking of only yourself, your boarding an aircraft, not a bus.... decide you wish to offload before doors closed.
Handling agent has to change all figures, notify boarding team. Aircraft may be remote parked, bus may be required to return to aircraft to take you back. Taking up ramp staff and passenger services staff time, which with the weather situation at LGW would be valuable in other areas.
Pilots have to change their paperwork, doesn't take long, but an inconvenience when on a short turnaround.
Hand luggage and security issue has already been mentioned above.

And that is if the aircraft is near to on time BEFORE doors close.

Then you have to worry about de-icing, pushback delays, slot delays, taxiway/runway issues with recent snow...the list goes on.

If you think you might not make a connection in the first place, and know the airline you fly with wont cover you, don't book it!
If you still insist to risk it, at least decide before, or during boarding to offload yourself at the gate, much less hassle for everyone! And you wont look like a **** for walking off the aircraft after already getting on.

Load Toad
1st Dec 2010, 04:59
Troll, troll, troll......

1st Dec 2010, 06:03
you are entitled to disembark yourself at any time, if for any reason you decide not to travel.
if the CC tell you not to leave then this is kidnapping, just tell the CC you are phoning the police, and that they will decide the correct astion, if they wish to detain you without due reason.

Please do not try to tell me that they are the law, until the aircraft starts to move with the intention of flight, then they are NOT the law.

Only you can determine if YOU are happy to travel, and if the aircraft is delayed for any reason, you can remove yourself for the aircraft, assuming the doors are still open.

Why not travel on the lowest practial cost option, in the end of the day it is your choice, so forget the moralist view, as expressed here.


1st Dec 2010, 07:43
Madrid Terminal 1 has a published MCT of 45 minutes (and that's for people with luggage). An hour and a half should be easily enough.

Especially as FR keep telling us they are Europe's most punctual airline :)

1st Dec 2010, 08:16
Thanks Gulfstreamaviator, the kind of answer I was looking for. Much appreciated.

1st Dec 2010, 08:44
Classic R/T call to me on Heathrow Ground from a BA 757 which had pushed back: "We'd like to go back on stand; one of these nutters wants to get off".

1st Dec 2010, 09:19
A couple of years ago I sat on an aircraft at Manchester for two hours waiting for it to be de-iced before the hop down to Heathrow; I was going to London for a meeting so had only a notebook with me.

Had the flight left on time I would have got to my meeting easily. Two hours later there was no point in making the trip. I explained the situation to cabin crew, who checked with the Captain, and they happily let me get off and go home!

1st Dec 2010, 09:57
rewdan - do you think you're flying on a private business jet? No, you're booked on a scheduled revenue flight with an airline that runs a point to point service.

I am fully aware of the legal position regarding your request to get off the aircraft should you not wish to travel. But to have the audacity (or lack of common decency) to ask whether you can have the aircraft turned back at the hold because you'll "miss your connection", thus disrupting the travel plans of 100+ other passengers?! You must be trolling.

Load Toad
1st Dec 2010, 10:01
Has this special case tried getting off a bus between stops?

udachi moya
1st Dec 2010, 10:01
GSA - you're an idiot to tell him that. Start ranting about kidnapping and he will be carted off in cuffs. Ever heard of the ANO (especially the bit about lawful instructions of the crew) - once the doors are shut - tough titties pal, you're coming with us. If you kick up after my doors are shut, I am going to screw you hard (and probably every passenger on the same plane - if no one has decked him by then )

Well, I am soooo glad he let us all know that on a Ryanair flight LGWMAD on friday, there may be a disruptive passenger - looks like someone just posted themselves into a potential life-time ban from FR (oh crappo that means he might fly with us... nooooo)

Get a life pal, if u need to get somewhere at a certain time, especially with this weeks weather, fly on a commercial carrier or GO BY TRAIN (at least you can get off at the next stop and not pi$$ anyone off)

Rant over - back to the crew room for coffee

1st Dec 2010, 11:27
Aside from anything else.........With LGW closed all day today, chances are that your first flight to MAD thursday will suffer a delay anyway.........

