View Full Version : Final year project advise needed

17th Jun 2010, 08:22
Hi everyone,

I am on a placement now working in an airline company's engineering department. I will have final year project next year and I am thinking if I can start it from now I will have more time to do other projects or study for exams next year. Problem is I can't find what to do. I have given some hpc and hpt blades. Do you think that I can use them as a project? or what sort of things I can do? I am mostly thinking to choose subject about materials, structures or design. I am in powerplant section of airline but engineers are mostly doing paper work such as engineering orders, controlling the maintenance, keeping the data of llp and ht engine parts. I don't think the work in here could be my project but if you have any recommendations to me, I will be glad to hear them.

thank you.