View Full Version : Flight Testing in Keyna

Charles E Taylor
26th Oct 2010, 19:32

YouTube - Aircraft Follow Up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPsjlwjU39U&feature=related)

YouTube - Aircraft Testing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-_dsNTZch0&feature=player_embedded)

I hope to see the next developments.


Agaricus bisporus
27th Oct 2010, 12:56
Sadly something of a habit in Africa.

Someone with no knowledge but a bit of imagination builds something that he fondly imagines resembles something Western, and relies on his fellows' equal lack of knowledge to accept it as the real deal.

You only have to look at most African "Governments" to see that.

Genghis the Engineer
27th Oct 2010, 14:35
Some years ago there was a chap in the Gambia who was determined to design his own aeroplane in a class that I was allegedly an expert in. He clearly felt that the UK was the source of all aeronautical knowledge, so used to write for advice to everybody from the CAA to Warton - all of whom forwarded them to me. I used to get another letter forwarded about every month for a while and built up quite a large folder. Occasionally when I was bored, I'd reply with a bit of advice.

Goodness knows what distorted view of the UK he got from the fact that whoever he wrote to, he eventually got a reply from the same bloke, who just kept telling him to actually go and see some real aeroplanes and find out how they work!

An odd part of the world, but you can't fault people for trying.


Lou Scannon
28th Oct 2010, 11:55
I confess to a certain amount of respect for this man. He may be misguided but you have to acknowledge his enthusiasm for aviation.

I wouldn't offer to do the first test flight however!

15th Nov 2010, 12:32
He has done well by trying in the first place.
you have to know that without such enthusiasm, there wouldn't be an airplane in the first place

Genghis the Engineer
15th Nov 2010, 12:46
He has done well by trying in the first place.
you have to know that without such enthusiasm, there wouldn't be an airplane in the first place

Although, enthusiasm combined with a book on aircraft design (http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/bvpages/bingelis.php) might well have worked better.