View Full Version : Flydubai Cabin Crew Recruitment

29th Dec 2008, 12:37
has anyone heard anything from them? i applied earlier this month and received notification that the application had been received. but, nothing since.

29th Dec 2008, 18:10
Hey Nuigini, could you share with us where and how did you applied for FlyDubai? thanks......

10th Jan 2009, 13:42
As far as I know they will be recruiting in Feb. I guess they have lots to do and will be calling you if they want to see you for an assessment.

17th Jan 2009, 14:06
Hi, they are calling people for assessment at the end of Jan and starting the assessment days in Feb. I guess if they liked your CV they will be contacting you.

17th Jan 2009, 14:14
hei; I hear that they had 7000 applications, I have applied in beginning of November, and hadent heard any..with 8000 hours, 6500 jet...didnt even think that there was so many pilots in the world..I hope the 7000 is with cabin and bellboys too :sad:

20th Jan 2009, 08:27
Damn!! Can't apply - you have to be 21:ouch:

Marbella Girl
23rd Jan 2009, 17:38
I applied through their website about a week ago and have just got an email today inviting me to an initial assessment in a week, which only lasts an hour. It says that if successful you will then be invited to a full assessment day in February.

23rd Jan 2009, 19:03
Hi Marbella Girl,

I got the email today regarding the initial assessment in one week. Do you have any idea about the tests, as I know we´ll have 1 english test and one math test. When exactly is your day of assessment? Is it on 30th of January? R you from Marbella?

Hablas castellano? Si tu eres espanola pudes hablar comigo en castellano, mi nombre es Paulo y puedes contactar-me diretamente para mi endereço que es [email protected] e asi podemos hablar.

hasta la vista

23rd Jan 2009, 19:06
Hi Marbella Girl,

I got the email today regarding the initial assessment in one week. Do you have any idea about the tests, as I know we´ll have 1 english test and one math test. When exactly is your day of assessment? Is it on 30th of January? R you from Marbella?

Hablas castellano? Si tu eres espanola pudes hablar comigo en castellano, mi nombre es Paulo y puedes contactar-me diretamente para mi endereço que es http://www.pprune.org/newreply.php?emailimage=c8934195af482a212bd0d0aec8490dcc e asi podemos hablar.

hasta la vista

Marbella Girl
23rd Jan 2009, 20:38
Hi Pablo. Lo siento pero ingles es mejor para mi! Yes I live in Dubai but lived in Marbella for last 7 years. Are you going at 430pm on 30th? I wondered if they were staggering the times of people coming in? I have no idea what the tests involve, but am going to check through the Emirates threads as the recruitment appears to be run by them. Good luck, hopefully see you Friday!

24th Jan 2009, 18:23
Hi Marbella Girl,

It was nice to hear from you.

Yes, my assessment day will be on friday 30th of january at 16.30. I will arrive around 15.45 just to get in touch with others applicants.

I attended the emirates assessment day and I can not say if it is easy or not because I only attended the group discussion and unfortunately I haven´t been successfull.

I think the Math test might be easy and the English test I have no idea (maybe vocabulary and grammar?).

Let me know how we can meet because for sure there will be many people.

I hope we´ll get it and...good luck!!!

24th Jan 2009, 22:32
hey guys
i got an interview of FD also,bug my time is 11am to 12 o n 30th
do you guys got any idea about the math test?
i never done that be4.
but hope you guys good luck !:ok:

happy at last
25th Jan 2009, 05:53
Hey Marbella,

I recieved an invite too for friday betweem 1630 and 1730, any clue about the tests?
Hopefully the day it will be more organised that Wataniya.

25th Jan 2009, 12:17
any one going to attend open days in kuala lumpur (qatar airways)
i have been interview with emirates airline got into final interview :)
just wanted to try with qatar airways any idea for that?
is it emirates is more good than qatar?

25th Jan 2009, 13:04
Hi Nabeel,

I have no idea regarding the math tests but I think it will not be complicate because if you see the requirements for cabin crew they only require at least the secondary school, it means that they will not ask hard questions regarding algebra, probability, angles, geometry, exponents…it might be only about arithmetic.

What about English test? Do you have any idea?

