View Full Version : Hours Building Ideas and Aerobatic aircraft other than A150/152?

26th Aug 2010, 09:23
Hey guys, I'm sitting on 70 command hours for my CPL (100 command required) and have fresh run out of ideas save for 2.

1. Aerobatics

2. Attempting to find super small townships/rocks/hills ect (seems to be the only worthy use of time)

Does anyone have any interesting ideas to share in the way of things to do during hours building?

And on another note, Can anyone suggest a couple nice tricycle gear aerobatic aircraft?

There's a fair few A152's around in my airport but they are all owned by a company i don't wish to deal with due to bad experience. Much Appreciated =)

26th Aug 2010, 11:28
thought about a YAK? now they, are good fun for aeros!!!

As for hours building...take the mrs flying...works wonders :E

26th Aug 2010, 11:34
Do a check flight in a C206 or C210 and then take it away for 10 hours PIC flying. This will be far more beneficial than an aerobatic rating when seeking your first job.

26th Aug 2010, 11:39
Royal Vic at Moorabbin have an aerobatic Alpha. That is "nice."

desert goat
26th Aug 2010, 12:31
Got any mates who would be interested in cost sharing a long trip to somewhere interesting?

26th Aug 2010, 16:00
You're in Perth? Fly to Cairns and back!

26th Aug 2010, 16:44
Do a tail-wheel rating and aerobatics. They will both make you a more rounded pilot. Don't just do the minimum, do a heap of consolidation as well. The C152A is a useful training aerobatic aircraft because it is vastly underpowered and it will force you to learn about energy management, so do your aero rating in something like that. Learn how to start at 5000' and work down stringing a series of manoeuvres together using the energy from the exit of the previous manoeuvre to move seamlessly into the next one. Loop, loop, cuban eight, stall turn, barrel roll, wing-over, snap roll etc. Then do an endorsement in something more powerful, preferably a tail-dragger. you'll really appreciate the extra power and the ability to spin the world around without losing altitude. Ten years later when you are nailing the unusual attitude recovery in the B737 sim, you will know why. You will also be able to get most people you know to help pay for you to practice ;), and if you take anyone up of your preferred sex they will probably hold on to your leg :ok:.

27th Aug 2010, 01:21
Do a tail-wheel rating and aerobatics ...

... in a Pitts Special. Most exhilarating piece of flying I've ever done. :ok:

27th Aug 2010, 01:35
That's what I was thinking.

27th Aug 2010, 02:51
I'm sorry, I always try and stay positive and don't like to criticise on here but..........seriously!!

You're telling me (us) that you can't think of anything to do in order to accumulate 30hrs PIC....!!!! Jeez I've just been all but 'banned' from solo flying on my course until I've sat the skills test because I went off the reservation concerning solo PIC :E Hey I was having fun what can I say!

Come on fella, use you're head, plan some trips, challenge yourself. I know I'm lucky being here in NZ with all the beautiful scenery and interesting places to go but surely Aussie can't be so dull you can't think of anywhere to go ;)

I'm with XXX with the Alpha, they're great fun, probably cheaper than the Pitts too.

Old Akro
27th Aug 2010, 03:28
Tricycle and aerobatic are mutually exclusive

27th Aug 2010, 03:47
Akro could not be more right, if you intend to to aero's do them in something where the little wheel is in the right place.

Plus what would you rather fly, something that looks like this...:yuk:

File:ZK-CTR IMG 2916-Edit.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ZK-CTR_IMG_2916-Edit.jpg)

Do like the epic stare the guy in the LHS is giving the camera. Oooonce, look at me while I look at you while you look at me taxi into a ditch.

Or This

Photos: American Champion 8KCAB-180 Super Decathlon Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net/photo/Adelaide-Bi-Planes--/American-Champion-8KCAB-180/1754076/L/&sid=4624bab30da154c4865d02f7a2c97305)

no competition in my book


8th Sep 2010, 08:25
"Come on fella, use you're head, plan some trips, challenge yourself. I know I'm lucky being here in NZ with all the beautiful scenery and interesting places to go but surely Aussie can't be so dull you can't think of anywhere to go"

I live in perth.. =P nuff said haha

As for the C206/C210, i went on a hunt around YPJT for C210's and found a few.. but the insurance requirements were way too steep, something like 1000hrs total 200 retractable, 200hrs total 100PIC ect ect

haha aerocat, haven't really had the chance to take many chicks up, most seem to be either too scared or prone to motion sickness =P

Also on the subject of split costs with mates... something i hear all too often is "I could fly to melbourne for that much!". Kinda makes it hard =\

Probably best to do idea 2 by the looks of things

8th Sep 2010, 09:38
You live in Perth? Have you been to Kalgoorlie, Shark Bay, Cave House, the Whaling Museum at Albany? Plenty of places to fly to.

Aeros are great, though. Tricycle undercarriage for basic (and side by side instruction - which is better for initial endorsement.) Tailwheel for intermediate & advanced.

C210/C206 is a big help (10 hours) is you go job searching up north.

8th Sep 2010, 21:59
Agree with HercFeend: I'm a bit suprised that you can't think of how to accumulate 30 hours PIC.

I live in perth.. =P nuff said haha


From Perth you could go to (and take mates along to split the cost if this is an issue):

Wave rock, Margaret river, Abrolhos islands (off Geraldton), Shark bay, Carnarvon, etc.

If you want to get C210 time and can't find any at Jandakot, why not find one on the east coast and fly there yourself? 10 hours in a C210 plus your time to and from the east coast should get you close to your 30 hours.