View Full Version : JAA FI rating in US??

14th Jun 2010, 19:42
Hello guys
I just finished my flight training and I'm a current holder of a JAA license and I decided that I wanna take the step further and do my FI rating.

But my question is can I get "JAA FI rating" in the USA, maybe in Florida or somewhere on the east coast ?? if so what schools do you reccomend?

All help appreciated;)


15th Jun 2010, 11:04
Hi Gudjon89, I cant recommend any as I don't know what they are like but from the websites it looks like OBA / EFT do JAA FI courses.

15th Jun 2010, 11:32
Thanks Moona,

I checked on OBA but I'm a little confused about their prices.It says on their website that JAA FI rating course costs 7,995$ but for the FAA FI rating it's only 4,895$. Why could the JAA FI rating be 3,100$ more expensive than the FAA rating??
I really don't get it.


15th Jun 2010, 16:39
I'd do a quick search on this forum for previous posts about Ormond Beach Aviation before going any further...

On another note. Having trained in Spain and then done the FI rating in England, I'd say that although it would be possible to do the FI overseas, there's a lot more to flying a plane than just "flying the plane". The whole ATC / airspace / procedures thing is different in pretty much every country I've been to (and I've flown VFR in most of Europe) I've never been in a position to employ another FI, but if I was and I was presented with an instructor who had done his rating abroad. I'd want him to do probably 5 hours training in a busy UK area just to make sure he had all the UK procedures nailed down. If he'd done plenty of UK flying before the FI rating, I'd reduce that to 3 hours.

Just my tuppence.

15th Jun 2010, 18:18
ehrm, 'JAA premium', maybe? :ugh:

15th Jun 2010, 20:00
The JAA FI is 30 hours of flight training and 125 hours of groundschool.

The FAA one has no minimum set down at all under Part 61, other than 3 hours prior to practical test.

The JAA FI teaches you to teach.
The FAA CFI is right hand seat Commercial skills test and FAR test.

That's why there's a price difference.

20th Jun 2010, 08:55
Thanks guys for the information and expecially thank you "BigGrecian".
It helped a lot:)

24th Oct 2010, 17:22
The JAA FI teaches you to teach.
The FAA CFI is right hand seat Commercial skills test

Oh no.. does that mean I have to do all my training again if all those FAA guys that taught me are not actually teachers ?


24th Oct 2010, 17:38
I'm over here in Florida and looking into my FI here, there is now a course available at Fly Easa, near Ormond beach Florida. I am actually going there for the classroom part of my CPL Theory course that I am sitting with CATS, so going to check things out with regards to doing my CPL Practical and FI there, I will post what I find.

24th Oct 2010, 19:49
You could of just looked at the CAA website to see what schools have the approval for JAA FI.

25th Oct 2010, 13:47
Did my JAA FI rating at European Flight Training - Quality JAA Pilot Flight Training (http://www.flyeft.com)
Worked ok for me. No problems, finished on scheduled time and money...