View Full Version : Where to start with ATPL EXAM Studies

3rd Jun 2010, 12:45
Hi, All

I'm new to this forum, and maybe my questions have been answered before. But I have a PPL licence and I am now starting the ATPL Exams...
I got all the books and have signed up to it by distance learning.
Where do I start,
Do I have to read every page of every book?
What subjects am I best to start with?
Whats the best way to learn what I need to?
I am only doing this part-time while working. so any help would be much appreciated.


3rd Jun 2010, 13:09

If you'r doing distance learning isn't your course provider setting your timetable? When I did it, some time ago admittedly, the course was set in stone, and regular assessments had to be submitted by pre-determined dates.

Things may have changed, but I would strongly recommend this kind of course since you will need every bit of motivation you can find!

Who is your course provider?


3rd Jun 2010, 13:30
I would suggest that you do read every page of every book - you've paid for 'em, might as well read 'em.

Once you've followed the course outline which presumably you have from the course provider, the real learning bit comes from the online Question Bank....where you answer questions incorrectly, find out why, and then do 1000 more like that. And also the brush ups, where you answer questions incorectly, and have the tutor rolls their eyes at you, and then do 1000 more like that :p

...but for now I'd suggest you follow the structure from the school, and enjoy it.

3rd Jun 2010, 13:45
Hi there.

Like CaptainBloggs, I am very surprised and somewhat disappointed that a "study guide" or similar has not been provided with the course material as this is very much normal procedure.

You need to contact your course provider DIRECTLY and ask them what the plan is. The questions you have raised yourself should act as a starting point.

The one snag with D/L it is at times difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. You should be submitting progress assessments every so often and these should help to focus your study. On completion of your study module you attend a residential brush-up course which should focus on exam critical areas.