View Full Version : Question About Atpl course scholarships

30th Nov 2010, 20:41
hello anyone
my brother is a c130 pilot
and he hold 1700 hures of fly
he have cpl lisense
and he want to get his atpl lisense
all he need is that to complete a 6 month atpl course
i want to know is any possibility to apply for atpl course scholarships(not atpl tranings)witch cost regually 5000-6000$?
i know the airlines who give scholarship is not a lot.(maybe because it cost a lot)
but the only thing that he need is scholarship for an atpl course not for trainings
so have he more chance to apply to get scholarships?
Is There Any Way?
if no...
what is the jobs with cpl lisense?
i mean is it easy for a pilot with cpl lisense to have a good salary job?witch jobs?
Thanks a lot

4th Dec 2010, 12:20
There ıs No One To Answer ME!

4th Dec 2010, 12:50
There are no scholarships at the moment but GAPAN have an annual selection I think there's one for ATPL training.
Did he get his C130 in military overseas? why did he just do a CPL or is this from another country or USA? He should convert to JAR if he wants to fly in Europe. The ground school for ATPL exams distance learning is about £1000 check out CATS at Luton/Cranfield.
CPL/IR conversions vary in price depending on ability but will need at least 20hrs of flying.
There are very few jobs he can do with just a CPL. It is called 'Aerial work'
Banner towing, parachute dropping, cropspraying, pleasure flights and instructin if he also gets an instructor rating.
he will also need ICAO level 4 English profficiency.
Good luck!

9th Dec 2010, 22:49
that wasn't cpl,exactly he have ppl
and he have1700 hure of fly hure
and there is an important note:
he need scholarship just just or atpl course(witch cost 4000-5000$)
but a scholarship means:
-a free atpl course 4,000-5,000$
-training cost 60,000-80,000$
the point is that he dont need trainng to get his atpl license
and what a job is available with an ppl license in foreign countries?
he is not an american

10th Dec 2010, 09:25
He is flying a c130 with a ppl:confused:

10th Dec 2010, 20:48
yes he have cpl an also ppl and 1700 hure fly hure
is it not possible?