View Full Version : Rabigh Wings

2nd Aug 2010, 17:16
Recieved an offer to come instruct with them and would appreciate some feedback on anyone who has ever worked there, or knows the lifestyle, days off, living in Saudi as an expat...How much multi-engine instruction opportunities? What are the advantages to instructing there in terms of networking? Does this afford an opportunity to jump a mainline carrier?

No need to review the 'culture shock' aspects, I've covered most of that in forums. More concerned with if it is a reputable flight school, uncompromising safety, standards, good management, and benefits to getting into a ME carrier in the future.

Thanks much!

2nd Aug 2010, 19:45
P.M. sent I'm in Jeddah and have a few good friends that still work there.

3rd Aug 2010, 19:02
what are their minimums for hiring

3rd Aug 2010, 20:18
Well I think back in October when I first applied, I had around 750TT and 460 Instruction-given. Now I'm about 1200TT and 1000 Instruction.

4th Aug 2010, 07:53
getting into a ME carrier in the future This is what happened to the guys you are replacing.......... :):) But in this part of the world there are no guarantees but LOTS of promises :ugh:.


8th Aug 2010, 11:16
I sent this out before, but i think all should be well informed of what they are getting into...

I've been working here for awhile. This place has gone through several management changes since last year due to people not knowing how to run a flight school. Everyday we are here could be the last day is how it feels. Actually we are very surprised this place is still up and running. Typical day; wake up at 5AM get to main office at 6AM and take a bus ( a Hyundai Mini-van...) to Rabigh airport which is 1.5 hours away. Might I mention the bus is a minivan agian.. oh and its always full shoulder to shoulder. Anyway you can imagine how fun that is at 6 am. Then start flying at 8 if your students "want" to show up. 3 flights a day if you can get the students to show, weather now is currently 42-45deg Celsius.. I think last heat index i saw was almost 60 lol! For you US guys, thats almost 140F ambient.. Anyway then around 2pm take the minivan back to jed where you will have to hitch a ride with one of the guys that have cars, because the company will not provide a vehicle. Oh try to get around here with out a car is expensive.. each taxi 25-30 sar and you get 1000 sar a month for allowance. But it sure is a pain.
Did I mention 6 days a week of work? so lets see...thats 6am till about 3pm your not home in 40+ deg heat, 6 days a week... They say if you do 18/ hours a week of flight u get a day off... well, good luck on that one.
Compound is decent.
Safety of operations you ask? None.
CFI morale? Low.
We get paid once a month and it's almost never on time.
Multi engine instruction? Forget about it, none are working or have been working in several months. You will be lucky to get maybe 25-50 a year but don't count on it.
Stepping stone for anything else ? Nope we have all been trying since we got here, nothing. Some have been here for almost 2 years...
Wouldn't work here for less then 4k/ month., remember we are in the middle east teaching how to fly.. Oh did I mention we just got a Counsulate Warden Message emailed saying to be alert and to expect an attack near Riyad? It could happen any ware really. So less then 4k a month, you will just be making it easier for them to get people at less money.
Why am I still here? I'm leaving in December with my wife for a regional which I hate but is 100000 times better then this place. Just need to build some cash for first year FO pay.
Honestly I can tell you this place will test your patience and in my opinion I would be working somewhere else if I could.... No cfi here is happy nor will ever be because of the management lack of sense.
NOW Unless you have a family to support and are very very desperate for cash, I would say steer clear and find a 135 job or CFI somewhere. Also, from what I hear our chief pilot is taking off too for another job so who knows what is next.

Last I heard, 2500 USD plus 20 a flight hour.. IMO not enough for this place, take my word for it.

Sounds bitter yes i know. But people need to know what they are getting into before leaving home for a 7k trek. I will be passing this information on all websites that I can find where people are asking about RWFS. If you have questions please PM or email me [email protected]