You wrote that your exam will be at 11am to 12, is it ok for you to send me your mobile phone number and then I can call you after your exam to ask witch kind of questions you got? If you don´t want to discard your number publically kindly send it to my email address [email protected] ([email protected])

You can have a look on these websites below and do some exercises, I hope it´ll be usefull:

http://www.thatquiz.org/ (http://www.thatquiz.org/) - this one is for the math tests

http://www.englishjet.com/english_courses_files/tests.htm (http://www.englishjet.com/english_courses_files/tests.htm) - this one is for English test level

Hope fly with you guys with FlyDubai…



Marbella Girl
25th Jan 2009, 15:19
Hi Happy at Last/Paulo - looking forward to meeting you both on Friday! I cant seem to find anything on the Emirates forum about the maths test, aside from the fact that they weren't allowed a calculator! Someone says the English test on the Emirates Assessment Day is about 40 questions and an essay, but as this isnt a full assessment day I dont know if it could be as long as that???? Sorry thats not much help really, as I am only making an educated guess that the tests will be similar to Emirates? I laughed at your Wataniya comment, especially as I am going to a Safi Airways Open Day tomorrow, and I am expecting it to be equally as well organised!!!!

happy at last
26th Jan 2009, 05:21
Hello Marbella Girl,

Goodluck then with Safi, you stand a good chance as they are in need of experienced crew.
See you friday!


Thaks for the links.

Marbella Girl
26th Jan 2009, 14:19
Hi Happy At Last, Safi went very well, they seemed to like me (well they were very complimentary and hardly anyone got through to the 2nd interview stage) but they are only taking people now with current flying licence who can start in a week....!!! Not sure how that works as those with a current licence presumably have to give notice, but anyway, they said I had a job :) if they can work out a way to organise a full training course for experienced people without a valid licence. Anyway as that may never happen :{, fingers crossed for Friday! At least an Emirates backed airline will have all the training structure in place. See you there!

27th Jan 2009, 14:51
I applied to flydubai for the cabin crew position over a month ago and havent gotten a response, does this mean that I'm unsuccessful.:uhoh:

How long after you guys applied for a cabin crew position did you get a response.

Marbella Girl
27th Jan 2009, 19:32
Hi Donisha - I applied maybe 10 days before I got the reply? It does say that after the pre screening day if you dont hear from them then assume you have not been successful (ie you wont hear from them at any stage if they dont want to pursue your application - I know it seems hard but these airlines get 1000's of CVs every month, some of them 1000's every week - they just cant repsond to every one), but I do believe FlyDubai are only inviting people who are already based in Dubai?

1st Feb 2009, 14:11
hey there guys, well i just attended the preliminary stage for cabin crew, on Jan 30th. To be quite honest it was just too easy, for math they give you a test of about 20 questions which you have to answer in 15 minutes, and they all are really easy, like at the level of grade 3 or 2 of elementary school. stuff like additions, subtractions, devisions and multiplications. Plus they give u a calculator. But it was so easy that i was able to do all with my head.
he english one is even easier, you just gata read a few sentences.... kid stuff.
today i got an email for teh next stage in mid feb....

Marbella Girl
1st Feb 2009, 19:30
Well yes the maths test was straight forward as multiple choice, but loads of people didnt finish it, so it wasnt easy for everyone. Anyway I have the 19th, and I know Happy At Last has the 15th, so there are obviously several days of Asessment Days - and they only need crew for two aircraft so far, I am keeping everything crossed to get it as all the team there seemed fun, and whilst its clearly hard work, I think it will be great to be in it from the beginning!

2nd Feb 2009, 17:11
hi marbella,

do u have any idea about the tests that we'll have on the assessment day? I have mine on 16th and i have no idea wich kind of tests i will attend.



2nd Feb 2009, 18:03
Hi "Happy at Last",

First of all I want to congratulate you for passing in the screening day.

I attended also the screening day on 30th of January at 16.30, maybe we're in the same room, and I got the email for the assessment day on 16th of February. I'd like to know if it's possible to get your contact I then I can call you to ask wich kind of questions they ask during the assessment day, I'll really apreciate that.

Hope hear from u.

Wish u good luck on 15th.

