View Full Version : Jetconnect Auckland

8th Oct 2008, 03:59
Im currently TJQ dom cabin crew. I want to move over to Auckland and heard that Jetconnect are recruiting at the moment. Can anyone tell me what the pay and conditions are like??? do they pay super, coz i heard they didn't???
How many layovers could you expect a month???

Thanks for anyone who might be able to help me!!!

9th Oct 2008, 02:25

Does anyone out there know what pay is like for Jetconnect LH cabin crew out of auckland???

Also, would you be likely to get many o/nights???

Im currently Jetstar SH but looking to move to Auckland next year...

12th Oct 2009, 11:24
JetConnect (Qantas) is hiring for its Wellington base if you guys are keen.

Tough luck if you are based in Auckland. They have already done the hiring for there.

14th Jun 2010, 03:48
Has anybody heard jetconnect might be recruiting and if so has any one heard back?

15th Jun 2010, 05:22
hi bt89,
yes they are it was advertised on seek.co.nz yesterday. it says that you register your interest and they take it from there, so i think they must look at all the applications first before contacting people.

be patient and good luck, let us know if you get a call!

18th Jun 2010, 02:01
Hi there,

I had my panel interview for Jetconnect Longhaul AKL last week. It all went well, hoping to hear back soon.


19th Jun 2010, 06:06
hi cody well done on getting so far!

let us know how it goes, your fingernails might be bitten down to little tiny stubs but im sure its worth it!

good luck!!!

19th Jun 2010, 14:51
Well done! I'm applying now! Tell me how was the panel interview? Did you have previous crew experience? Any info is more than welcome!!! get back to us on your progress! :ok:

22nd Jun 2010, 03:57
Anyone attending the Candidate event following the assessment centre? :ok:

24th Jun 2010, 11:10
I went on Saturday the 12th. I asked the lady she said it's another Group interview where they will be watching your behaviour, grooming and all the rest. It's a good sign if you can get through all these processes!
:) See you there and good luck!!!

30th Jun 2010, 11:24
hey guys how are you going with the applications for jetconnect? i went to an assessment day for auckland based cabin crew on the weekend. seems like all airlines are recruiting like crazy at the moment! airnz and pacific blue were also advertising

7th Jul 2010, 06:43
Hey there how did you go? did you get through to the panel interview? what sort of questions did they ask you?

7th Jul 2010, 07:39
hey bt89 i got through to the panel interview yayy :) and they have contacted my references who i spoke with after and said it all sounded positive so just waiting to hear back from them for the next stage so fingers crossed!
The questions were all to do with your personal experience in dealing with customers/clients/etc so you really have to think of your own real life examples.
Good luck! :ok: I guess the best advice I got was to just be yourself which apart from being extremely nervous I tried my best to be just that. Have you applied with any airlines yet?

7th Jul 2010, 23:50
Hi there, I'm quite new here.
I've just applied for Jetconnect longhaul and will have assessment on this sunday. I'm quite excited and nervous. I personally havent been to job interviews or anything like this much. I lost my confidence and self-esteem completely. I'm still looking for what to wear :( any suggesttions?

8th Jul 2010, 00:27
Business attire, simple as that.

Simple jewellery, very tidy hair and makeup, not over the top.

8th Jul 2010, 08:49
I was told by a client of mine who is an attendant told me to wear my best business attire, heels, hair back in a tidy bun, nice make up and a smile. Always be positive, when answering the scenario type questions remember to describe the Situation, the Action taken, and the Outcome, and try to have a few specific scenarios in mind before you go, instead of making it up on the spot. And always be positive in the group discussions. This is the advice I was given, and I trust it works because I just got offered the job today :). Good luck!!

12th Jul 2010, 08:49
Congrats AmberLea. I also got the job so yay! Hope to fly with you soon. Is your start date 3rd August?

The medical costs I thought were exhorbitant though. $370NZD medical, $90 NZD hearing test, $79 NZD OCG (dental xray) and $80 NZD blood test for antibodies Hep A&B and measles.
All up over $600! I have worked for 2 airlines before and never spent over $300 for medical tests so this is a bit ridiculous. With GST going up I don't see many people prepared to accept this kind of cost in the future!

14th Jul 2010, 09:20
Thanks, Thats awesome you got in too, yeah start on the 3rd of August, whats your name? You were also at the candidate event too right?. Yeah its crazy expensive! Just got told I need a Hep A vaccination today which is another $100, hopefully thats the last of it haha

15th Jul 2010, 06:16
Hi guys!