Oh, and another thing..... BA are the most punctual airline out of LGW !

1st Dec 2010, 11:30
are forums like this a place for questions, answers and discussion or places for moronic rants and unfounded abuse.
I posed questions that I was interested in and those have been answered, namely that while the doors are open and the aircraft still at the gate, and bearing in mind that I only have fully screened hand luggage with me, it would be perfectly reasonable for me to request to leave the aircraft if due to a delay, I no longer wished to travel. I am not a terorist or unreasonable passenger, nobody suspected that when Captivep wished to leave his flight as mentioned in an earlier post, that he was a terrorist either.
I also reserve my god given right to book the most economical flights possible. That is no ones buisness than my own.
To Udachi, I have a life thanks, please pay more attention when posting in future, I am flying Thursday not Friday, when I booked this flight it was a lovely day in September so I had no idea what the weather was going to do this week, and trains don't go to Ibiza you cretin.
Oh yes... I can't imagine you either 'screwing me hard' or someone else 'decking me'.. stick to the jeremy kyle forums you ****!

Lord Spandex Masher
1st Dec 2010, 11:38

Your responses to the answers you've had here are probably indicative of how you will react when you're told you can't get off an aeroplane.

You only responded in a reasonable fashion when you were told what you wanted to hear. All the other, reasonable, answers you've been given have either received abuse or been ignored. Behave like that on an aeroplane pal and you won't be travelling even if you wanted to.

1st Dec 2010, 12:53
Now, come on, children.......play nicely!! No calling each other names!!


udachi moya
1st Dec 2010, 13:23
Rewdan - you will be very welcome tomorrow on FR5302, I think its going to be cancelled - har har har. I feel sorry for all but one passenger on that flight......

By the way, if its not cancelled, then I'm sorry but I called a freind in FR Ops who will pass a message on to the crew to let them know about a possible disruptive passenger :)

Yo ho - back to the standby coffee machine :)

And Planemike - I am playing nicely (so far) - at least I havent sworn yet or resorted to playground hair pulling or name calling lol

1st Dec 2010, 13:35
Seriously... if a passenger really needed to get off "at the last minute" (whanever that is) due to being taken ill/serious attack of flight nerves etc. does the aircraft have to go back to the stand, or is there a contingency measure to immediately deplane the passenger? (Other than down a chute!!)

1st Dec 2010, 13:41
C'mon, an obvious troll with an attitude to boot. Someone should have warned him about what he can receive on this site with the kind of attitude that he has.

He wasn't posting from Zoe's IP was he?

udachi moya
1st Dec 2010, 13:48

Yes, if a passenger has a genuine reason, medical or otherwise to get off post-pushback, then our co SOP is to stop and interview the passenger in a galley. If medical, then it warrants an immediate return. A panic attack in my view AND especially a lo-co misconx, unless to the safety of the aircraft or detriment of the other passengers, does not constitute or warrant a return to stand.

If you want to get off bcos you will miss your connection, then tough, you're coming with us. Jump up and down, and complain about kidnapping will land you with a return to stand and a charge under the Air Navigation Order for being disruptive and failing to obey cabin crew, not withstanding that a lifetime ban from the airline.

Unfortunately there is no real or easy way of deplaning a passenger who decides to not to travel. Its a mandatory return to stand (probably remote) - offload grunt - rumage through the shellsuits downstairs to find said oiks bag - LMC LS and hope the guy in the tower popped a delay message on your ATC clearance, otherwise its a re-apply with late slot.

IF you get a panic attack or want to get off (within reason), you can do so right up to doors closed. Once doors are closed, so long as we dont start the pushback procedure, then you can get off. BUT............ your disembarkation WILL be annouced over the PA, very embarressing for you but highly amusing for us and other passengers (until they realise they are now delayed - to which the fun turns normally to irate angry passengers, fortunately directed to the oik who gets off)

2nd Dec 2010, 11:42
Suppose this specific case all became a bit academic due to the situation at LGW :eek:....


