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13th Feb 2011, 13:19
TAGAZOU HOU HOU, i totally agree with you even though i am not a great Arik fan and i detest the way they treat staff. But well said that those who moan should go home and earn their $2,000 a month.

You didn't need to be an old fart white man to say all this but hey, maybe it will help drive the message home to those who whinge but don't ACT!

I am equally tired of those who whinge about Nigeria and Africa - the place that FEEDS them; else, they won't have the experience of what they whinge about!

Happy Landings!

13th Feb 2011, 17:22
But today, the best contract airline pilot in the world, it is with Arik and not elsewhere. Go home....

I would argue that the overwhelming majority of pilots who have left Arik would disagree with you. Then did go home; happily.

Not paying salaries and other bills might be the number one reason that many leave. That problem is ongoing, whether this airline was in Africa, or London.

Tell your "go home" comments to the many vendors who are not paid, right in Africa. :yuk:

14th Feb 2011, 03:58
it is my belief that they pay late not because they dont have the cash, but to exert control over their employees. By paying late, it makes it more difficult to leave since you are likely going to leave money on the table.

or, they could just not have the money.

14th Feb 2011, 05:22
or, they could just not have the money.I do believe that if they had the money, they wouldn't pay also. But, when you start with a large amount of money, and then lose money every minute of operation since day one, now in year 5....

I think the party is over on "they have money". Getting parked on the apron repeatedly in the past year for non-payment of fuel isn't a smart move if "they have money". Having pilots repeatedly turned away from training events for lack of payment isn't because "they have money".

Referring again to the "go home" poster, management does that, also. Repeatedly. Locals too.

EDIT: I'll add that if Arik had money (or access to more credit), they'd be buying / leasing more planes. You'll note that isn't happening much these days.

15th Feb 2011, 05:37
Being part of the initial Flight Ops management of this company, (pre Mr. Egonu) and now looking at it from a good vantage point (right under their noses). It is clear that nothing has and will ever change in the past 4 & a half years at Arik Air! It is what it was designed for.

Sure you can give " month on month off" rotation. And fly the best in Aviation, but at the end of the day if you dont have money in the bank at the end of the month to pay your commitments then YOU LOSE!!!

So going home empty handed after giving 100% in the month or turning up for training and being told that your company hasnt paid its bills is as much an embarassment as having to dive out a hotel window at night to save your A$$! (although that part wasnt very funny!!!)

The Management on the other hand will just say"Sorry" and pretend it never happened. Thats the way life is mentally in these parts.
As has been proven quite clearly at This airline is the only sound that the care about is the loud sound of foot steps as pilots exit the door! Then you all will have The managments attention! ( for about a month or so!)

happy Landing
Be happy

15th Feb 2011, 16:59
I am not pilot so I am still waiting, waiting, waiting my money.

But when big-Bwana or little-Bwana want something from me, they call me directly and they want it right now, not with a recurrent delay of 3 weeks...

I am planning to leave Arik asapGod speed to you. It's sad that when you leave, they won't pay you. That's just a fact. I don't know how to successfully collect from Arik in Nigeria. Expats have been successful in London.

Edit: I see that you don't mind getting your money in a less than legal way. That, my dear friend, is something that I'm sure could be done quite easily.

19th Feb 2011, 20:08
Typical nigerian way. When the ship is sinking ,everyone tries to get what he/she is expecting. That is why I left the company. if you are not treated well ,it is a goodbuy

27th Feb 2011, 05:57
With payday tomorrow, I thought that this was interesting. Arik Air officially cancelled three 777-300ERs and seven B737-800's in December 2010, according to Boeing.

I'm sure the company let everybody know.

27th Feb 2011, 09:45
In 21 months this thread has generated so much interest that it has had, the 3rd highest number of views and replies, on the whole Africa forum. The thread with the highest views started in 2008.
After all you do not get this kind of interest with other African Airlines.
Being the Emirates of Africa or Oduduwa Crescent (quote) may have something to do with it.
My question is why?......................................................

