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11th Aug 2010, 19:40
Anyone know anything about this?

Hot Rod
19th Aug 2010, 19:43
I guess he means Air Sweden Welcome to the Frontpage (http://airsweden.bahram.se/)

21st Aug 2010, 16:27
No, not Air Sweden. This is a new airline coming up.

23rd Aug 2010, 21:18
Feel Air
Routes will be from Oslo and Stockholm to JFK and BKK with two A330 :ok:

31st Aug 2010, 20:21
Feel air seem to have lost their "love and feeling" :O

31st Aug 2010, 21:36
you are all wrong - feel air never took off. New A320 air line is mainly nominated postholders eks. Air Sweden incl chief pilot - head of training. Should be airborne any day soon. I have no more details. Twin2040.

12th Sep 2010, 11:15
Anyone with updated details ?

jan v
2nd Oct 2010, 18:14
I think that is moose air

6th Oct 2010, 20:32
It is Moose Air - but this can hardly be the real name ................

11th Oct 2010, 00:54
Of course this is not the real name. The real name is MickeyMoose Airlines. :}

Many of their staff didn't make the grade at Air Sweden. Now that they have left, Air Sweden is a really professionally run airline.

DL, PS, LC and many more. You know who you are, and everyone at Air Sweden is overjoyed that you guys left. If you run MickeyMoose in the same way you ran Air Sweden, your airline will last all of ten minutes. Hope you do not cheat any unsuspecting investor out of their hard earned cash.

Mickey Moose pilots, be careful - do not part with any money for training or type ratings. You have been warned. :=

14th Oct 2010, 00:23
Swedish Moose (http://www.flymoose.com/)

14th Oct 2010, 08:16
Dear Affretage,

this company is backed by one of the strongest groups of investors and I am sure they never employ a bunch of yes-sayers or people that do not critically evaluate all that is told to them.

I am sure that the guys you mention have seen the benefit of joining the new company before staying with the old one.

the rumors that they don't have a signed contract on their A320 must be false as these guys would not accept working unless they get the true information from the management.

cant anyone of you moose guys confirm that you have siged the leasing contract on MSN662 to stop all the nonsence?

16th Oct 2010, 14:11
Afretage goes for the jugular whilst Aviator for ever sits on the fence.

Oh and yes the people who currently work for Air Sweden are overjoyed that so many people left the company to join FlySwedishMouse. Apparently it has made Air Sweden a much stronger company and ready to face the future.

I doubt anyone at FSM will answer, but hey we could be wrong........

16th Oct 2010, 14:36
Hi Affr ... what ever your name is - you stand to be corrected !!!

19th Oct 2010, 06:28
maybe it was not clear that I was being ironic in my previous post....

the news from France (MPL), where the proposed aircraft is supposed to undergo maintenance and painting before delivery, is that the work has stopped due to the absence of money and a signed leasing contract.

I guess the only reason for the FSM guys still to be in the Aeroport hotel is that there is no money to pay the hotel bill or return tickets!

but then, we may be wrong :rolleyes:

19th Oct 2010, 11:47
Feel Air starter opp med 2 fly?? Hva skjer "når" de får snagg??

Sikkert mange som blir happy for og bruke noen dager av ferien på OSL, mens de stabbler et fly på beina!!

19th Oct 2010, 12:29
Wet lease fra SAS?? :}

20th Oct 2010, 07:08
hehe,, ja kanskje det, om de har noe og avse ;)

20th Oct 2010, 16:18
Jeg må si jeg liker det navnet ditt. :E

21st Oct 2010, 07:24
hehe,, ikkje så dårlig navnet ditt heller:ok:

22nd Oct 2010, 15:20
Fleskefeiten og dickcheesecake flørter...romantisk:E

22nd Oct 2010, 17:50
hyggelig det da:yuk:hehe

24th Oct 2010, 21:34

Hi Affr ... what ever your name is - you stand to be corrected !!!

Would be nice. Being right all the time is getting a bit boring ! :}

25th Oct 2010, 21:14
Well, today was the first day when these guys was supposed to be paid.

Guess what, "the money is delayed" :ugh:

maybe PS, AO, LC, MC, JL and the others should have stayed with their previous employers, then at least they would have been paid until they where fired.