All the best,


Marbella Girl
2nd Feb 2009, 18:05
Hi Paulo - congratulations :D! I dont know as we are the first lot to do these Asessment Days, but I am going to look through all the threads for Emirates interviews as there are a lot of notes on there about the make up of their Assessment Days, and I am guessing that it will be similar, as it seems to be backed by Emirates. I think their focus will be very much on how you work as a team? I think the important thing will be to be relaxed and be yourself (easier said than done on the day!). If I hear anything else I will let you know!

2nd Feb 2009, 18:46
Hi Marbella,

Thank u so much for your quickly answer. Good luck for your assessment day.

If I hear something I'll let u know too.

All the best,


10th Feb 2009, 16:59
I went to the Wataniya recruitment as well.
There must have been over 1000 people at the open day.
The interview was great and interviewers were friendly however I think they were looking only for young Europeans and mostly for people with experience.
Beleive me, I have been to an Emirates Open Day and it was not fun at all, we were all chased away like dogs.

I am now waiting to hear from Fly Dubai. I was also invated by Safi but will not go as I have heard they are a joke. If I don't get into Fly Dubai, I will try Qatar, Etihad and again Wataniya.

Good Luck to everyone !

Marbella Girl
10th Feb 2009, 19:18
Hi Airbus318cj - that made me laugh yr reminder about the Wataniya open day, what a nightmare, and yes they were lovely (once you got to the front) but they were definitely looking for young & experienced, as I am older & experienced, and have had the same response from Wataniya & Safi (we love you but you are too experienced for us, we already recruited our senior staff bla bla bla). Emirates Cabin Crew is on hold indefinitely accordingly to friends who work there, and Etihad and Qatar have no local open days showing on their websites, and no response anyway to my registration on their websites. So fingers crossed for us with FlyDubai!

12th Feb 2009, 11:34
Hi guys!
Does anyone know if flydubai are (or goin to be) recruiting applicants from overseas...? I have 5 years experience with EK but im currently living in Bulgaria so im worried i might never hear from them... Any advice??

12th Feb 2009, 16:26
Hi Marbella Girl,

I called Wataniya today and spoke to the Head of Crew. He was very nice and told me that they will be coming to Dubai again however the interviews will be by invitation only.
A friend of a friend recently joined them and she says the company is simply amazing and crew management is great. She was with EK before.
I will try them again and I am also hoping for FlyDubai

Marbella Girl
12th Feb 2009, 18:36
Hi again, gosh thats brilliant that you got to speak to Head of Flight Crew directly! I dont know if they were just fobbing me off because I am 40 by saying I was too experienced and that they were only employing Juniors at that time, but I thought they seemed incredibly professional (like I said before once you got to the front!), anyway good luck with chasing them up. I am counting off the days til my FlyDubai assessment, but it seems loads got through to this stage and they only need crew for 2 aircraft.....:{

Little warrior
12th Jul 2009, 19:57
Has anyone applied / been called / selected for flydubai?

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


6th Jan 2010, 01:57
Hello Little warrior and all

I just applied for flydubai today. Just got a message that saying they confirm the CV was successfully submitted. I don't know how they process the recruitment. Does anyone here know they have assessments like EY, EK or QR do?


6th Jan 2010, 08:15
hey guys just wondering, where do you go to apply with flydubai? And I take it they will help you find accomodation and free transport to the airport as well?

30th Jan 2010, 12:46
As I know,Before they were just collecting CVs and then they consider if you are succesfull and suitable for them.They were doing telephone interviews or it depends where you apply them from.If you live in somewhere where they fly they send you invitation and tickets to go there and have tests..
I am not sure I heard these from a friend who applied them before..
But the application is still open it means they are still collecting..if you dont hear in 4 weeks from them this means you were eliminated..:bored:

3rd Jun 2010, 21:32
Does anyone has any information about Flydubai?
Any any informations would be appreciated....Thanks :ok:

10th Oct 2010, 07:48
Any info about next FlyDubai Cabin Crew Recruitment? any other info like age limit,interview, salary(average), days-off (how many flights average monthly), training, promotions, also ticket discount benefit with other carriers? help me
Thanks a lot ....

