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oriental flyer
30th Nov 2010, 08:41
Anyone looked out of the window today ? The pollution is disgusting, ATIS is giving 4000m but I doubt if it is more than 2 km in filth with no weather ,

This place really is becoming dangerous to your health:eek:

Mou Man Tai
30th Nov 2010, 10:55
No Kidding!!

My oldest has just been diagnosed with nonallergic (intrinsic) asthma. First person in the family (including extended) to have asthma. Time to finalize plan B...

Here's a little food for thought for anybody planning to re-locate to HK.

Air Pollution Hong Kong - Help us Clear The Air (http://www.cleartheair.org.hk/air-pollution-index-map.php)

Environmental Protection Department (http://www.epd-asg.gov.hk/english/apisum/apisum_detail.php?year=2010&month=q3)

30th Nov 2010, 11:21
Clean Air Network| Donate Today! (http://www.hongkongcan.org/donate/eng/)

30th Nov 2010, 11:23
HEI - Air Pollution Tracker (http://hedleyindex.sph.hku.hk/tracker.php#s)

Black Cloud
30th Nov 2010, 12:15
This week I developed a bad catarrh (productive cough). Anyone who thinks of coming here to work, do your homework as your children your partner and you will suffer long term health effects. The old days saw former A scale salaries include a travel allowance (equivalent) of a return first class ticket to the UK per family member which allowed one to escape without financial penalty. You can't afford to do so now and the salary is ridiculous given both the cost of living, lack of 'lifestyle' and increased effort demanded by the 'shareholder'. Don't bother coming here unless you are a masochist.

30th Nov 2010, 12:44
I love to run outside and ran all summer with no problems. In the winter I'll work out indoors on the treadmill not because of the cold but because of the increased pollution.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to run outside even though it was "misty" out as I couldn't get motivated to go on the treadmill.

Big mistake! I ended up with my first ever sinus infection and the doc said that it was mostly likely caused or spurred on by the pollution. :ugh:

Good news is that I'm home in Canada for the next 10 days and although it's a bit cool I'm loving running outside again.

30th Nov 2010, 14:27

Flaps, sorry to tell you this but unless you are running in a gym with a few IQ airs running flat out, you are not much better inside. I have a bit of a chuckle ( or is that a coughing fit ) when the government recommend staying indoors, in what ? an oxygen tent ?
Having done numerous tests indoors and out, believe me when I tell you the only safe place for you and your family is most likely back where you came from.
That's where I'm going.

PS. You can buy lungs on the black market for about 20k usd each, bronchial tracts, etc I'm not so sure.

1st Dec 2010, 07:51
According to the government its not pollution its 3000metres in prosperity

1st Dec 2010, 07:59
I think most of the prosperity is on the other side of the border. Definitely not a CX flightdeck!

7th Dec 2010, 06:55
I know of 3 cases of pneumonia in our block in less than 18 months. The latest is my friend's 6 year old daughter. The doctor told my friend that the pollution is a major factor. Anyone else had this experience?

Sir KDM Lowe
7th Dec 2010, 08:33
Had pneumonia earlier this year and currently being treated for a similar condition. The docs says its probably the pollution. No bases available at the moment and any future ones will probably be filled by the next batch of DEFO's. Could be time to pull the plug.

Lifestyle v long term health? It's not that difficult.

Good luck.

7th Dec 2010, 10:01
What batch of DEFOs?

7th Dec 2010, 10:12
Hi there, which is in your opinion the less polluted part of Hong Kong to live in ?

Bye Bye Baby
7th Dec 2010, 11:20
Said it before and will say it again........... There are only degrees of filth, there is really no differance anywhere.

Neptunus Rex
7th Dec 2010, 12:00
A friend in Hong Kong, who is a Professor of Medicine and has studied the pollution there, told me that living in Hong Kong was the equivalent of smoking six cigarettes per day.

That was eight years ago.

7th Dec 2010, 17:53
The stuff gets blown down from the Mainland, not much that tiny HKG can do. Sometime in the future, concerned citizens of PRC may become health conscious and demand pollution controls. :{

7th Dec 2010, 18:00
Those in the mainland would rather have jobs than clean air and water... :ouch:

8th Dec 2010, 04:05
I know of 3 cases of pneumonia in our block in less than 18 months. The latest is my friend's 6 year old daughter. The doctor told my friend that the pollution is a major factor. Anyone else had this experience? 1st Dec 2010 16:59

I know more than a dozen people who have/had close family members with serious illnesses. Things like tumours, cancer etc have been medically proven to thrive were there is high pollution. Countless stories of people taking their kids back home and miraculously being cured of asthma almost instantly. Don't believe the govt bull5hit about life expectancy, that is based on people born 60 years ago, not 10 years ago when the pollution started ramping up.

Lifestyle v long term health? It's not that difficult

Personally I don't think the lifestyles that good, overcrowded, overpriced, no space, but yes, you are spot on. Health is priceless, especially your childs.

Hi there, which is in your opinion the less polluted part of Hong Kong to live in ?

Australia, US, UK, Europe,
Less polluted, to give you an idea, is the difference between being 1.5 times the WHO standard on a regular basis or double, and the WHO standard aint that stringant, most countries far exceed this.
Central is by far the worst tho as they have roadside and ships pollution on top of the usual stuff.

Sometime in the future, concerned citizens of PRC may become health conscious and demand pollution controls

Probably around the time they cut back from 2 packs of smokes a day :rolleyes:

Those in the mainland would rather have jobs than clean air and water

Sad but true