27th Feb 2011, 13:18
Sunday message :
Love Arik Air as yourself. Show must go on.

27th Feb 2011, 15:28
Interest In Arik
In 21 months this thread has generated so much interest that it has had, the 3rd highest number of views and replies, on the whole Africa forum. The thread with the highest views started in 2008.
After all you do not get this kind of interest with other African Airlines.
Being the Emirates of Africa or Oduduwa Crescent (quote) may have something to do with it.
My question is why?.............................................. ........

Have you not seen the amount of tabloid"style" (vanguard,guardian,sun,punch,DIndep etc..) newspapers this country has? Not to mention the way every man woman and child flock to the seen of a crime/accident/incident? Your business is everyone's business my friend ... unfortunately in most cases i would say it is the same everywhere. However here in Lagos..we "ARIK" are the big boy on the street and everyone would like to see us "fail" :ouch:

28th Feb 2011, 23:36
SH&E was engaged by Arik Int’l in May of 2008, to provide Program Management and Integrator services for five new delivery Boeing 777-300ER aircraft, ordered by Arik Air from Boeing and scheduled for delivery beginning in early 2011.

On August 2, 2010, Arik Int’l requested that SH&E suspend its work, due to Arik Air’s decision to defer all of its delivery slots for 777-300ER type aircraft with Boeing to dates beyond January 2016, until further notice, and it requested SH&E send it an invoice for all outstanding payments. The same day, SH&E, e-mailed Arik Int’l a detailed description of the total outstanding expenses and fees, equaling approximately 46 percent of the total fixed fee amount.

This amount remains outstanding today, despite extensive and repeated attempts by SH&E to obtain payment since February 2010, including multiple unreturned phone calls, emails, and a letter of September 10, 2010, from SH&E to Arik Int’l, informing it that the amount owed was still unpaid and warning Arik Int’l that it was in breach of its agreement with SH&E. On December 9, 2010, SH&E, through its counsel, sent a second letter to Arik Int’l demanding payment for the outstanding amount due. This finally prompted a response from Arik Int’l, through its counsel. By e-mail correspondence, counsel for Arik Int’l promised payment of a significant “undisputed amount” of the total outstanding expenses and fees owed to SH&E by January 10, 2011. However, SH&E has not received any payment as of the date of this filing. SH&E is unaware of any dispute surrounding the delayed payment and has made good faith efforts to obtain payment from Arik Int’l.

Regulations.gov (http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2010-0279-0004.1)

1st Mar 2011, 03:38
The first mistake any business would make engaging Arik is providing any service or product without payment first. Some businesses won't even do that, preferring to not conduct any business with Arik, even cash business.

The non-payment of bills with a "dispute" of the amount is classic Arik. They do this OVER AND OVER.

1st Mar 2011, 08:32
Let me be the first on this thread to congratulate your company on an awesome response to Arik's typical interaction with companies and employees who provide good faith products and services to Arik, and then get the shaft when it comes time to pay up. As a former pilot and employee, I enthusiastically offer my services in ANY way that may aid you in returning the favor to Arik.

Unfortunately, if there was any chance to actually shut down a New York and possible future Houston service, you might actually be doing the company a favor and saving them a HUGE amount of money. You'll be doing the defacto managing that they are not capable of.

Honestly, good luck getting any money. I'm sure you're already exploring ways to shut them down in the gate in New York, with a lien or other court order. :ok:

I'll post the edited version of your letter to the U.S. Government:


February 24, 2011

Application of:
for exemption authority pursuant to
49 U.S.C. § 40109 and for a
foreign air carrier permit pursuant to
49 U.S.C. § 41301

Docket No. OST-2010-0279

The U.S. Department of Transportation should carefully scrutinize Arik Air Ltd.’s (“Arik Air”) ability to meet the Department’s standards to hold foreign air carrier authority, due to the failure of its corporate parent, Arik Air International Ltd. (“Arik Int’l”), to pay significant outstanding professional fees and expenses owed to SH&E, which call into question Arik Air’s financial fitness. In light of these issues, SH&E contends that granting Arik Air foreign air carrier authority would be adverse to the public interest.

