View Full Version : Skills Assessment Centres

6th Aug 2010, 16:41
Good evening,

My Name is Carlos and I am 30. I am planning on taking a skills assessment centre BUT I am a little 'unprepared' shall we say.

The thing is I never took GCSE's in the UK as I was living in Spain at the time and went to school there. I left Spain at 15 and owing to my age, was not able to go to school so had to go to college. I took a basic qualification in Maths and English and a GCSE in Spanish. I have a GNVQ Intermediate and a GNVQ Advanced, both in Tourism & Leisure and I also have 2 degrees, both in Tourism.

As I have no Science, Maths or English at GCSE, I don't want to turn up, fail and be laughed out of the aviation schools due to being 'unprepared!'

I came across a website Pass Your Selection / Skills Assessment - What’s Included (http://www.myeguide.co.uk/page2.htm) that says pass your skills assessment centre and wonderd if anyone knew of it?

My question is, shall I look at venturing on with my 'dream career' or not? If not, what advice can both new and experienced pilots give me that I can take on board and do something with to get me a step closer to the coveted right hand seat, preferably on the 772/773?

Many thanks in advance,
