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View Full Version : Update re: vision freedom???

7th Sep 2000, 09:05
I wondered if anyone had any info on vision freedom..has ANYONE had improved vision because of the program??? I can't find any updates on the board.
I last spoke to Brian in spring of '99. Since then, no one answers the phone, or e-mails. Snail mail brought no results, either. I doubt he would be in jail this long. I think we all (who have purchased the book and glasses) should have a refund...it appears we've been ripped off. I would appreciate any reply.

10th Sep 2000, 22:22
I don't know what vision freedom is but I presume it is some sort of vision therapy exercises similar to the Bates menthod. Since you are asking for a refund. Does it mean that vision therapy doesn't work?

11th Sep 2000, 01:52
The vision freedom program consists of 2 books, and 3 pairs of glasses; each a little stronger than the last. I do think they could be bought in a pharmacy. You read for 20 hours to 'get your eye muscles strengthened'.
Personally, it did not work for me...I haven't been able to contact some others mentioned in the books; whom supposedly bought the program. It is frustrating when someone has to do this to people!!

El Cid
11th Sep 2000, 02:05
The Bates Method is a totally different thing.It costs nothing unless you employ a teacher (recommended) apart from the book available in any bookshop.And what is more,it works and has nothing to do with training anything,it just allows the eyes to do what they were designed to do.
El Cid

11th Sep 2000, 05:00
El cid; which Bates would that be?? Brian talked about a Debbie Bates. He said her method was a farce; he obviously couldn't stand her. I'd like to look into whichever one you referred to.
I noticed that something was wrong when brian started saying that he was made reference to, in Revelations in the Bible... :rolleyes:

El Cid
11th Sep 2000, 11:44
The Bates method was discovered by Dr William Bates about 90 years ago.My friends optician said not to bother with it as it is so old and so couldn't possibly be valid.He got a little tetchy when I pointed out that the oldest method of vision correction was glasses!
Check out Mr Magoo's threads on the subject and then you will realise that your eyesight can improve beyond expectation.