According to publicly available sources, Arik Air is also indebted to the Nigerian aviation authorities and other government officials, and has experienced groundings of its aircraft on numerous occasions as a result thereof <<<<gosh.... you don't think Pprune helped them any :O

SH&E requests that the Department carefully scrutinize Arik Air’s financial fitness to hold foreign carrier permit authority and to withhold such authority until Arik Air demonstrates it has met all applicable requirements.

I hereby certify that I have this 24th day of February 2011 served the foregoing document by email on the following persons:

Evelyn D. Sahr

John Byerly

John Allen

Carl Nelson

Hershel Kamen

R. Bruce Keiner

Sascha Van der Bellen

Jeffrey Manley

Genaro Pena <<<<< Love this one :ok:

Bradley Rubenstein

1st Mar 2011, 18:44
wow......On a personal note, has anyone been paid?

1st Mar 2011, 21:17
I wonder how little the disputed money is, any thoughts? Which also makes me wonder how Arik proved its financial fitness to the US DOT, i hope no brown envelopes were involved.

3rd Mar 2011, 23:12






4th Mar 2011, 09:04
This thread amazes me.

After reading all 500 odd posts, I'm amazed Arik numpties are still wondering where their pay is. If for any bizarre reason you joined Arik after this thread started, then you seriously need help.

Beggars belief!

4th Mar 2011, 14:19
People, let's be realistic. No organisation or person can, or will do anything to Arik Air, its chairman (his son & all the others) or management. This group is above the law. In the end it is all about money. Big business is well involved in the continued shennaniganns by this airline. Governments are condoning the shennanigangs of this company.

It does not pay its employees nor its suppliers on time. It owes millions to all and sundry. Yet some serious outfits award it prizes. People grumble but nothing happens.

Disgruntled elements (rightly so) post on pprune, but as far as HE is concerned, it is the barking of dogs; sad dogs even. Hailed by the holy father, HE is a person of substance, an untouchable in the best sense of the word. HE is up there; the little people can go whistle dixie for all HE cares. HE is too big to fail, too big to be called to account; the lessons of (even recent) history notwithstanding. I hear that some wags promise to visit him when he lands in DNKK! :E

4th Mar 2011, 14:45
lets not exaggerate Evaneplus...there aren't 500 odd posts that are critical of Arik...its about 250 odd posts, and 250 even ones!

4th Mar 2011, 22:28
If you haven't already - for the avoidance of any doubt as to how big business and the FG work in Nigeria - check out Wikileaks.

We've all heard and read the rumours - now see the US Embassy Abuja cables to Washington. They all know it happens and can't stop it.

And if you are an 'untouchable' such as Ibori just look at the support you will get from the FG if you have any issues with overseas authorities

Arik will stumble on until Jimoh Ibrahim's man gets into the Presidential Villa full time, then you will see an immediate decline in Arik. I suspect will see the EFCC investigate the billions of missing NGN from the Delta power project assigned to Rockson for facilities that were never built. Rockson will also lose their license to lift oil.

JI hasn't leased 2 x A340's to compete with Arik as well as BA, VS, DL & UA/CO

Mr. Smith
5th Mar 2011, 18:22
$460M consultancy fee to introduce 5 777's into Ariks fleet? Seems high. You could buy a further 2 with that money.

9th Mar 2011, 17:44
Hi folks,
Just wandering if they have sufficient crews still there.
They seemed quite a bit desperate, but now London ofice says they have a "huge pile of applicants".
I think a paper made submarine is more reliable than those folks.
Enjoy and bonn appetit

10th Mar 2011, 03:55
Still waiting my salary... fortunately some interviews during my next rotation

Good luck at your interviews! Maybe you'll only have to return to collect your last paycheck, and then, in the time honored Arik way, just leave!

Bon voyage ;-)

11th Mar 2011, 09:07
Here we are on the 11th and still no pay - anybody recieved theirs yet?