2nd Dec 2010, 12:47
You can offload yourself at any time prior to push back, yes it will delay the flight as security checks have to be carried out on the aircraft, however it doesnt involve everyone getting off and having hand luggage searched, well, atleast in the UK it doesnt, and i have witnessed many last minute offloads on various carriers.

Contact the airline, not a forum

2nd Dec 2010, 12:53
udachi moya:

I think you should be aware that the legal position is less clear-cut than your post suggests.

Yes, if a passenger becomes physically or verbally disruptive because they want to get off after push-back, the Air Navigation Order will certainly assist you. But you should be aware that you and your crew also run the risk of a civil action for false imprisonment if you refuse to let a passenger off. Now we can debate the rights and wrong, inconvenience to others and selfishness etc., but that is the position in law. The Air Navigation Order will not help you there.

As far as making PAs to "name and shame" a passenger who wishes to disembark, that's not a very professional approach. I don't know whether you are a Commander or First Officer, but I hope that if your airline entrusts you with authority over their aircraft, you don't genuinely condone that sort of behaviour.

udachi moya
2nd Dec 2010, 16:01
Yes, I am aware of the legal ramifications of holding a passenger against their will, I am all too happy to dump off any excess baggage.. and lighten up mate and read the humour

Don't you keep your passengers informed, you know, sorry for the delay but a passenger has decided to leave us. We wont be long but we need to look for his bags tadada etc etc, you know, a bit of customer services.

No, I don't condone naming and shaming, read the tea-leaves - I never said that did I ? := No all I said was their disembarkation and leaving us will be announced - see above PR and CS

And yes I turn left through the front door

Out Of Trim
2nd Dec 2010, 16:09
I'd only let the scrote get off after Take-Off! :E

2nd Dec 2010, 16:54
my flight yesterday. Slot delays and stuck waiting for de-icing. Two hours later, de ice arrives, slot arranged to match a departure time to meet de-icing finally ready to go. During de ice, request for pax to leave. PA made to ask if anyone else is to go 7 more request off. 10 mins for steps, 10 mins to get bags off and get new loadsheet cabin crew then have to search aircraft and identify bags etc, slot missed, hold over time expired. Back in the queue for deice and another 2 hour slot delay. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some times why the hell do i bother. I understand you may not wish to travel any more but please make the decision early and not wait till the last second.

2nd Dec 2010, 16:56
Isn't this a perfect example how the public perceive commercial aviation these days? I'm sure they don't really need to see just how much goes in to getting one plane in the sky. That's testament to the procedures evolved over many years and many crashes. However it does create a clash between those who are technically oblivious and those who have the knowledge. And of course we live in a society where regardless of merit opinion is considered more important than expert knowledge.

To use an analogy, airlines take great strides to look like the Swan moving gracefully on the surface whilst the feet are ..........

So the question maybe acceptable any adverse response thereafter is not.

I would say that amongst the rather negative posts the message you need to heed is that; your priorities may cause extreme upheaval to others and only the super rich can afford the luxury of buying their way out of being part of the general public. How would you feel if you found out that you delaying the flight caused another passenger on a mercy mission to a dying relative, missed the last goodbye?


2nd Dec 2010, 17:20
<<How would you feel if you found out that you delaying the flight caused another passenger on a mercy mission to a dying relative, missed the last goodbye?>>

I don't think it would worry them. Too many people nowadays only think about themselves and blow everyone else. I've also noticed an influx of total idiots on PPruNe recently. Maybe the two are combined?

2nd Dec 2010, 17:51
I'd only let the scrote get off after Take-Off! http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/evil.gif

Out Of Trim..........

What a truly inane suggestion.


Lord Spandex Masher
2nd Dec 2010, 17:55
But a decent solution!

udachi moya
3rd Dec 2010, 07:56
HD - agree
Out-of-trim - perfect solution - give em free air miles lol

4th Dec 2010, 16:42
Isn't this a perfect example how the public perceive commercial aviation these days?

......And is this really the fault of the paying public, or the fault of Mr O'leary & his merry band of accountants?

Don't get me wrong, I have no time for rotten attitudes similar to the troll that started this thread, but it's a two way road and that's what your going get when corporate attitudes are no different.

I genuinely fear for the future!