View Full Version : ATR 72 Ex-Alitalia

petit prince
2nd Nov 2010, 09:31
Pare che stiano trasferendo degli ATR72 ex-Alitalia in estremo oriente. Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa? Io sapevo che alcuni erano andati a finire in Turchia, evidentemente non tutti.

2nd Nov 2010, 10:38
a Ciampino ho visto fino a qualche giorno fa l'ex I-ATPA con marche "XY-.....", che mi pare corrisponde alla Birmania, poi non l'ho pił visto, quindi deve essere partito!

petit prince
2nd Nov 2010, 16:57
Un pilota inglese che conosco mi ha detto di avere fatto il volo ferry da Roma a Kuala Lumpur, ma non sono riuscito a capire per quale compagnia. Avevo sentito dire che forse sta nascendo qualcosa nel Bangladesh

Flying Beancounter
3rd Nov 2010, 16:31
Apologies for replying in English.
Yes, we ferried this aircraft (s/n 626) from Ciampino to Kuala Lumpur leaving Rome on 24 October. We went via Beirut (fuel stop), Al Ain UAE (overnight stop), Nagpur, India (fuel stop) to Kuala Lumpur (Subang).
The aircraft will be painted and have a new interior fit in Malaysia ready for its new operator Air Bagan of Myanmar (Burma).

petit prince
4th Nov 2010, 02:09
Many thanks. Are you planning to ferry some more planes?

4th Nov 2010, 07:05
BeanCounter: was parked nearby your aircraft and met with your Dutch (?) crew chief at VANP TWR on 26 OCT, while paying landing fees:ok:

Flying Beancounter
4th Nov 2010, 13:54
Yes, that would have been Yorden. He is a Dutch New Zealander! A very well organised ferry guy and a pleasure to fly with. We were only stopping to refuel but the Indian Customs guy was late and we could not refuel until he arrived to supervise the process. We picked up over 3 hours delay as a result.
I assume you were with the bus.jet as most of the Indian Airbus, B737 and ATR crews sent someone over to ask how an "Alitalia looking ATR" got to be in India!

petit prince
Would love to ferry some more aircraft but opportunities are very rare.
Interesting though, even if the Nav Database for an ex Alitalia ATR runs out in India! Back to the charts and good old Lat and Long coordinates.

petit prince
4th Nov 2010, 16:44
An old instructor told me once " Be always ready to go back to basics". Well done , congratulations.