View Full Version : Interview simulator check question

31st Aug 2010, 16:05
Hey guys,

I have an FO interview simulator check coming up, and I kind of know what we're going to fly take off, V1 cut, ILS, missed, VOR, and landing, all hand flown by me from the right seat (most probably with FD).

I am type rated and I would like to know if the interviewer in the sim will expect me to taxi from the gate, perform all the flows on the ground and in the air, call for all checklists, etc... Or will he just put us on the runway and tell us what to do, checking for my scanning and stick and rudder skills.


31st Aug 2010, 19:07
When I moved from rotary to fixed wing I wasn't type rated at all on anything except a dodgy old beech duchess and was expected, in a very old analouge sim, to taxi, call for check lists, calculate descent points and 'run' the sector as you would 'roughly' be expected on the line. There will 'possibly' be scenarios where weather/failures will result in you having to make decisions about where to go and why.

Whilst you will not be expected to know the company SOP's per-se they will expect some CRM and interaction and a sense that you are 'on top' of what is going on. You have a licence and a rating so, if I were your assessor, I would expect you to be able to at least fly the thing.

Think a little about what you are actually there to demonstrate.