11th Mar 2011, 10:51
What are you talking about? Pay? LOL
Ah..pay....yessss, you mean that thing that allows you to buy bulls....it?
C´mon¡¡¡ stop dreaming

11th Mar 2011, 16:57
Received my salary today. FYI-my bank is in the USA. Fingers crossed for the rest of my comrades.

12th Mar 2011, 18:08
Received your salary? Nice one!

What is the plan for the imminent cancelling of 30/30 and return to 8/4?

four engine jock
15th Mar 2011, 13:09
One of there A330 impounded today in FAJS. Parked now at the Safair Hangars.
Spoke to the man who impounded her. He said she was impounded for outstanding lease payments.

15th Mar 2011, 13:41
Can't confirm the 'impound' story however can confirm we've been told to expect the B737 on the LOS/JNB/LOS route for the 'foreseeable future'

- Any further details on the A330 situation would be apprecaited ....

Thankies !

15th Mar 2011, 14:19
So......Have not paid lease....allegedly........how are the February salary payments progressing?

15th Mar 2011, 15:28
Nope, no salary yet. Sent email to the people in London offfice, reply was 'it is being processed by finance dept' - as usual. Never seen this kinda **** anywhere else in the world. Thank god the aviation market is opening up throughout Middle East and Asia. Interviews coming up soon, just pray I get through and forget Nigeria for good. Wipe it clean outa my memory.

15th Mar 2011, 17:16
One of there A330 impounded today in FAJS

There is only one A330. When the lease for this was being finalized one year ago, you would think that they knew that this day would come. I guess it's cheaper to get some money from Arik than to let it sit on the ramp doing nothing.

Anybody know who flew it to Jo-burg on this fateful trip?

16th Mar 2011, 01:36
So, the obvious question; what about the A330 crews? My guess is stop paying them.

16th Mar 2011, 07:58
Its brilliant for the new pilots just been rated on the A330 they can get out of Arik ASAP no payment of bonding......not that Aik ever will get it with all the BS they are doing:ugh: and its perfekt timing for the pilots lot of A330 jobs around:D
Good luck to all:)

16th Mar 2011, 08:08
Drama continues with the Arik show, is Arik an airline or a comedy club?

I want to be a clownmember of this comedy club, how much is membership fee to be a clown?

SimHolden, you are a clown mate!

16th Mar 2011, 10:31
Aside from the A330 news... anyone care to shed light on this?

"The President of Sierra Leone, Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma will pay a courtesy visit to Arik Air Head Office in Lagos today.

All staff are enjoined to conduct themselves in proper manner and be in good spirit.

Managers should also ensure that all their staff are at their duty posts as expected."

What are Arik's plans for Sierra Leone...and I wonder if he'll get to see OCC, our personal pride and joy.:rolleyes:

four engine jock
16th Mar 2011, 11:59
Two B737 in FAJS this morning.

16th Mar 2011, 12:22
Heard from a source this morning that the A330 will be back in 'circulation' by the weekend ...... apparently there was an 'oversight' with regards to paying some maintenance bills but all sorted now ......:D

Any more info would be appreciated ! :rolleyes:

16th Mar 2011, 19:09
How very touching, Showboating without paying salaries and the month is half gone?Arik pilots are a pride to the world of Aviation a study and followership of guys that survive without Juice,What happened to the popular saying about "flying for food?":suspect:

17th Mar 2011, 08:07
The fat geezer ate all the food!

17th Mar 2011, 12:18
This is a sad sad place. :( Did somebody say the A330 is long gooooooooone repossed?:oh:

18th Mar 2011, 13:10
as far as I know, will be back on monday or tuesday .......

18th Mar 2011, 18:32
Really? Why all the A330 pilots had been told that they are on unpaid leave from today?

18th Mar 2011, 20:15
I do hope not, just wishing ya all the very best................ in these trying times

18th Mar 2011, 23:01
Still no pay - some have but some have not it seems - as ever.

21st Mar 2011, 13:43
Any updates on the A330 ?? ..... are the Pilots definitely on unpaid leave or just unpaid ?! :bored:

Many thanks !

