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View Full Version : Break-ins in EK Housing

5th Oct 2010, 04:35
Hi Everyone,

During the last week, there have been numerous break-ins in Silicon Oasis (Semmer Villas) and in Jumeirah at EK accommodation.

These guys cleared out a house in A block belonging to a Canadian Family. They also broke into a house on the perimeter of A block when the nanny and kids were sleeping. Imagine :{

They also stole a safe from the New Sheikh Ahmad Villas in broad daylight on Friday.

So, guys, please think about adding a few more locks and bolt down your safes. Heard some good things about Dubai Police. Let us hope they get these ba"%*ards.

oz in dxb
5th Oct 2010, 06:24
These types of break-ins have been occurring for a long time.
I have been broken into previously while I was sleeping!

There are organised groups that target certain affluent areas. Many of us show off our expensive toys (along with the kids toys) and it is also well known where EK bases its pilots.
Young out of control kids are also involved in these crimes.

I can assure that things will never get better!


Left Coaster
5th Oct 2010, 07:09
Don't know about the guns laws but might hazzard a guess...NOT ALLOWED...but what about a couple of big dogs? Lots of bark and they will protect the wife and kids if anyone ever tried to get in...stay vigilant and know your neighbours...how do these people get through security? I don't live in the DSO but know lots who do, and aside from the usual "neighbourhood drama" one would think that the eyes and ears of your fellow families would be able to spot trouble? :confused:

5th Oct 2010, 09:38
ok , now Dubai is Normal And Modern , just what people have been seeking !
Be careful what you wish for.

5th Oct 2010, 10:23
Nigerians generally don't do 'break-in' type crimes. They do fraud, extortion, drugs, people trafficking, and syndicated crime. Those who are doing the break ins are likely to be under the control of Nigerian syndicates, but the likelihood of the Nigerians beaingthe 'breakers-in' is pretty slim.

5th Oct 2010, 11:57
Well who else could it be if not Nigerians or someone foreign? Certainly couldn't be the children of the expats living in these neighbourhoods could it? Has to be someone else. Kids of Emirates employees certainly wouldn't be involved in this kind of carry on would they? tisk!!!

White Knight
5th Oct 2010, 12:47
Maybe kids causing trouble - but they are unlikely to 'clean the house out'... Are they:rolleyes:

5th Oct 2010, 15:35
White Knight you slate others for being "PC happy clappy types"!!!! Where are you from originally? Eden?
Probably a good idea for you to get in touch with reality if you think that teens can't clean out a house lickity split........ I know I have in my day! :E

5th Oct 2010, 15:51
Suggest Large preferably Black Dog or better yet 2!

Don't know why but black pets scare the cr@p out of most of those who might wish an unauthorised visit.

Mr Good Cat
6th Oct 2010, 07:16
Owning a gun in the States is as old as the constitution itself.

But it hasn't exactly deterred burglary has it? In fact because guns are so freely available in the US those doing the robbery are just as likely to be carrying a gun as you are. And he probably knows how to use it a hell of a lot better than you do... Why do most other civilised nations not suffer from this weird level of violence and gun infatuation? Why do the neighbours to the North in Canada not have to lock their front doors during the day? They don't seem to worry too much about defending their home with guns - yet they sure do like to go hunting out in the country with them.

So if you're in your 'castle' in Dubai one night and you see a couple of dodgy looking kids jump over the wall into YOUR garden, do you go out and blow their heads off in defence of the realm... only to find out they were the children of a wealthy Emirati family who accidentally kicked their ball over your wall while playing in the street?

I'm not saying that defending your home from burglars isn't right, but in the few actual cases that have happened how many people have been harmed so far? What will having a gun achieve apart from it getting into the wrong hands or being used against a family member accidentally. "Lack of situational awareness" :ugh: that phrase itself could be used to define most American states' way of life...

6th Oct 2010, 07:37
Right, all the talk about guns and the rights and wrongs of ownership have been deleted.

No expat in the UAE is ever legally going to own a gun :=

Back on topic please.


6th Oct 2010, 09:15
Two EK villa's were broken into yesterday evening.
In one case entry was made through a small toilet window. The victim was out for two hours and had locked all of the doors.

I believe they were in the Rulers Villas complex.

Second hand info but I think it's important that the word gets out.

6th Oct 2010, 14:50
"Lack of situational awareness" :ugh: that phrase itself could be used to define most American states' way of life...

You know, for a second I thought you might actually be American.

6th Oct 2010, 16:58
It seems a few of us have safes. The police are recommending bolting them down or to the wall. The crooks are lifting them up and carting them out. In addition put some extra bolts at the top and botttom of the kitchen doors. Some are suggesting putting a small camera in. Not fun for those who have been burgled.

6th Oct 2010, 17:37
It's amazing how quickly these moderators step in here to delete things as they wish, even if you don't violate this forum's rules.

6th Oct 2010, 20:12
Welcome to the middle east. You should see what the newspapers are like. Hope you use that pop gun of yours on your dud ear side.Would be a bummer to loose ya medical while blatting all those badies.

The Don

8th Oct 2010, 08:46
More xpenses to live in DXB
Serious home insurance covering your personal items (keep the bills and make pictures of jewels)
Exteriors lights ON all night (remember DEWA extra charges will be for you, simply because no public lighting in streets).
Anti theft system
Plenty of good lockers, plenty of keys...
Drones UAV
Have a good night guys.

8th Oct 2010, 17:55
some little s#it but a brick through the windshield of my car on the 7th between 2 and 6 a.m. in GDV 50 behind the Life Pharmacy on Al Wasl...
Not happy.

8th Oct 2010, 18:21
Move to Muscat... the pay might be less, but you'll save money in the long-run by the sounds of it.

27th Oct 2010, 20:07
I felt this story was worth following up on. You may recall it surfaced a few weeks ago.

Have the breakins ceased?

28th Oct 2010, 07:57
No. Attempted break-in at the same villa in the 84's. Unfortunately for the thief, the ooccupier was at home and caught him. Hopefully gave him a lasting memory too!
Seemingly not Nigerians, but one or several starving Pakistanis.

28th Oct 2010, 08:00
The break-ins are still on-going. Heard of one attempted break-in last week. The occupier was home and gave the guy a good beating. Shame :D:ok:

28th Oct 2010, 15:45
If they are stealing because they're starving, why don't you try feeding them instead of beating them?

28th Oct 2010, 16:58
If they knock on the door and ask, I will feed them. If I catch one in my house, God help him. I will do whatever it takes to defend my family.