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Finger Poking
23rd Jun 2010, 19:54
So the dissappearing thread thread is closed by the all so mighty Mod's.

justify your actions or leave alone.


23rd Jun 2010, 20:00
Do you usually sign your posts with that word?

23rd Jun 2010, 20:10
.. or be so gratuitously offensive. Why not just politely ask? There are other fora far more suited to that sort of language and behaviour.

What is it they say: Better to be silent and thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt?

23rd Jun 2010, 20:16
Finger Poking, perhaps you should try finger poking that chip off your shoulder

23rd Jun 2010, 20:26
I dont post often but if you dont like the mod`s decision go elsewhere,

23rd Jun 2010, 20:29
Exactly. The Moderators have a job to do..... let them do it

23rd Jun 2010, 21:22
Finger Poking - I just wish that you had bothered to read the explanation for how and why the thread you were complaining about became closed, before you set off on yet another wild rant. You might not have then made yourself look a complete plonker.

Also accusing me of being anonymous shows how little you know. About half of the RAF and half of PPRuNe know precisely who I am in real life as I've never hidden it. About half of those even know where I live and what my background is.

My only regret is that I banned you before you had a chance to read this post!

Go and find another forum to be a pain in please, because you're not coming back here!