21st Mar 2011, 21:06
10 will get you 20 the 330 will never come back. Most banks dont like it when you do not pay the mx lease for a year.

21st Mar 2011, 23:39
Folks: Have you EVER heard of a plane being taken back from any airline for lack of payment, as this one was, or for any reason, and then the plane just "came back" in a few days (or ever)?

This is not a game to the companies that are actually in business to make money. Whatever and whoever is responsible for letting this (yet another) major failure of Arik Air to transpire, nothing has or will happen to fix it.

The A330 is gone. It won't come back. Boeing 777's are not ever going to arrive. B737 orders are largely cancelled. They would have to find the stupidest aircraft brokers in the world to be able to get anything with wings on it, short of cash up front. Even with cash, there are companies that wouldn't provide them an aircraft.

Salaries still aren't paid, and will soon be 30 days late. That problem will never go away, in my opinion, until the company folds.

The company will not earn it's way out of its gigantic fiscal disaster with the passenger loads on it's long haul flights. The gross mis-management that brought the company to this day won't somehow change until there is no company.

The company owes for everything it ever touches. By being one of the worst examples of fiscal responsibility of any operating airline in the world, they would be better off closing the door today, and starting a new company tomorrow, just to try and wash the stain of Arik in the world aviation business.

Clearly, the fat *ss who started this company is well connected. Who else could siphon so much money that was originally intended for a large government public works project, and not be in jail? So, we can never count out more of the same in a "bail out". But, as a stand alone company, Arik is bankrupt.

Airlines only need a few basic ingredients. Airplanes are one of them. Having your flagship airplane repo'd is not the way to success. When the A330 doesn't show up today or tomorrow, or next week, or next year, or never, like they "said"; just remember which management :mad: helped spread that. I can't even believe some of you would believe anything like that from a company that not only can't pay you, but can't even be bothered to tell you that they can't pay you.

21st Mar 2011, 23:58
paid or not paid yet?

22nd Mar 2011, 05:12
Arik pilots seem smart enough to use pprune so y can't they use the same method to look for another job?

22nd Mar 2011, 09:40
Arik pilots seem smart enough

No, because if they were, they would have left the first time the company defaulted on their pay.

Stop whining here and leave Arik as soon as possible. We all know it's only a question of time before they go tits up so get out ahead of the crowd!

22nd Mar 2011, 09:59
Well I say "Stick around Boy's and Girls" as with most things Arik they always seem to find a way of sorting themselves out" I reckon that we will have a departure out of JNB with the 330 sooner than you think.... if and I dearly hope that it doesnt 'the worst comes to pass' - then just know that from JNB we will be very sad to not see the 330 or the crew again - but one door closes and another opens - maybe a 380 really is on the cards - one never can tell. Chin up all - it could be worse - you could be working for ??????? :mad:

22nd Mar 2011, 11:35
In my experience, fortunately thus far as only an interested observor, not having paid the salaries by the 22nd of the month , is often a precursor to the big bang :ooh:

It actually sounds this time like they dont have the goddam money, rather than just wanting to hang on to it a bit longer as seems to have been the case in the past.
You have already worked for free for 50 days, I wouldnt suggest exceeding this number by too many more if you can find another option.

22nd Mar 2011, 12:38
maybe a 380 really is on the cards - one never can tell. Chin up all - it could be worse

Congratulations on the spewing the standard Arik BS. "Yes, BUT, that next BIG Boeing / Airbus is just around the corner." Sure, that's what's in the cards.:ugh: It's bad enough to not pay bills in general, but getting any aircraft repo'd probably isn't going to grant credit for another one.

Yes, it could be worse. Every day pilots work for free, it gets worse for them. Pilots who stop working for lack of paycheques would also be worse for Arik. So, indeed, it gets worse every day.

Clearly, it was getting worse for the folks who repo'd the A330. They cut their losses. Pilots should do the same.

