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View Full Version : Air Contractors info

28th Jul 2010, 11:37

Could somebody provide me information about the net salary of an ATR first officer at Air Contractors? So what is on your account every month including per diems?
And how is the career outlook at the moment? (upgrades, how is the company doing financially?)


28th Jul 2010, 13:08

As far as I know the company is doing well and people seem to be happy to work for Air Contractors. Working conditions and salary are still pretty good. A/C maintenance is good.
I donīt think there are gonna be some recruitment soon. Some guys might upgrade onto jet fleet, so we'll see what happens. All the ATR F/Os are very experienced and most of them have enough hours for the command.

@ plus :cool:

28th Jul 2010, 14:42
So internal change of fleet is possible within air contractors?
Let's say from the ATR to the Airbus?

Do you have a phone number to PM me to have a chat with recruitement?

28th Jul 2010, 23:05
they have a contact page for HR on their website.