View Full Version : Ryanair in Barcelona

Jimmy Hoffa Rocks
9th Sep 2010, 20:27
:confused: Personally I find it irritating the way Ryanair has come into Barcelona

As Iberia took over Vueling and raised the handling and maintenance costs by what is it 30 or 40% ?

Do the travelling public care that when the fly with Ryanair to save a few Euros they are supporting a lower quality of life for the employees that fly and work for them ?

People in Spain need to know that when they fly with Ryanair they are supporting people with no job security and no benefits ( handling ) poor working conditions.:= In Ryanair they fire people whenever they hell they want.

Where the guy in Groundforce ( Vueling-Iberia ) has a pension and a secure job and will get paid a decent salary if he gets sick. Do people not care any more ?

Does Iberia want to give Barcelona to Ryanair while they suck the blood out of Vueling ?

What plans does Iberia have for Vueling ?

Spanair is looking out of touch here with its government support

What is the Generalitat thinking here ?

I think about Ryanair and how many more lager louts who are going to come to Barcelona on the cheap from the north.

Yes this is a marketing and publicity stunt not to be taken seriously but it shows the total lack of class and lack of respect OŽLeary has for pilots.
Let stewardesses land the plane in a crisis, says Ryanair boss: Airline wants to ditch co-pilots

By Sean Poulter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=y&authornamef=Sean+Poulter)
Last updated at 10:26 PM on 3rd September

) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1308852/Let-stewardesses-land-plane-crisis-says-Ryanair-boss-Airline-wants-ditch-pilots.html#comments)
Add to (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1308852/Let-stewardesses-land-plane-crisis-says-Ryanair-boss-Airline-wants-ditch-pilots.html)
Ryanair's ever-controversial boss has called for the second pilot to be dumped from the flight deck of aircraft to save money.

Michael O'Leary suggested air stewardesses could be trained to take over and land the plane in the event of a crisis.

The idea is the latest in a long line of cash-saving wheezes from the budget airline boss who once suggested, apparently seriously, that aircraft could fly with standing-only areas for passengers.

Read more: Let stewardesses land the plane in a crisis, says Ryanair boss: Airline wants to ditch co-pilots | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1308852/Let-stewardesses-land-plane-crisis-says-Ryanair-boss-Airline-wants-ditch-pilots.html#ixzz0z459tjiK)

10th Sep 2010, 15:01
welcome to the world:}