Edit: The A330-200 is still the "aircraft of the month" at Arik Air - Flights to USA: New York, United Kingdom: London, Nigeria: Lagos, Abuja, Benin, Akure, Warri, Port Harcourt, Owerri, Calabar, Enugu, Sokoto, Yola, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Maiduguri, Gombe, Ilorin, West Africa: Accra, Cotonou, Freetown, (http://arikair.com/)

22nd Mar 2011, 17:46
Well for what it's worth I have never been a quitter - even when the cards were stacked against me :ugh:- this could be construed as a weekness but I reckon there is strength and resilience in there somewhere too. So to all those at Arik that are sticking around and fighting on - I get you :ok: and Oba1 - that is not spewed Arik BS....

ps thanks for the ongoing lively debate - its hugely informative :D

22nd Mar 2011, 18:41
It’s amazing that you talk about not quitting Arik and you believe in the company.
I find it naive but you do have an excuse if you are employed in South Africa where you normal is paid on time.
If you are the person you talk about you would be able to find a better job and you would be a person that would not accept the BS Arik is doing. Furthermore you would never work without payment on time and you will stand up for your profession and not accept a corrupt company pushing you around.
You see that’s a person that fights on and never quit!!
Furthermore it’s sad to see professional pilots having the responsibility for passenger and crew not having the lets say “quality” to stand up for them self’s.
Saying that it’s not a big surprise since flight time limitation was broken on a daily basis when I was employed in the company and nobody had the “quality” to say no!!
I am sorry but Arik is a clown Circus and the big head clown is not the one with the red nose.
You have one guss who has the red nose:)

23rd Mar 2011, 16:18
More to the point....anyone still waiting to receive February salary????

23rd Mar 2011, 19:04

"Arik Air has canceled its Abuja to Akure service. Akure Airport is no longer served by any scheduled airline. Other news about Arik Air is that its A330-200 is still impounded and parked at Johannesburg."

The Punch:: Lease payment: Arik Air?s plane impounded in S?Africa (http://punchng.com/Articl.aspx?theartic=Art201103175101137)

"A court has stopped the FAAN from forcing all domestic airlines, except for Arik Air, to move their operations from the General Aviation Terminal to the MMA2 terminal at Lagos Airport. The Federal Government directed the FAAN to handover GAT to Arik Air for upgrade and exclusive use, but the Airline Operators of Nigeria successfully lodged an appeal against this measure."

I guess Arik Air could pay off the judge, but the cheque would bounce :uhoh:

More bad news. The competition is stepping up:

Air Nigeria is hiring crews for the Airbus A340.

First Nation Airlines, the successor airline to the now defunct Bellview Airlines has been recruiting crews and personnel for B767 and A320 type aircraft...

24th Mar 2011, 10:04
What can I say - you have highlighted and torn apart all of my assumptions, suggestions and my belief in my own professionalism not to mention my solidarity with those that have not been paid. :ouch:

Yet despite all of this - the drive and passion to carry on is still there and I know that many of my unpaid collegues feel the same, so in closing I soldier on regardless and if all goes tits up I will be the last one to turn off the lights and lock the door to my office. :ok:

24th Mar 2011, 10:15
Yet despite all of this - the drive and passion to carry on is still there and I know that many of my unpaid collegues feel the same, so in closing I soldier on regardless and if all goes tits up I will be the last one to turn off the lights and lock the door to my office.

Absolute mug!

It's people like you that makes life so much more difficult for the rest. If everyone takes a positive stand, things change. However, in Nigeria, this is a load of old cobblers.

Fifi, you stay there and work for nothing. You will be thought of no better than the next person. In fact, experience has shown me that the more willing tend to go first, so don't worry about being responsible for turning the lights out, you will have already departed!

24th Mar 2011, 10:34
Hello Guys

is Arik still recruiting B737NG F/O?

any info will be really welcome

24th Mar 2011, 11:19
is Arik still recruiting B737NG F/O?

And the primary reason why planes keep getting flown without pay..... :}:\

24th Mar 2011, 11:27
is Arik still recruiting B737NG F/O?


24th Mar 2011, 12:51
Ready to fly even less paid or not paid at all, need hours on NG tyred of -200 series!!!

