View Full Version : IFR rule changes

1st Sep 2010, 06:31
Hi all

I've been flying outside Oz for the last 2 years and will be coming back again shortly to renew my MECIR. I was just wondering if there have been any rule changes that relate to the IR during that time, or will studying up on my IREX bob tait book from 4 years ago still suffice.

I have been getting the CASA updates etc to my email and haven't seen anything but just thought I'd ask incase I'd missed something.

Thanks all in advance.

2nd Sep 2010, 00:31
So no one at all on this highly perused forum can think of any IFR related rules at all that may have been slightly adjusted? Other than the GAAPs turning to class D, which I admit I haven't looked into a lot, I don't know of anything. Even VFR rules that may have been reworded even. I just don't want to be caught out in the renewal, although my ATO is a pretty decent guy and I'm sure it wouldn't mean a fail or anything, just want to be fully prepared.

2nd Sep 2010, 09:09
Speed limit outbound on a reversal procedure is 140 knots again for Cat B. It used to be 140 knots, then they removed the requirement and now it is back again. Can't really think of anything else, the Class D and CTAF procedures are the big one.

The Green Goblin
2nd Sep 2010, 09:57
How about you do what any good Pilot does and buy the documents and study it!!!

I would not take what is written on here as gospel either although the 140 knot limitation on the reversal is a good one :{

3rd Sep 2010, 07:10
Current AIP, ERSA, AIC, etc are all available for free on the Airservices Australia website HERE (http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/publications/aip.asp). :ok:

3rd Sep 2010, 07:22
Noticed on the latest Jepps, that they have changed the procedures turns to 80/260.

Plenty of airspace changes as usual, just to keep you on your toes!

3rd Sep 2010, 08:56
We now get cleared left/right of "route" due weather instead of "track". There have also been some changes to terminology regarding being radar identified. "Radar" is no longer mentioned as you can get an equivalent service from ADSB. I neither fly in radar airspace nor have an ADSB fitted aircraft so I can't help with the specifics.

Jack Ranga
3rd Sep 2010, 13:47
I've been flying outside Oz for the last 2 years and will be coming back again shortly to renew my MECIR. I was just wondering if there have been any rule changes that relate to the IR during that time

You poor bastard :cool: Good luck with that, I struggle understanding the changes made 10 minutes ago :E

4th Sep 2010, 04:19
Thanks for the replies guys.

For the smart arse, I am a good pilot and just paid the 400+ bucks for the Jepps Airway Manual, not including the binders so I have up to date stuff when I arrive back there.

Thanks for the link. I didn't know all of it was available online.

Thanks for the speed change thing. Interesting about the 80/260 thing. Hardly something that matters in the real world really, but good to know. The weather thing sounds like it is inline with what I have been hearing here in Canada. Although I rarely use it as I'm always flying to the thunderstorms (cloud seeding for hail suppression).

As for the radar comment, i imagine that means they just say you're identified rather than specifying radar identified.

Thanks again all. You have no idea how good it is to call Edmonton Centre in Canada and hear an Aussie atc on freq on the other end. It's almost calming. Can't wait to get back into Oz airspace. Thanks all.