Now they have have to listen to DL talking the BS he is fed by RB.

and poor KH is being played like a fool and I would not be surprised if he is using his private funds from the sale of his shares in AS to cover for the "missing funds"... good luck!

26th Oct 2010, 05:57
Just read a news article Feel Air will start its flight´s in 2011 and a return ticket Oslo/Stockholm- New York will cost approx 2000Sek.

The secret must be they invented the ultimate H2O engine:8

29th Oct 2010, 01:11
Air Sweden just took a booking for a flight that was supposed to be operated by the Moose. Not surprising as the Moose cannot operate a flight without a plane, can they ?

Anyway what a silly name. In the UK they refer to an ugly girl as a 'moose'.

29th Oct 2010, 10:39
one can just hope that Air Sweden get better rates than the stupidly low rates DL is selling at.

but then of course selling at prices that will cause losses for themselves, is the only way anyone would book anything with those Moose amateurs.

5th Nov 2010, 09:56
Anybody knows how Air Sweden is doing with 2 MD´s and 2 Airbus´s not flying?

6th Nov 2010, 10:56
They're doing very well from what i hear. They have contracts and the company i believe is here to stay.
Wouldn't it be nice for Sweden to have a national carrier?
What name would you give it?
Air Sweden......of course!!!

7th Nov 2010, 07:11
I heard that the 2 MD´s are to be sold(because of no work/contracts) and the 2 Airbusses are not flying much. They are parked in Stockholm and as far as I know only flying 2 flights a week. Not really an airline making any money, eh!

I believe Air Sweden needs more aircrafts AND work for them than what they have to be considered a national carrier :D

9th Nov 2010, 23:50

Wrong - MDs are sold because the airline will move to single type. Both A320s will be flying solid from Dec onwards, and two more Airbus joining the fleet in March 2011.

As for Air Sweden becoming a 'national carrier', it's unlikely as all S11 contracts require the aircraft to be based outside Sweden.

Air Sweden's timing is perfect. They are now able to pick and choose IT contracts available as a result of the recent demise of many European charter airlines.

2011 is looking very promising for airlines who are adequately funded. :)

11th Nov 2010, 09:02
Rumors say that Air Sweden have a contract for 1 airbus for about 6 weeks starting late Nov. Where will they be flying solid after that?

16th Nov 2010, 07:26

I am not quite sure Air Sweden will be flying solid during and after DEC, because I hear rumors that cabin crew are now having problems getting fully paid.
If the company were making money, is should not be an issue for cabin crew to get paid :uhoh:

Unfortunately not a good indication of a adequately funded company :suspect:

16th Nov 2010, 20:48
Unfortunately not a good indication of a adequately funded company
It´s amazing how easy it is to start this kinder garden Airline´s

Air Sweden are similar with "viking" when it comes to company history

The people involved in Air Sweden have together a totally of 10-15 corporations and they all gross revenue´s are less then the food store around the corner

The history showing big reed signs

Befattningshavare - Air Sweden Aviation AB (http://www.allabolag.se/5567772263/befattningar)

17th Nov 2010, 22:19
You must be confusing Air Sweden with Moose :ugh:

I got paid, and so did everyone else .....

For November, we'll have to wait. Its not pay day yet, so your statement is a bit premature. :O Stop talking 'skit'.

Anyway I thought this thread was supposed to be about non-starter Moose ??

18th Nov 2010, 10:45
No, I am talking about Air Sweden.

Affretage....just for curiosity, what position do you have in Air Sweden?
(Private msg me if you like)

No, don´t think my statement is premature. From what I was told, cabin crew is not getting full payment, plus I hear that Air Sweden has been banned from flying over several european contries due to not paying enroute fees :eek:

19th Nov 2010, 22:58

From what I was told, cabin crew is not getting full payment

You must be cabin crew then ? Now if you want full payment, be a good girl and bring me another coffee :rolleyes:

20th Nov 2010, 07:34
He he...sorry to disappoint you :)

But since you got paid, I guess your in management???
(You can still send me a private msg)

And since you did not make any comments about Air Sweden not having paid the enroute fees, I assume the rumors were correct?

15th Dec 2010, 16:18
Looking for Line Traning Captain A320 (http://latestpilotjobs.com/pilotjobs325.html) now.

22nd Mar 2011, 02:24
Um - silly question here but is this not yet another venture from that fabled UK Entrepeneaur of Crawley fame who ran all the others into bankruptcy??