25th Oct 2010, 21:37

Is there anyone attending FlyDubai AD in the near future? In case you do, it would be great to get in touch.:)


4th Nov 2010, 10:36
Hi Folks,

Any info about FlyDubai Assessment Day and also working for FlyDubai as Flight Attendant ? ( the Advantage and Disadvantage)
I thank you all for all infomation.... :ok:

7th Dec 2010, 13:55
Hello guys, ;)

Any info about AD by FlyDubai? where? when?

Have you been contacted by FlyDubai recruitment team?

Any crew out there who could share a few information about company?(salary, days-off etc)

I really appreciate your comments on that.

Wish you all a lovely flying days ....

Brababe :ugh:

14th Dec 2010, 17:08
Hi Guys,

Any idea when FlyDubai or Rak will start to recruit or are they recruiting right now? Any upcoming Assessment Day?
:ugh: thanks

me here
5th Jan 2011, 09:28

I have received an invitation from flydubai for an assessment on 16th Jan, I could use some info about the salary, accommodation allowance, transp allowance and the flights only round trips or is there lay over? I would really appreciate if some one can get back to me with reply.

me here
6th Jan 2011, 23:11
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

me here
7th Jan 2011, 16:59

Thank you for the good luck, I sent my cv on their website before two weeks and yes I am experienced cabin crew, I will let you know how it goes. :)

13th Jan 2011, 21:31
Hi all,

I would like to know the benefits for cabin crew at FlyDubai ? salary, accommodation, transportation, and life in Dubai

if any one work with them please let me know .

safe flying ;)

16th Jan 2011, 17:29
Hi, how did it go today at the AD??? Any useful information to pass on please?? Best of luck I hope you get it ...if you want it!!!

9th Feb 2011, 20:40
hello guys are there any male attending their interview?
and the only way to apply is on their website?

10th Feb 2011, 19:07
I am interested in joining in this Airline. I have logged in the website but not appear cabin crew vacancies... :ugh:

And now I read around here that they are doing interviews?¿ :{

14th Feb 2011, 05:05
same here..i logged in but no vacancies for cabin crew ? Do Flydubai recruit from other countries too ? How about Singapore ?

Please let me know !


14th Feb 2011, 08:27
According to their website: "We're not able to provide feedback on all of the applications we receive. So if you've not heard from us after two weeks, you should assume your application has been unsuccessful."

I guess once you hear back from them, or are interviewed is the time when you could find out the specifics regarding the salary, round trips/layover etc.

18th Feb 2011, 05:06
Can anyone provide any detail of what the package is like? Pay, housing, transport etc etc

Many Thanks

22nd Feb 2011, 11:46
hello guys,
I receive invitation e-mail from fly dubai recruitment team to attend assesment day in Prague,can anyone tell me more information about
recruitment process and do they call everyone who applied or is it with invitation only?
thanks very much every information is useful:rolleyes:

Fly High Girl
27th Feb 2011, 01:41
The next upcoming FlyDubai Assessment Day is on March 2011.. :ok:

me here
27th Feb 2011, 19:28
Basic salary: 3000AED
House Allowance: 3000AED
Transport: 975
Flying payment: 2000AED
Sales Commission: 1000AED
Total of 9975AED

1st Mar 2011, 18:44
transport 750 i understand

2nd Mar 2011, 10:31
Hi guys i would like to know if there is going to be any assessment in dubai any time soon does anybody have an idea...

where is the march assessment going to be held??

4th Mar 2011, 16:39
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

5th Mar 2011, 16:09
there is an assessment every sunday !

9th Mar 2011, 09:33
Is there anyone that got an invitation for AD in Prague?:confused:

11th Mar 2011, 00:25
Sammy jo, when is the date can you tell me?
Is it too late to apply for prague asesment days?

11th Mar 2011, 12:11
26 and 27th March, and they told me also to expect to be there both days,I think you should apply,anyway you have nothing to lose:ok:

good luck,keep in touch!

