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View Full Version : Is Netjets Europe still ordering H4000s? Still on Website

28th Nov 2010, 16:33
I just checked the Netjets Europe website and the Hawker 4000 is still being promoted on the website - see below:

NetJets Europe - Aircraft (http://www.netjetseurope.com/wps/portal/njecust/netjets/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjRzMzTwsLIwsDQxNTA093N4NQVz9v AwN3I30v_aj0nPwkoMpwkF6zeAMcwNFA388jPzdVP1I_yhyniRbG-pE5qemJyZX6BdnBac7piooA7Bn1oQ!!/dl3/d3/L0lJSklna2shL0lCakFBQ3lBQkVSQ0lBISEvWUZOQzFOS18yN3chLzdfMkE2 Nkk4ODI4MDE0NTBJR0YwVUVOSzAwODM!/?WCM_PORTLET=PC_7_2A66I882801450IGF0UENK0083_WCM&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/netjetseu_en/netjets/aircraft/our-aircraft/hawker-4000)

It has not changed over the past 6-12 months or so (since I checked it last). Would NJE promote something they were not intending to order? That doesn't sound right. I realise that H4000 orders for the US arm were cancelled at one point - is it possible that NJE will still get some aircraft at some point?

Thanks for any update.

28th Nov 2010, 21:42
G'day Iver, no one really knows for sure. Some say "yes", others say "no".
Sorry it's not a positive answer but only the folks on a (much) higher payscale know.

29th Nov 2010, 05:59
Rumours about a new 7x and a 2000lx going around...

Dont know if there's some reality behind it.


29th Nov 2010, 11:15
I've heard plenty of talk about a new 7X in 2011 to make me think it's true. I haven't heard anything about a 2000lx though but who knows. The Pheonom 300 order looks interesting.....not sure how many NJE will get but I guess a fairly sizable number. As for the Hawker 4000, I hope we get it but really nobody at the top has said anything either way to us foot soilders.