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View Full Version : Man restrained after death threats on Qantas flight

7th Oct 2010, 09:43
Interesting difference between local and international reporting too:

Local from RTHK (http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/news/englishnews/20101007/news_20101007_56_703360.htm):

A deranged 23-year-old Israeli has been detained after threatening to kill terrified passengers on a Qantas flight from Melbourne to Hong Kong. Passengers say that after praying in Hebrew, the man shouted:"I'm going to kill myself. You will all die." He was overpowered by cabin crew when he threatened to open the aircraft's door, saying it would be God's will. Police were waiting when the plane landed at Chek Lap Kok and the man was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital.

Almost sounds like an Israeli version of a suicide attack. Now the international version:

Man restrained on Qantas flight after death threats (UPDATED) | My Sinchew (http://www.mysinchew.com/node/46106)

SYDNEY, Thursday 7 October 2010 (AFP) - Qantas staff had to restrain an Israeli man after he became "disruptive" on a flight to Hong Kong, the Australian airline said Thursday, amid claims he made threats to kill others and himself.

"We are confirming that on QF29, from Melbourne to Hong Kong, a disruptive passenger was restrained," an airline spokeswoman told AFP.

The flight was met by Hong Kong authorities and the man was taken into custody, she said, adding that it was now a "police matter" and they had no further comment.

Hong Kong Police confirmed they received a request from the Qantas flight for assistance early this morning.

"The 23-year-old Israeli male passenger, surnamed Ariel, became 'emotional' after complaining about the food and other services," said a police spokesman.

Police said they would not charge the man as he did not cause any damage or harm other passengers.

The man is currently under medical observation at a Hong Kong hospital, the spokesman said.

One passenger told Sky News that the man started "running around" and saying he was going to kill himself and the rest of those on board by opening the door because it was "God's will".

The man was understood to have ignored a number of directions from the crew and was sectioned off from other passengers under staff guard until the end of the flight. He was not violent and no passengers were reported to be harmed.

The flight set off shortly before midnight (1100 GMT Thursday) and the man became agitated about four hours after takeoff, Qantas said.

Now that sounds like a typical case of bad airplane food.

7th Oct 2010, 10:35
I wonder how this chap is going to get home, its a long walk from HK to Israel...