Got another e-mail from recruitment team:

-We are delighted to invite you to a 2 Day Assessment Centre in Prague:
Date: 26th March 2011
Location: Holiday Inn, Prague
Time: 08.00am (Please arrive by 07.45am as late candidates will not be permitted to enter)

Day 1 will consist of a number of exercises, including an assessment of you basic mathematics ability, English comprehension test and group tasks
Day 2 will consist of a personal interview, if successful through Day 1.
Please bring :clear passport size photograph of yourself
a copy of your passport, calculator and dress smartly in
business attire

16th Mar 2011, 08:42
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

16th Mar 2011, 10:14
Its very strange about arrival time,maybe we will be divided in different
groups dont know really what to think. :confused: They should know what to expect,it is AD with invitation only not an OD......anyway do you know what kind of exercise do they have during ADs?

:),best of luck,keep in touch

16th Mar 2011, 14:24
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

22nd Mar 2011, 20:36
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

29th Mar 2011, 09:42
Hi guys! I opened this forum so that Flydubai applicants can posts their thoughts and experiences having shortlisted or assessed by the ROs of Flydubai. Thanks:)

6th Apr 2011, 23:43
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

31st Aug 2011, 15:19
Any info about assessment day at Flydubai? When? Where?

Age limit?
Next assessment day?
Are they recruiting in Dubai at moment?

Any info it will be appreciated!!!!!! :ok:



dinushi perera
10th Jan 2012, 14:18
hw did you get called for the interview? i applied online for flydubai last month but no respond yet.please update me regarding this thank you!

15th Jan 2012, 00:38
FlyDubai is not hiring at the moment and if you want to know keep on checking their website. If you need any information i was a crew with them before.

dinushi perera
15th Jan 2012, 16:50
hey thank you so much for your information. if you get to know anything about recruitments please let me know.:)

17th Jan 2012, 23:23
hi I am going to Abu Dhabi this feb.. i just resigned as a cabin crew here in the Philippines and im hoping to get a new job still as a cabin crew in middle east... can you help me know the airlines where I can apply if i get there? does Etihad or flydubai accept application though its not on line?

please help me anyone thanks

23rd Jan 2012, 19:37
All i know about their recruitment is you need to apply online on their website and wait till they send you invitation for assesment and as far as i know they are not hiring at the moment, there is another fab airlines in the UAE that worth applying and trying so apply online for Emirates and Etihad and you will be fine... Good luck :ok:

23rd Jan 2012, 19:40
Of course there is tge most international two airlines in the middleast and the whole world which is Emirates and Etihad, both of them hs the same benfits and working for them is definetly an add up thingy for ur cv, before you come to the UAE apply online, Emirates needs crew hestrically and every week now they are hiring, apply and good luck :ok:

30th Jan 2012, 09:31
so where do u work now???? n how much was the pay in FZ?

30th Jan 2012, 11:03
I am working now in a sector different from aviation and as for the salary im sorry i can't provide such information in details but all i can tell you that you can make between 8 - 9 000 per month and they don't provide accomodation .

2nd May 2012, 11:04
Hi @ Ms.solo
I have applied for flydubai today online. Got a confirmation mail stating that they will get back to me in four weeks. So does is really take upto four weeks ?? Im from asia. So do i stand a chance to get an invitation mail since they are based in dubai ??

Awaiting for your response.
Thank you

Hisham Tarek
10th May 2012, 13:18
Hi all,

the next assessment day is on 20th may.. any advices you can give me will be appreciated:D..


12th Jun 2012, 09:29
First Math and English test included; ( currency conversion, division, multiplication, percent calculation and addition) English reading.

Before the "group discussion test" started: all applicants were asked to gather in the middle of the room, and after, 4 or 5 applicants were called out by number, to step out of the group row, and leave, accompanied by one of the staff members.

So those few applicants, who maybe needed a few more minutes on a calculator or English test, but could have possibly made a great Cabin crew for the company, based on their personalities and ambition ( which was never discovered by the interviewer ) had to be put in shame right in front of other applicants , feeling low and worthless afterwards.

13th Jun 2012, 21:27
For all of you wannabes, don't even think of joining this company as it is ruled by two evil witches and they think that they own the company and can do whatever they want and treat their crew as their own slaves! Not really a very nice culture going on in here!:=

14th Jun 2012, 00:32
I was there before and i know how is it??

14th Jun 2012, 04:36
Well as far as i know, on the cabin crew assessment day with Emirates, everything is confidential. If one failed any of the assessment tests, no other applicants will know it, unless they really want to..
They took care of that..