24th Mar 2011, 13:21
Ready to fly even less paid or not paid at all, need hours on NG tyred of -200 series!!!

See post #567

24th Mar 2011, 17:36
Ready to fly even less paid or not paid at all, need hours on NG tyred of -200 series!!!

Please tell me you are a troll. If so, BRAVO to you, sir.

If not, ohmyeffinggodwhatadouche. You are a wart on the arse of aviation professionals everywhere.

Someday, I hope that you have a family to support and some schmuck comes along willing to work for free and takes your job.

24th Mar 2011, 18:48
Some of you guys sound like you own the airline or you have shares in it, cos you feel so bitter other folks want to sign on.
last time i checked, it's still a free world, so you can,t discourage anyone from joining any airline they want to for reasons best known to them or for what they might consider is in the best interest of their career.
If you.re so upset with Arik for late pay, there are plenty of other airlines you can apply to like VK, First Nation, Dana etc, or look futher to Emirates, Qatar etc (if you're sure of yourself) rather than stick to Arik and constantly compain, whine and discourage anyone who shows intrest ,as if its the only airline in the world.:)

24th Mar 2011, 20:47
Arik Air jobs: Showing all jobs from Arik Air | AviationJobSearch.com (http://www.aviationjobsearch.com/jobs/current/arik_air/?client_ID=809)

24th Mar 2011, 21:56
Some of you guys sound like you own the airline or you have shares in it, cos you feel so bitter other folks want to sign on.
last time i checked, it's still a free world, so you can,t discourage anyone from joining any airline they want to for reasons best known to them or for what they might consider is in the best interest of their career.
If you.re so upset with Arik for late pay, there are plenty of other airlines you can apply to like VK, First Nation, Dana etc, or look futher to Emirates, Qatar etc (if you're sure of yourself) rather than stick to Arik and constantly compain, whine and discourage anyone who shows intrest ,as if its the only airline in the world.:)

If you're referring to my post, I'm not trying to tell anyone NOT to come to Arik. I'm telling a very naive person there is something fundamentally wrong with his/her character.

What kind of a knob would not have the common sense to realize that he/she is screwing fellow pilots EVERYWHERE by offering to work for FREE? Not only is it naive and foolish it is outright self centered. Having a rich daddy who paid for a type rating at 150 hours, doesn't excuse you from undercutting, no downright stealing from fellow pilots.

I stand firmly behind that.

Now back to Arik, who happens to be hiring pilots for 2 out of 3 1/2 fleets. Want a job with a good rotation, but a lot of ****e to deal with? Come on over and get paid (sometimes). Enjoy your own ****e sandwich in The Centre of Excellence. Just don't be an arse and offer to do it for less or FREE for f**k sake. Have some dignity for your own self worth and show your fellow pilots some respect.

If you want to work for free, go be a missionary.

24th Mar 2011, 23:38
That's a heck of a long list of needs! Maybe they'll all come here to work for free, too!!!! :ugh:

1. Vice President Human Resources
2. Vice President Technical
3. Frequent Flyer Programme Manager
4. Line Maintenance EASA B1 Engineer
5. Maintenance Control Officer
6. Quality Manager
7. Maintenance Control Engineer
8. CRJ900 Pilots
9. Operations Control Centre Manager

25th Mar 2011, 20:43
Ha.....they need CRJ-900 Captains....that is funny...in an inside joke kind of way!

Pop quiz...is a contract written in Nigeria that was never signed enforceable in a US court of law?????

25th Mar 2011, 20:47
Appears as though Arik is going to get its own compound for the pilots. The question is: when they stop paying themselves to operate it, will the pilots have to pay for their own food?

Old King Coal
26th Mar 2011, 06:00
A compound for the pilots?!

They were trolling out that same line 3 years ago... veritably 'jam tomorrow !' :E

26th Mar 2011, 07:28
Will fly for food, Free?:ok:

26th Mar 2011, 10:55
They were saying that in 2006 when I was there!!

