View Full Version : Underground Nuclear Caverns

Agaricus bisporus
21st Nov 2010, 21:06
Back in the late 60s or early 70s National Geographic Magazine published a series of photos (probably within an article) taken in the spectacular glass-lined caverns left after underground nuclear tests.

I've not managed to find these on the web or on the Geographic website, or is my memory at fault? Perhaps it wasn't NG after all?

Can anyone provide a link to these extraordinary pictures?

India Four Two
22nd Nov 2010, 12:20
This page contains a photo, but probably not the one you are looking for:

Project GNOME - Unrelated to WIPP...but nearby (http://www.wipp.energy.gov/science/ug_lab/gnome/gnome.htm)

However, the link may be a start.