I also attended the Jetconnect interviews, the one that began on the 27th June. Yesterday I went for my medical & it cost the same - $560! Very expensive. Hopefully it will all be worth it shortly ;)

Can anybody shed any light into what happens once the medical results come back, i.e. the next step?

I have heard through the grapevine that there are two lots of groups starting within 2 weeks of each other?

This is all very exciting!!

16th Jul 2010, 06:08
Hi flygaljen and Amberlea
Congrats on getting this far. Is it for longhaul or shorthaul ?

16th Jul 2010, 08:08
Thanx! Getting nerve-wracking now! My application is for Long-Haul, completed my Medical on Wednesday so I've got my fingers X'd I hear back from Jetconnect early next week ??

20th Jul 2010, 03:18
Hi all, My application has been progressed to medical stage however there is no training group approved yet for later in the year. So havnt had the Medical just yet? Did anyone attend the Exec day on the 12th of July whos also aware of this:)

22nd Jul 2010, 01:04
Hope all went well for you!

How was the medical? what did they do? do they take you height, weight and that? Havnt had mine yet as im waiting for news of an approved start date later on in the year. So exciting...

22nd Jul 2010, 07:50
Hi all , I currently work for JC SH

Having worked for a few airlines I do enjoy it , great place to first start out as well and like all airlines there is lots of talk that big changes i.e ports a/c etc happening in next 6 months, hence mass recruitment management are fantastic the based for short hail first year is nzd $27,000 pa plus $10-13k in allowances overnights are in SYD and MEL.

Good Luck all any questions let me know

4th Aug 2010, 04:08
Hey flygaljen,

I got a call from Jetconnect today inviting me to a recruitment day on the 21st August. Would you be able to give me any advice or what they may ask etc? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanx :)

4th Aug 2010, 04:37
Hi Kate!
Well Done! :) It's pretty much a group interview. You will be interviewed with maybe around 30-35 others, put into groups and assessed on group activities and most probably get asked a random question where you'll have to go up to the front of the room and give answers. The panel are all so lovely though and they take notes of EVERYTHING so be aware of not just how you answer the questions, but how you present yourself at all times and how you interact with the other members in your group. But in saying that just try to act how you normally would, it's hard because you're nervous but they can see through a 'fake personality' so just act accordingly to YOUR personality even if you clash with someone else. It goes for 2-3 hours and if you get through you will get the 2nd interview later that day or the next. Good luck!!! :ok:

4th Aug 2010, 07:32
Congrats on getting to the Assessment day! :ok: Its pretty much outlined above by Coco25 but I'll give you my experience anyway!

You arrive and your documents get checked by a Jetconnect Staff member - make sure you have EVERYTHING, or proof that you have enrolled in say your FirstAid or RSA. One girl walked in and had forgotten her passport - not a good look. Remember first impressions! :cool:

From there you sit at a numbered table that you are given & begin your first group activity - this could be anything but is usually based around problem solving & team work. I think its good to make sure you throw some ideas on the table, but not to be overbearing/bossy. A Jetconnect staff member will sit at the table & observe. Each table then has to 'deliver' their outcome to the other candidates. This can be a bit nervewracking - but I went out of my comfort zone & spoke infront of everybody...hey at the end of the day I might be standing infront of 250+ passengers!

This is normally it, and you should get a yes/no phone call later that day, or perhaps the day after. From there the 2nd stage is a panel interview.

I found out last week that I start my training for Long Haul in a couple of weeks - have to say I've never been so happy in my life haha. Coco25 is right - try & be as natural as possible, even myself as a fellow candidate I could tell who was being genuine & who wasn't. Let your natural personality shine through - smile, and actively go out of your way to try and talk to a few of the other girls/guys. Lot'sa luck! :)

16th Aug 2010, 03:29
Hi Kate,
I also got a call from Jetconnect about the assessment day on Sat 21st August!
Really nervous about it! How are you preparing for it??
KjaytNZ :)

18th Aug 2010, 00:02
Hi Coco25 and flygaljen - Thank you both soo much for your help! I appreciate it greatly! I now have a much better idea of what is going to happen :)

KjaytNZ - Thats great news! Im very nervous as well. Just doing some research and thinking of some customer scenarios at the moment. How bout you?

Kate :)

18th Aug 2010, 16:05
Does anyone know what the pay difference is between Jetconnect Long Haul and Jetconnect Short Haul?

I see that they're recruiting for Short Haul at the moment, but I'm wondering if I should hold out and wait for Long Haul?

I don't mind not having many layovers, but if there's a huge difference in pay then maybe I'll hold out for LH

Any comments appreciated!

