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21st Sep 2010, 03:57
Don't you hate it when someone sends you a swap, then when you agree -it suddenly disappears?

How about some courtesy my esteemed colleagues?

21st Sep 2010, 04:26
How about someone you don't know, sends you a swap that give you a duty for your G day only. Would you agree ?:confused:

21st Sep 2010, 05:50
One particular s/o only does swaps. Would be interesting to see if management pick up on this and the fact that he is mixing with our of our martial artist skippers who could possibly do his JFO training!

21st Sep 2010, 06:17
Jaggerbomb get a life!! Stop looking at what others are doing with their rosters and life!!!

Hellenic aviator
22nd Sep 2010, 12:33
hongkongpilot, have you ever considered that the bloke whose asking for the swap may be commuting and the request submitted may be his only hope?
It's about 'shifting' the trip. I know for a fact if I did such a thing, I'd send a Groupwise to the person, explaining why I am asking for this as well as expressing that I'd be willing to give them a G either in the same month, or whenever they required one later on.

It's all about helping your fellow colleague.

Harbour Dweller
22nd Sep 2010, 13:43
Hellinic aviator,

Agree, however it's the swaps that appear with no email detailing why that go straight to "disagree".

It's surprising how many turn up.

23rd Sep 2010, 03:55
swaps without an email which are doing someone a favour, and maybe putting yourself out, are a touch rude.....

but if someone asks for a swap, and it makes no difference to you whether you work mon-thur or tues-fri OR the swap actually is better for you...what is the big deal?

sometimes one can just be....errrm...NICE?!

Dan Winterland
23rd Sep 2010, 04:38
Damn. I clicked thinking it was another thread about DB!

23rd Sep 2010, 06:36
lol @ dan winterland

27th Sep 2010, 04:16
Dan Winterland :D

me too!

but if anyone is interested.......????:E

27th Sep 2010, 09:25
I keep throwing in the wife's keys to no avail. :ugh:

Obviously people are not that desperate in DB as Sai Kung.

28th Sep 2010, 04:28
''Pls help, I need to buy un-contam grass for my frail grandma's aunt's sister's pet goat [she adopted in Buthan] from a organic pet food shop in Yvr''.

This is the type of 'SWAP' that get's my goat!