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View Full Version : Flight Training Info Finland

14th Sep 2010, 15:37
Hey Guys and Gals!

Soon starting an ICAO to JAA ATPL( A) converstion and looking into perhaps doing my IR converstion training in Finland. I understand there are 2 main flight schools in Finland. Looking for views from anyone that has gone through their programs both good and bad and if they even take any international students. There are a few old posts on this subject so, looking for some updated info.
Why Finland? Girlfriend studying there- women!:bored:

Thanks for any help everybody! :)

19th Sep 2010, 14:26
Exactly, flight training is very expensive in Finland compared to other JAA states. I would look elsewhere if I were you.

19th Sep 2010, 15:03
It indeed is ridiculously expensive here. I was also looking into this option as I had FAA MEP-IR, but there are really only two schools offering modular training and Seneca hire comes out like 1450€ with tax per hour. :eek:

I would look into Sweden and Spain, several schools there where you can do the conversion for reasonable price.

20th Sep 2010, 03:22
Thanks for all the comments everyone!

Both these schools don't seem to have a shortage of students which is rather surprising. Can anyone shed any light on why the cost of training in Finland is so outrageous compared to much of the rest or europe?