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View Full Version : Future of RAF & RN medicals

4th Aug 2010, 16:28
I heard on the news one day that a future cure for asthma and allergies such as peanuts was being developed in germany and would be available in four years time. Has anyone else heard of it? I have no idea in what shape and form it will be but I presume it will probably be something along the lines of a vaccination. I suprisingly suffer from both of these problems and it would be great if the RAF and RN would accept the usage of this medicine to gain eligibilty for aircrew roles. Would they ever accept a new medicine straight or close to straight away, or would they have to wait for longterm effects, even though the medicine would have gone through its own long term testing before being released to the public?

Greatfull for any replies...

4th Aug 2010, 17:48
Given the reluctance of RAF aircrew medicals to accept individuals who have had laser eye surgery for example, I wouldn't hold your breath for them accepting a brand spanking new allergy vaccination.

It comes down to the risk of accepting someone with an illness that could ultimately risk their life (or that of their crew/passengers, the very expensive equipment or people on the ground etc), even if the odds are very small.

The best thing you can do is keep an eye on developments of the vaccine and at an appropriate time apply for OASC and see what they say (and read the OASC thread on the Mil Aircrew forum too). Good luck.

6th Aug 2010, 23:06
Realistically speaking, from drug trial to common use is about 3-5 years.

Newspaper stories translating to anything useful clinically, about 1 in 2 or 3.:)

11th Aug 2010, 10:34
Both RAF and RN have so many to choose from for aircrew that they won't be making any changes soon/ever. Why take someone with a known risk when you have plenty to choose from without that risk?

It's tough, but it's life.