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View Full Version : Pay for endorsement???

18th Oct 2010, 06:29
I have seen a number of airlines around the world note in their requirements aircraft type rating eg 737 or A320 a definate advantage. Am wondering from anyone in the know how much of an advantage it really is and if buying an endorsement is worth my while. By the way I meet the other min requirements for these aussie carriers but obviously not as many hours as some. Would the rating raise my stakes??

18th Oct 2010, 06:37
Hi Happy,

It will raise your profile in the stakes, however not above anyone who has experience on type... A bare type rating isn't worth much unless they have exhausted all options with type rated pilots first. Type ratings commensurate with experience will always win...


18th Oct 2010, 07:56
...these aussie carriers...

If you're talking about Jetstar or Virgin then it's a requirement to have an endorsement not an "advantage". I don't believe it makes any great difference in the interview whether you already have one or not but between being told "yes" and actually joining the company you will have to get an endorsement on type. It's a little bit better now that you don't have to pay upfront and can salary sacrifice the cost but you're still paying for it.

Hans Solo
18th Oct 2010, 11:19
Any money saved can be used to buy that large drum of Lubricant that you're gonna need for the rest of your career.
You've already paid for your License, if they want you to fly their particular aircraft........then let them pay for it!!!
But of course, if you do, Muggins will pay for his and they'll pick him instead of you.
Pilots are their own worst enemy.