View Full Version : To add to the joy ,.... more tax on discounted flights ?

3rd Nov 2010, 12:39
Le Figaro - Conjoncture : Grève dans l'aérien : des négociations sont en cours (http://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/2010/11/03/04016-20101103ARTFIG00442-greve-dans-l-aerien-des-negociations-sont-en-cours.php)

The Figaro announces that there will be a strike ( surprise, surprise ) from Nov 5-8 for all French airborne personnel in the three unions concerned to protest against proposals to levy both tax and social -security charges on discounted flights used with anybody other than the employing company .

In the current financial climate, does anyone not think that this is something that could spread very quickly ?

3rd Nov 2010, 18:21
Spread quickly? Within Southern European countries = Yes. :ooh:

Fortunately, from the thread in R&N, I see:-
After a rather eventful 5 days, the Senate agreed to rewrite the infamous amendment and we're back to normal as of tonight. So, relax folks.