View Full Version : Left handed

9th Jul 2010, 13:03
I have a question. Though it might seem ridiculous to some, it does concern me. I am about to undergo Type-Rating on an A320-200. I am left handed. I write with my left hand and till now I have never flown with my right hand. From now, I will have to control the aircraft with my right hand. I would like to believe that it will not be a big problem because many pilots who are right handed are made to fly with their left hand in their initial stages.
I would therefore like to ask somebody who has flown an A320 whether I should be worried about such a problem..

Thank you

9th Jul 2010, 13:32
Don't worry about it, you will most likely not even notice it. If you drive a car with your right hand does it feel strange, no as you don't even notice it. Worry about getting all the required knowledge in your head rather than this.

Callsign Kilo
9th Jul 2010, 14:23
Does a right handed Captain have the same concern?

9th Jul 2010, 14:44
Can airbuses not fly by themselves anyway??

10th Jul 2010, 00:02
Is it Airbi? Anyway, I fly both seats and the most confusing is which side the seat levers are not which hands I'm flying with!

10th Jul 2010, 05:48
Thank you all....I guess I dont need to worry about that anymore !!

10th Jul 2010, 06:44
I fly both seats and the most confusing is which side the seat levers are not which hands I'm flying with!

Glad someone else struggles with this! I've just changed seats and have ben feeling like a right knob! everytime i try to move my seat forward I end up sat on the floor!!!

Sahil Verma
10th Jul 2010, 07:56
Any advice on how I should prepare myself before the type rating(I still have 1 month to go) so that when I come back and undergo a Sim Check by the airline, I perform exceptionally well ?

Thank you in advance

10th Jul 2010, 15:10
You mean you are doing a type rating before you have been offered a job

I think i just threw up

Sahil Verma
10th Jul 2010, 16:12
"so that when I come back and undergo a Sim Check by the AIRLINE, I perform exceptionally well ?"

I believe you have not read the post correctly..A decent airline would definitely conduct a sim check after type-rating to look at the standard of the pilot..
Besides, it is not that disgusting that you need to throw up because there are many airlines in my country who take type-rated pilots without experience on type..

So could anyone please advise me on my preparation before starting type-rating..?


10th Jul 2010, 17:18
bend over and learn to love the pain!

Sahil Verma
10th Jul 2010, 18:02
O I don't need to prove anything to you..

And when you throw up, ..Be sure

10th Jul 2010, 18:09
adverse-bump. you are spoiling this thread..This website is made to help fellow pilots and not demotivate them..

You might be an experienced pilot on the A320, but I can see that you don't possess any Airmanship..

PS: I agree with Sahil on the last point

10th Jul 2010, 19:32
Don't buy your own type rating!!!

Although you think that comment is "de-motivating" I actually beg to differ....

L Met

Sahil Verma
11th Jul 2010, 05:30

This is a government airline...I dont wish to be commented on how my government thinks and there are many airlines in my country offering the same..They pay their pilots enough to recover the money soon....

N charliezuluvictor, Thanks!

11th Jul 2010, 10:29
I write with my left hand and till now I have never flown with my right hand.
CZV, in practice you are not really flying the aircraft - you are controlling it remotely. The FBW control tilts for pitch and roll - once the required attitude is attained, let go of your pressure on the stick. If you continue to put pressure on it then you would continue to increase the pitch/roll angle.

Being left- or right-handed therefore does not come into it. Control the stick with a light touch and cross scan to the AH for confirmation if you are hand flying. I have not flown an actual A320 but have undergone training in an A320 6-axis full-motion simulator at Airbus China. :ok:

11th Jul 2010, 15:53
Thank you, ReverseFlight...No one could have understood me better than someone who has recently undergone Type-Rating...

It no more worries me,

Thank you,