19th Aug 2010, 20:13
Hi Kate, I'm basically doing the same as you. Research and thinking about possible questions and how to respond! It's nerve wracking and exciting to think that it's all happening tomorrow!
Katherine :)

22nd Aug 2010, 21:42
Hey I'm Tracy I went for the Jetconnect interview this weekend just gone 21/22 Aug and am having trouble getting onto the hogan website to do there tests is anyone else having problems? It just comes up as a blank page or says website cannot be found.
I know this is really important to do as soon as possible any advise will be greatly appreciated.

23rd Aug 2010, 22:20
Hi Tracy,
When I logged onto the Hogan website on Sunday it all worked fine for me. Have you managed to get onto it since then?? All I could suggest would be to refresh the page and try again!! Have you contacted Jetconnect about this??

24th Aug 2010, 08:58
I hey I tried everything calling them, emailling,searching through google and yahoo and went to mums and used her computer, it then worked haha.... Didn't make it in through. Good luck to you all that haven't back yet.

24th Aug 2010, 22:34
I'm sorry to hear that Tracy!! Will you apply again in 6months?? How did you know that you didn't get in???

Also does anyone know what the next step after the panel interview????


4th Sep 2010, 05:10
I went to the assessment day on the 21st August, panel interview the next day and candidate event the day after that. My referees were contacted 10 days ago and now biting my fingernails waiting to hear. Has anybody who was there that weekend heard anything? Very Exciting!

4th Sep 2010, 08:29
Hi Bert123,
I also went to the candidate event. Then had my current boss called 2 days later. I haven't heard anything since then though! I'm also very excited and a tad nervous!! Hope to hear from them soon!!

5th Sep 2010, 21:39
Hi there,

I went through the 3 day August recruitment process also...exhausting..hee. It's very nerve-wrecking waiting to hear back. At the same time it's fun to speculate on all the reasons why it takes so long to hear back. I guess security checks take 10 days or so.

However, a good friend of mine applied in the July recruitment event. He had his referees called also, then waited three weeks only to receive an email advising that he was unsuccessful. We can't decide whether his referees let him down,whether he failed the Hogans or whether he didn't get security clearance. I guess it must have been security clearance that he didn't get otherwise why would they wait 3 weeks to advise him that he was unsuccessful?..hmm.it's a mystery. The frustrating part is that Jetconnect don't advise why you are unsuccessful which makes it a wee bit difficult to fix those things in case you wish to apply again.

I've been coming home each day and anxiously checking my emails...hee

Anyway, good luck to you and let us know as soon as you hear

18th Sep 2010, 01:16
Hey Symon1, KjaytNZ, bert123!

Im glad to see that Im in the same boat! I went to the same 3 day process with the assessment day on the 21st Aug. They called my refs 2 days after the candidate event. Has anyone heard anything at all?
I am so excited!! I hope i get the golden call soon!!

Is there anyone else out there who went through the same 3 day interviews last month? ;) Would love to hear from you? This waiting is nervewracking huh!

18th Sep 2010, 03:17
Hi Joyfly,
Nope no word so far. I was excited after my referees were called but as time goes by, my excitement is turning to anxiety!!. Still, I'll let you know as soon as I hear. Good luck and let us know how you go.

27th Sep 2010, 03:11
Hi there, just checking to make sure I wasn't the only one who hadn't heard anything. It would make me feel better to know there were others in the same boat.

27th Sep 2010, 03:18
Hey Bert123,
Yep we're all in the same boat :) unless Joyfly or Symon1 got an email or call today!!

28th Sep 2010, 09:30
Yes same boat! Im praying that we all get in! Not much longer to go hopefully!

14th Oct 2010, 19:25
Has anybody tried to contact Jetconnect for an update? I've emailed and rung but had no luck.

15th Oct 2010, 06:45
hey bert123,
no. i thought about contacting them in case they had accidentally left me off their list of people to reply to, but haven't. i'm a little peed at their inconsideration actually so am now only 25% excited and 75% resigned.
will let ya know if I hear anything

17th Oct 2010, 03:16
herd that jetconnect are currently negotiating their new EBA (contract) soooo maybe this is why its taking sooooooooooooo loooonnnnng for them to contact us. once that is sorted they will probably take it from there.

17th Oct 2010, 04:46
I had heard the same thing. I wonder how long that process takes. Any guess?

If we get in I was figuring out the time between now and Christmas and I don't think we'd start training before next year. Has anybody else worked on that time frame also?

17th Oct 2010, 17:21
48 s/h crew are supposedly guaranteed l/h.....

