View Full Version : Atpl Exam

7th Jun 2010, 03:55
wanted to know if i'm too late for the july attempt for ATPL examination , anyone has idea when is the last date for form submission??

training wheels
7th Jun 2010, 05:18
For which licensing authority mate?

7th Jun 2010, 06:22
For DGCA, India - 14th June 2010

7th Jun 2010, 06:24
Not late yet but you could be.Dgca last date is 14 Junehttp://www.dgca.nic.in/result/Pilot_0410.pdf
Following Documents attested needed
Form showing you have done ground training (All forms on dgca website)
Annexure form needed if you are applying 1st time
Last page of logbook
marksheet of 12th
Cpl license

Best of Luck

7th Jun 2010, 06:44
Juat had this question i hope someone could help me with it.
Is it possible for a CPL holder with 225 hrs to give ALTP exam in India and will that be called as Frozen ALTP ?

7th Jun 2010, 07:49

Yes one can, if they have a Multi Engine Rating on their CPL.
Also they would need to produce one of those course completion certificate from so called "DGCA approved ground training establishment".

No Frozen licenses in India. Too hot a climate for that.
Validity of Written pass papers are 5 years, within which if experience attained, ATPL will be issued, or else appear again.

All the Best.

7th Jun 2010, 08:16
The applicant should have:

(a) Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with multi-engine endorsement or a minimum
of 500 hours of flying experience of which at least 200 hours should be as
Pilot in Command in case of Defence Personnel.

(b) Attended the ground training classes with DGCA approved Flying / Ground
Training Institutes or Defence Establishments on the subjects of a category of
license in which the applicant desires to appear.

remember one more thing that atpl is not issued on single engine aircrafts here in india

one more thing which i need to highlight is that dgca needs a ground skool certificate
however till now many cpl holders without jobs used to just give atpl written without a certificate and dgca used to overlook

but in last attempt dgca became strict and have asked for airline certificate straight away

so if u in any airline or charter or u have taken a ground school in dgca approved ground school for atpl subjects then u can go ahead with the application

this happened to my several frnds who had actually passed 1 paper in past but still their application was rejected saying that they arent working in any airline or charters and dont have certificate

for more details pls click here (http://dgca.nic.in/cars/D7B-B1.pdf)

7th Jun 2010, 09:46
are u sure that the validity is of 5 years bcoz as per the document they mention it 2.5 years

7th Jun 2010, 16:13
Some of my friends were planning to give the ALTP exam though i am no more in touch with them so don't know if they gave it or not.They said that you could provide them with the Ground Training document from the school from where you did your flying from . This is the same document which i guess all those who converted their CPL submitted while conversion.Any info regarding this??Is it true?

7th Jun 2010, 17:33
i really dont think that mite work now as i said dgca is now demanding directly airline certificate
actually chek out the aprill session rejected list and u will see many out there with this reason

8th Jun 2010, 03:27
Thanks a lot guys for the valuable information , which are these DGCA approved ground institutes ? Can i get someone from my company to sign the form , and do i need to attach some letter saying i received ground training for x amount of hours ??

8th Jun 2010, 07:10

Page 3 , 7(a) of the document

Any info regarding this??Is it true?Dont know a lot about that, but trying wouldn't do any harm.

which are these DGCA approved ground institutes ? Can i get someone from my company to sign the formThere ain't no list that I could find. Any one and every one does I guess.
Yes your company's DGM / GM or VP Ops can sign the Annex 1 that is a part of the Application form


All the Best.

8th Jun 2010, 15:28
@silent_scream @avalanche007
Extract from Page 3 , 7(a) of the document
7. Examination — (a) The technical and other examinations for the issue of a licence,
rating or type rating under this Schedule shall be completed within a period of two and a
half years immediately preceding the date of application for the issue of the licence or
rating, except for issue of Commercial Pilot’s Licence (CPL) and Airline Transport
Pilot’s Licence (ATPL), and for issue of CPL and ATPL, such period shall be five years.

Just want to confirm my understanding of the abovementioned statement.
The CPL(and ATPL) exams once passed are valid for 5 years and a candidate can apply for licence within those 5 yrs. Is that right?

8th Jun 2010, 15:38
yes u r correct:)

9th Jun 2010, 02:49
the CPL exams validity used to b 30 months earier. increased to 5 yrs.:ok:

10th Jun 2010, 14:44
guys r u sure that the validity of ATpl papers is 5 years..........????? cos i just passed all my atpl papers 6 months back and the mark sheet says 2.5 years...can anybody clarify me that.....from when the validity has been increased

10th Jun 2010, 15:11
Well the rule is a recent update, doesn't mention a date. Could b 6May because that date falls on an AIRAC cycle, and the site mentions that the rules are upto date till 2nd June.

If not 6May, then 8April was the last AIRAC date.(SOurce Aeronautical Information Publication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeronautical_Information_Publication))

It will be a wise thing to do if you can confirm with the DGCA(through openhouse) and let us all know.

When did u get ur marksheet?

10th Jun 2010, 17:46
thank you very much for the advice........i will do that.....

passed in jul 2009


10th Jun 2010, 21:13

Language regarding the validity of the ATPL/CPL exams is clear, it is now 5 years, it doesn't matter what your result sheet says, its just old stationery. Count 5 years from the date on the result sheet.


What has AIRAC cycle got to do with piece of regulation.

The rules were amended by GSR No. 297(E) dated 8-04-2010,
on 08-04-2010 validity of all CPL/ATPL exams became 5 years from date of the declaration of results.

If an exam result was declared a year before 08-04-1200, that exam will have remaining validity of 4 years on the aforementioned date.

Does pilot training put some kind of premium on the quality of ignorance?

11th Jun 2010, 03:46
Pardon my ignorance. Was trying to answer speedbird's query. Ammendments of aeronautical information of lasting character are made according to the AIRAC cycle. Was guessing based on that. Thanks for that Jimmy :D

11th Jun 2010, 09:21

hats off to u dude :D .........you are absolutely spot on...great work

8th Mar 2011, 19:52
i m a cpl holder lookin g for a job.... in the mean while im thinkin of givin atpl papers... can some one tell me how to go abt it?.. what r the subjects and stuff

9th Mar 2011, 13:48
Could anyone please share some experience of the ATPL Orals. Like how long are they usually for, What kind of questions to expect etc, Juz any info one could give.

After passing Meteorology, does that have an Oral Exam too?
