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4th Aug 2010, 06:50
:confused: I'll have to keep up with the times! Is it correct nowadays that a November registered aircraft can stay permanently in Australia?? How does that work??

Thanks for all and any replies

4th Aug 2010, 10:30
Yes it can as long as the maintenance is kept up to date by a FAA licensed lame or equivalent. Pilot should have FAA certificate as well. Motives are avoidance of many charges and landing fees etc and continuous N registration allegedly adds value at resale time.


4th Aug 2010, 11:56
It used to be easier if you had a serious Bizjet to keep it N rego'd because the yanks have a category for biz jets and CASA don't. I think they took exception to people running around in serious jets as a private op, and wanted them to get an AOC and go commercial, which is really ridiculous when it is a private op. So all you do is make it a N rego'd and do everything under the FAA regs which are designed for that operation. I think the plan is when (if) they rewrite the rules to have a biz jet operation as one of the parts in the Australian rules. However these rules have been coming out for over 5 years now, so don't be hold your breath.

4th Aug 2010, 22:10
It used to be easier if you had a serious Bizjet to keep it N rego'd because the yanks have a category for biz jets and CASA don't

Not quite correct.

The Yanks have a subpart K to FAR pt91 for fractional ownership.

If its owned by one corporation or individual there is no catagory.

If its over 12500 lbs. (5700kg) it will need a maint. program.

5th Aug 2010, 07:23
I am guessing the maintenance cannot be carried out by an A&P also. Under the USA system the Annual Inspection has to be certified by an IA.
An A&P would possibly be considered the equiv of a LAME by some, an IA is a good deal different.

Certainly an A&P mechanic could do much of the maintenance required, the stumbling block would be when the Annual comes up due.

desert goat
5th Aug 2010, 07:28
Apparently for private ops you don't need an FAA PPL to fly an N-reg, your CASA license will suffice so long as you are staying within Aussie airspace. (Strange but apparently true!)- I don't know about commercial ops.
And I think they have some rule about non-US residents not being allowed to be the C of R holder- apparently there is a way around this by going through a US based agent, I'm not sure of the detail.

6th Aug 2010, 04:19
If the Maint. Inspection Program is FAA approved and completed totally within the year....no IA is required.

Example: Large aircraft on A,B,C inspections. Long as you do all the inspections within the 12 calander months your fine.

You must be a US citizen to register your aircraft. Corporations must be 51% US owned.

6th Aug 2010, 08:17
I always thought there might be a business model to take women in labour for a long flight in your N-reg aircraft so that the resulting offspring could claim a green card...