17th Oct 2010, 20:44
I wonder how many positions are available for the newcomers. Do you think they mix training classes of ex short haul with new crew?

17th Oct 2010, 21:21
classes are never more then 20... I no of afew that have had rejections so no news is always good news.

17th Oct 2010, 21:44
Do you think they are still culling from the list we are on?

17th Oct 2010, 22:52
possibly... I'm hoping not, it would suck to get rejected this far along lol

17th Oct 2010, 23:00
That would be quite devastating wouldn't it?

18th Oct 2010, 00:48
They've cut out at least one person off the list that was at the final stage so that means they've probably cut off a few more?
I talked to Michael after the 6 week wait was up and he said that they may not know until next week, next month or next year what's happening :confused:

31st Oct 2010, 04:15
Anything? Any activity going on the world of long haul? Any rumours that anyone has heard? Its been ages! Whats going on up there...

31st Oct 2010, 06:28
erm..that would be zip...

31st Oct 2010, 19:35
Chin up guys! I'm sure we won't have to wait too much longer

8th Nov 2010, 03:51
Has anybody heard anything today from Jetconnect?

8th Nov 2010, 04:39
yep got the email about longhaul on hold and the option is open for shorthaul....hmm..what to do??!!

8th Nov 2010, 04:44
Do you know anything about start dates, conditions, rosters, pay, etc?

8th Nov 2010, 05:01
no. i don't know anything...makes it a bit difficult to make a decision..can we assume the pay will be the same as discussed for longhaul? i'm tempted to wait for longhaul but on the other hand the experience that i could gain from working shorthaul would make an application later for longhaul a lot easier...hopefully..and theoretically..hee

8th Nov 2010, 05:09
Hopefully somebody reading this will be able to offer some information for us. I will email Jetconnect.

8th Nov 2010, 05:17
What do you think the chances of long haul coming up in the next 6 months? Would it not be better to get a foot in the door?

8th Nov 2010, 07:41
I wish I knew the answer to that question. I wonder what the process is to go to long haul once you've been in short haul for 18 months.

11th Nov 2010, 05:23
i'll probably contact jetconnect early next week to ask a few questions but has anyone found out what the base is for shorthaul and what the likely untaxable earnings on top of that would be per year?

i wish i'd thought to write it down at the time but does anyone remember how long the training period was ...6 weeks?...and i don't think you got paid over that period hey? does anyone remember or know?

17th Nov 2010, 03:45
Symon1, Did you get the answers to your questions?

17th Nov 2010, 09:14
Hi Bert123,
not really. i left a voicemail but no-one returned my call..which is ok because i'd pretty much already made up my mind anyway. have decided to remain true to my original intentions which was to work longhaul so am remaining on the shortlist for now. we'll see how things are looking after 6 months!
Good luck with whichever path you have chosen!

17th Nov 2010, 10:33
Hey all, just wondering what JC SH conditions are like? Have an interview with them on the 27th November. cheers

18th Nov 2010, 10:14
Hey guys, I emailed some questions about SH too and got a reply to say that they will be in contact regarding my queries but still have not heard from them. If I still don't hear by tomorrow then I have also decided that I am going to wait for LH. What will you do Bert?

22nd Nov 2010, 08:20
Hi all ,

I currently am a JC FA . the base salary is 28k or so per year average fortnight pay is over 1200 you get 4.50per hr DTA our contract i coming up for negotiations in the next few months.

As for going to LH from SH you can only apply after 12mths in which time if you get selected you go for an interview and so but its not a shoe in if you get it SH may not release you straight away due to operational requirements(i.e they still ned crew to fly sh)there are SH crew waiting to go across to Lh now they only release 2 crew per Lh training course so can take a 6-12 mths before training.

Hope that helps good luck

1st Dec 2010, 09:04
I also decided to wait on the long haul list.

4th Dec 2010, 13:01
Thanks ANZzeal123...pretty good info. As with others I'll hang for LH to open up.

4th Jan 2011, 20:54
Hi everybody,
Just making sure you were all still there and hadn't started training without me. I've been reading the threads for qantas uk and australia. Some of their posts say January/February is when things will start again. Here's hoping.

6th Jan 2011, 10:54
Hey Bert

Yes still here, I don't know what to think anymore :(
Theres talk of a Qantas/Virgin Blue merger? Rumours though of course, I heard from someone who has contacts in Virgin..
Sigh.. feeling a bit deflated at the moment.. I really want this..

10th Jan 2011, 20:51
Qantas and Virgin merger seems abit far fetched..... def rumour

11th Jan 2011, 03:17
I think its Air New Zealand and Virgin talking about a partnership isnt it?

