View Full Version : creating an image dvd

keyboard flier
18th Jul 2010, 19:04
I am trying to compile a dvd composed of both photos and videos.
I need the files to be in the numerical order that I have renamed them as which is mixed photos and videos, e.g. 1-15 are photos 16 is a video, 17-59 photos, 60-69 video and so on.
I have tried doing a data dvd with Nero but that wont put the files in the right order it does 1,10,100,101,102-109, 10,110 etc.

Does anyone know of some software that will create the disk in the order that I want of photo and video files mixed in with each other.


18th Jul 2010, 19:16
I do hope that I am wrong and that someone gives you a more positive answer but I don't believe that you will find a solution.

The only way I know of to do this is to use the same number of digits for each file padded with zeroes where needed, thus;



If it helps, it would take me a few minutes to knock up a program to automate this task for you.

Alternatively, this is a cracking general purpose batch renaming tool which I have used..

Rename mp3 files. 1-4a-rename. Freeware file renamer for Windows 95/98/2000/XP (http://www.1-4a.com/rename/)

Good luck

Saab Dastard
18th Jul 2010, 19:32
I think that TweakUI allows you to adjust the sort order by going to the “Explorer” section and toggling the “Use intuitive filename sorting” checkbox. You can download TweakUI here:

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx)

I'm not certain it will help in your situation, but try it, see if it helps, let us know how you get on.


green granite
18th Jul 2010, 20:23
I had a similar problem sorting out book pages, the easiest way I found is to drag 1-9 across then drag 10-99 then100-whatever the last one is, if it's more than a 1000 then 999 is used. Select the group by using the shift +click method to select.

18th Jul 2010, 20:57
I'm not sure if I have understood correctly. However, are you trying to produce a DVD (that will play when in a DVD player)? Or just use a DVD to put data on?

If a playable DVD, you should be able to use any authoring software, I use Ctberlink power producer at the moment and you just drag the files you want onto the time line in the order you want.

If it's the other way then sorry no idea.:(

Mac the Knife
19th Jul 2010, 06:17




keyboard flier
19th Jul 2010, 09:14
The dvd will contain photos and video from a recent camp aboraod and I want it to have the files in date order as a timeline of the camp. During the camp the photos were taken on different cameras and the memory cards were cleared at the end of the day.
Simonta, it is probably your suggestion that I need so that the file numbers are all in the same format (there are 432 of them and I have renamed them individually twice!) and then try Nero again.


19th Jul 2010, 10:52
I also think you'll have to have the same number of digits in every filename, padded with leading zeros. Fortuneately, the excellent Bulk Rename Utility (http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/) will do this for you in seconds (once you've worked out how to use it...)

keyboard flier
20th Jul 2010, 08:25
downloaded the file and it worked a treat, thanks. Tried to create a data dvd with nero and it doesn't like it. so now need to look for some software so that I can put photo and video files on the same disk in a mixed order.


20th Jul 2010, 14:56
What do you mean Nero didn't like it? Do you mean the file ordering or burning process?

You could also dry Deepburner and CDBurnerXP which, despite it's name, also burns DVDs.

keyboard flier
21st Jul 2010, 07:35
The burning process. Had a look on tinternet and found 'wondershare' and used that, works a treat.

21st Jul 2010, 09:23
Winavi Video Converter works just great in that regard. Convert X to DVD is another.

Theyll both put all your **** on a DVD in the order you want them.