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View Full Version : 5 years since initial issue, what now?

8th Nov 2000, 01:33
Got my class one issued 5 years ago, had it renewed every year. Just wondered if anybody could tell me if I require anything special under the new JAA regs? Spoke to my doc, who "doesn't seem to think so", but who carries the can if he's wrong? Will my new medical be invalid? BTW I'm in my mid thirties.

Stop Stop Stop
10th Nov 2000, 03:51
The first true JAR renewal should involve a detailed eye test which includes the 'slit lamp' test. If your AME is a one man band it will be unlikely he will have the equipment for this test. I was referred to a local optician armed with a CAA form. Various eye tests carried out which the optician thought was 'over the top!'

The requirements now demand a lung function test. AME had a sort of instrument that you just huff into and it records the peak flow (not like the machine in the initial which nearly kills you!).

The other thing is a blood test to test for haemoglobin (which my AME thought was in his words 'a load of bollocks') and I think for the first one then 5 yearly a lipid profile (ie. cholesterol). My AME did not have the equipment for this so I had to go to local hospital. Many AME's will do a finger prick test.

Other than that, there is little difference. The form is a little more lengthy to fill in and the doc has to sit and fill out loads of boxes relating to validity of various bits and pieces ie. ECG and Audiogram etc.

This is just from memory. I doubt you will have much to worry about. Hope this helps.