14th Jan 2011, 08:19
yep. its definitely air nz and virgin. air nz will codeshare with virgin between san fran and europe.

15th Jan 2011, 20:33
I heard there was a class who were notified that their training was due to start in September but was then postponed. Does anybody know if that class has resumed training now?

25th Jan 2011, 06:28
I've just read on the QCCA thread that Qantas is recruiting again for the Melbourne and Sydney bases. I also saw today on a website that Jetstar is advertising for cabin crew. This is a good sign if the Qantas group has resumed its recruiting. Hopefully Jetconnect will be soon.

6th Feb 2011, 07:32
I hope so too..although QF has been hammered mericlessly lately in the press with incident after incident...maybe this will be their year...

30th Mar 2011, 07:30
Not feeling hopeful anymore after reading this article today...

Qantas set to slash capacity, jobs - Business - NZ Herald Mobile (http://m.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.php?c_id=3&objectid=10715957)

31st Mar 2011, 02:42
Skylarker, how do you know this? After reading that article if anything they were cutting jobs, not hiring?
I'm in a tricky situation because in the next few weeks I may be offered a really good professional fixed term role but if I take it then I will lose out on training school in June. So need to know how valid your info is?

31st Mar 2011, 03:36
Yes well that was the QF news yesterday and the training dates have been in place for a while now, however things can change at anytime in this industry and nothing is definate.
Until QF changes its mind, training is still scheduled to resume at that time.
Having said that, I would never put my life on hold waiting for a call up and if something better came along, I would have to think long and hard about it.
Unfortunately you have to make that decision as well.
My only advice is dont pin you all your hopes on training in June.

4th Aug 2011, 11:47
Hi Taroom,
Not too sure if you have applied for Jetconnect yet but heres a bit of info.... the height limits they have are more of a guideline so I wouldnt let that put you off. The planes that Jetconnect Shorthaul fly are mainly Boeing 737 - 800s (they are phasing the the B737-400s out however we still fly on them from time to time). The only problem with your height would be on the B737-400s because the tvs hang down in the middle. But as they'll be gone after the world cup that won't be a problem! I've also heard that they'll be recruiting for Wellington base crew again this year. So definately put your CV forward and good luck!!

26th Aug 2013, 05:52
Just wondering what the conditions are like with also your wages and allowances.
Can anyone shed a light?
Thanks for your time.

30th Aug 2013, 05:15
QueenBuzzz on the Qantas forum shared some info..

1st Sep 2013, 13:04
Next week will be my 9th week waiting for a response since the panel interview & reference check. I'm thinking about calling but I don't want to seem like I'm harassing. I'm wait to inpatient for this! I know it is normal to wait, but is it normal to hear nothing for this long?

13th Sep 2013, 14:06

Attended an AD in late August for the AKL base and on Monday received the call offering me a position with SH (applied for both SH & LH) to start in Oct. Unfortunately couldn't move to NZ by then and was told that I would be called for the first ground school of next year. I was just wondering what the pay for Short Haul crew is and also if it is possible (and how long it takes if it is) to transfer from SH to LH?

Thanks all :)

(Whilst I know this has been addressed previously, that was about 3 years ago, so just wondering if it has changed)

14th Sep 2013, 02:49
Hi blance,

From memory, it was 29,000 a year (that's not including any extras). I can't remember what they said regarding transferring, I do have a friend who worked for jet connect 2 years ago and she said its not a easy process- you have to apply again. It may have changed though! I'm hoping the fact they called you might mean I'm on the list soon, I've been waiting since early July and last week they couldn't tell me anything besides my application is "still active".

14th Sep 2013, 05:21
29000NZD or AUD? It's so little! Hopefully the bonuses and allowances are a bit then! Ouch, that's not good at all, I thought it would have been just a straight transfer :-(, hopefully it has changed! Did you apply for SH or LH? I remember Mikey saying there was a ground school for SH on October 7, but I think they said there isn't a ground school for LH until early next year.

14th Sep 2013, 18:18
I know, but I keep telling myself It's never a career I have chosen for the money. I applied for both (but said I had a slight preference for longhaul) ! My hopes are lifted today though my 2nd reference got contacted! 8 weeks after the last one which is very weird, but definitely will give me peace of mind.

15th Sep 2013, 11:04
That is indeed very odd! Maybe they couldn't get a hold of your second refernence for some unknown reason? They called one of mine on the Friday and then the other one on the Monday, literally a few hours after the second one got called, I got the golden call :) Keep me posted with how you go, we will probably end up at the same ground school!