View Full Version : PanAm pilot uniforms 1940s-60s?

23rd Jun 2010, 01:14

when looking through vintage PanAm crew photos on the net, I noticed that there were apparently different types of pilot uniforms around in the 1950s. The most noticeable difference is that some of them have golden stripes at the sleeves while others don't. Does anyone here know if this was a change over time (if yes, approximately what year?), if it was different for the individual PA divisions or if there is a completey different reason behind this?

Thanks in advance!

Sir George Cayley
23rd Jun 2010, 20:28
I'd be more interested in Pan Am FA uniforms from that period:ok:


23rd Jun 2010, 22:12
SGC, that part of the research came first and is already complete ;)

24th Jun 2010, 07:59
Is it? Did you check this site: Cliff Muskiet's Stewardess/Flight Attendant Uniform Collection (http://www.uniformfreak.com/) ?

Sir George Cayley
24th Jun 2010, 20:51
Fantastic site. But she seems a bit down:confused: Has she been told she's going to work at BA?

Thanks, but back to the main topic.