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View Full Version : Ryanair interview Wednesday, December 8.

30th Nov 2010, 12:00
Ryanair interview Wednesday, December 8.

Send me a PM if you're also going on this interview!

I have rented a few hours in the 800 simulator on Tuesday to prepare.

30th Nov 2010, 12:05
How much does an interview with FR go for these days? Couple hundred bucks? :ugh:

1st Dec 2010, 11:09
Yep. 260 GBP...:ugh:

Cloud surfer
1st Dec 2010, 20:28
What's the unemployment payout in Norway these days? A hell of a lot more than 260 gbp I would think....

2nd Dec 2010, 16:54
Why spend money on renting the SIM?
You are obviously FR materiall already, as you accepted to pay for an interview!!
But hey, good luck getting screwed over and over once they have your name on the contract;)
Wild guess, you are a low timer who chose to go for the 737TR immediately after flght school?;)

Best wishes to you:)

2nd Dec 2010, 17:25

2nd Dec 2010, 21:20
Yes and no.

At the moment nobody will pay for your 737/A320 type rating EXCEPT you, because too many "you"s are willing to do so, so, what to do ?
Pay about the same for an ATR/Dash rating with some crummy operator ? or stay home waiting, and w a i t i n g for the market to improve.
A pain in the @ss to shell out more $/€ I agree, but a couple of years down the line all you Scandies will have the experience to apply to Norwegian & then Adios!

Don't complain about the Irish, complain about the Norwegians not taking low time/non type-rated guys if you are from, & wish to stay, in that part of the world.
Ryanair is just a means to an end for you guys, use it as such.

2nd Dec 2010, 23:35
You know, there are other aircraft types that the 737 and the 320. Why is piloting an airliner regarded by some as a human right?

3rd Dec 2010, 17:02
What does a 737 rating cost theese days? Compared to a FI-rating?

This seems like one of the better instructor-jobs around the block?


11th Dec 2010, 22:53

How did it go?

And you pay for the interview yourself? What do you pay for exactly? And where was the interview?