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View Full Version : Chosing schools , and starting the training

27th Oct 2010, 00:34
Hi guys.
Hopefully this is the right forum, if not, I do apologize. You all probably have had the feeling of being a pilot from "x" age. For me it was grade 4 and since then its been more then just a dream. Anything aviation related you name it and I have probably done something with it, be it with flying simulators on the PC all day to watching cockpit videos haha. Anyways, Im currently in grade 12 at Rothesay Netherwood School, an IB prep school in New Brunswick. Currently we are in the process of filling out applications for schools with our university officer. ( Very nice having one on campus at all times..)

I have done hours and hours of research and talked thoroughly with my parents about it and there are a few options. Number one is the InterCockpit Ab Initio program in Germany. Very good opportunity to get a job straight away after and the loan pay back setup seems to be good. Plus it is branched from Lufthansa. I do have both Canadian and German passports for what ever it is worth. Now I am a bit confused, some have told me if I make my ATPL in Germany and would like to come back to North America, I need to get re tested? Can someone please straighten that out for me? And I do know i would have to do the GAPF test.

My second option is Oxford Aviation but both the Intercockpit and Oxford are very high priced and I would need to get some sort of funding in place / loan so any help there would be great.

Next would be a school very near to me. The Moncton Flight College. Good fleet and they train the Air Asia pilots also. They have an Integrated Commercial Course including ATP. The total would be 54K for this plus Id have to pay housing but its very reasonable here. The problem is -> no job access. Personally, I am not sure I would like to stay in Canada afterwards in terms of jobs although there are many opportunities the pay SEEMS to be better in Europe, once again SEEMS.

So basically you can all see what kind of a deliema I am in. Yes, I know I won't be rich with this job, but I truly love it..It's really a passion and the dedication is definitely there. I know its a bit broad but if any of you have other suggestions or tips on my current options please feel free to share, I do have a meeting with the university officer this Thursday so I would like to have a few things to really talk about and explore when I meet with her.

Thanks all,

28th Oct 2010, 23:03
Anyone at all guys?:)

29th Oct 2010, 00:20
Anyone at all guys?http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/smile.gifOn the assumption that gals are allowed to comment ....

Your circumstances are quite individual and particular so do not be disheartened if you do not receive an individual reply by return.

Most of your decisions are ones that only you can take. If you want to stay in Canada, get a Canadian qualification. If you have the right to work in Europe and want to, get the JAA qualification und so weiter ....



go around flaps15
30th Oct 2010, 20:34
Here is my take on it. If you speak German you are ahead of a lot of guys. The majority of German carriers insist on you having to speak German. That immediately rules out quite a lot of low houred guys.
With Intercockpit there is quite strong links with Condor, Lufthansa Cityline, Fly Niki and of course AirBerlin. And if that does not work you have the other side of the market, that being Ryanair, Easy, Flybe, Jet 2, etc etc.

If you gain a Canadian licence you will most likely be flying light aircraft until you hit 1000 to 2000 hours and then you will be in line to perhaps be lucky enough to fly for one of the Regionals for a few years, and work from there. Absolutley nothing wrong with that either.

Its just about where you want to be and what way you want your future career to progress.

I am not sure how the market is really progressing in Europe, it seems to be picking up a little bit, but how will it really look in 2 to 3 years time? I dont know..

A good guy to ask is WWW.