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View Full Version : JET LAG............................

7th Apr 2001, 06:25
Does anybody out there have any ideas on getting over or prevbenting jet lag?
Are there any remedies, herbal or otherwise, that people swear by.

It's 0300.......I need help!

8th Apr 2001, 16:50

12th Apr 2001, 03:11
Drink heavily until you get your second wind after the first "I need sleep" trough. Then go to bed for a fitfull 4 hours kip followed by a big fry up!

12th Apr 2001, 23:25
If you spend less than 48 hours at destination, try to keep your internal clock at the time of your point of origin. Otherwise you'll probably waste your time and energy TWICE !

If you really have to adjust to local time, eat at the same time as the "locals", and stay outside (go walking) during daylight hours. Take coffee or tea for breakfast and lunch but avoid them for diner. Take a warm shower before going to sleep and a cold one after wake-up (brrr).