View Full Version : VMC minima for VFR flights in Class B airspace (JAR ATPL)

11th Nov 2010, 09:41
Good morning,

In my Air law book, they say that in class B airspace, VMC minima are :

Distance from clouds : 1500 m horizontally, 1000 ft vertically.
In flight visibility : 8 km at or above 10 000 ft AMSL and 5 km below.

However I believe it to be wrong (too many mistakes in those books) because ICAO changed it lately.

Could someone let me know what are exactly those changes.

Thank you very much.

11th Nov 2010, 15:14
I've never heard of such changes. It seems to me your air law book is correct.

11th Nov 2010, 15:25
Hvogt: Have a look at this : Q81 VMC Minima Class B Airspace - ATP Forum (http://atpforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=43259)

11th Nov 2010, 15:34

As I said, your air law book is correct. If you want to check it yourself I suggest you look it up in ICAO Annex 2 (http://dcaa.slv.dk:8000/icaodocs/Annex%202%20-%20Rules%20of%20the%20Air/) (p 29 of the PDF).

11th Nov 2010, 19:50
SoCal App : interesting.

Hvogt: I'had a look at your pdf file (Annex II) but the thing is that the date of the file is from 2005. I have been trying (though not very hard) to find a more actual version online but without success.

11th Nov 2010, 20:33
The JAA question bank had a number of incorrect questions on Class B airspace until recently in CPL, IR and ATPL exams. I believe they have now been removed following various complaints and exam appeals and you should follow the ICAO airspace minima.

11th Nov 2010, 20:36
Hvogt: I'had a look at your pdf file (Annex II) but the thing is that the date of the file is from 2005. I have been trying (though not very hard) to find a more actual version online but without success.You won't find a later version - the current edition was published in 2005.

11th Nov 2010, 21:47
Ok, thanks to everyone, then I will stick to the following :

Class B airspace, VMC minima :

Distance from clouds : 1500 m Horiz, 1000ft vertically.
Visibility: 8km above 10 000 ft, 5km below 10 000ft AMSL.

Nothing else.

And I will ignore the comment published on this link: Q81 VMC Minima Class B Airspace - ATP Forum (http://atpforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=43259)