26th Mar 2011, 15:17
Only Airk Air will advertise for a Chef and Compound manager on a website dedicated to Aviation. :confused: Typical Arik Air style :ugh:

Showing all jobs from Arik Air | AviationJobSearch.com (http://www.aviationjobsearch.com/jobs/current/arik_air/?client_ID=809)

26th Mar 2011, 23:09
They were advertising for the chef job many months ago (maybe last summer). The 5 year in the making compound!!!

28th Mar 2011, 05:56
While the house is burning down, I'll guess that Fat Man and his stupid kid are popping around the world in the Global Express?

I hope there is somebody with some airline smarts who can take some repo'd Boeing 737NG's, four CRJ-900's, and some Dash-8's and Hawkers, and make a real airline in Nigeria.

What day is the president's election?

28th Mar 2011, 17:26
That election...is it not...16 April? Some speculation that there will be no salaries before then or later if there is a run off. Or maybe not until a couple of weeks after the swearing in!!!!!!!!!!!???????????:{

30th Mar 2011, 07:43
FAO: Arik A330 crew currently on unpaid/undetermined leave

The paddys at Lingus are getting rid of an A330 bus before the end of June, so you drivers can pass this info onto Fatman in case he's still searching for a new machine. Trouble is that with his reputation, Lingus might just give him lots of Guinness to drown the sadness of being told a big fat NO WAY JOSE, oops sorry JOHNSE!

30th Mar 2011, 16:46
It's PAY DAY again !!!

Does it matter if not paid for the previous month?

Is a special Tick, Tock required?

The good news, for Arik, virtually everybody will keep working, money or not. Congrats ! :}

30th Mar 2011, 21:06
So now the company owes us two months salary!

31st Mar 2011, 09:37
Heard rumors that A330 ops are stuck. Is it true ?

31st Mar 2011, 16:33
Heard rumors that A330 ops are stuck. Is it true ?Not sure what "stuck" is, but the A330 is gone, for lack of proper payments. There are several posts and links about it in the thread.

They have actually updated their website from a week ago:

"Arik Air operates a young fleet of 31 aircraft comprising of Boeing 737-300/700NG/800NG, Bombardier CRJ900, Bombardier Q400 and Airbus A340-500."

The A330 is no longer the "plane of the month" on their website :cool:

Edit: Arik still lists the A330 in their fleet on this page:

Arik Air Limited (http://www.arikair.com/sub_menu/THE-EXPERIENCE/Fleet.aspx)

31st Mar 2011, 21:52
Dear All,

With great pleasure we would like to announce the joining of Captain Randy Brent Howe as Chief Pilot- Head of Training with effective 1st April 2010. Capt. Howe is a 330 TRI with a Master’s degree in Administrative Management. He is a qualified professional with hands on work experience.

1st Apr 2011, 00:49
The company that repo'd the A330 has admitted the were mistaken, and effective 1 April, 2011, will return said aeroplane to the world wide Arik headquarters in Lagos.

As a reconciliatory gesture, the company will also allow Arik to use an additional spare A330 for the foreseeable future.

Arik also announced that they will begin training of Boeing and Bombardier pilots to operate both 330's, and both 340's. No comment for Portuguese company HiFly, who operates both 340's currently, on these latest developments.

1st Apr 2011, 06:27
:O February & March salaries land in the bank together today!!!

Keep smiling guys!

1st Apr 2011, 11:16
".....I'll guess that Fat Man and his stupid kid are popping around the world in the..."

Had a Google search and not only does the son have a Phd in Chemical Engineering from Edinburgh University (and no, you can't buy that), but he's got you working for nothing - doesn't seem so stupid to me!

1st Apr 2011, 19:03
HA HA HA April 1th

1st Apr 2011, 19:45
What happened to the previous Head of Training, a certain RH if I'm not mistaken?

2nd Apr 2011, 08:07
OK lets get this straight guys, as of yesterday you have been working for two months for free ! ! ! :confused:

Well, in spite of the date of posting I regretably believe you ARE telling the truth.

Are you still showing up for work ? :=

Is there anybody who hasn't already gone for inteview elsewhere ?

I thought Ryanair were a shower, and their pilots a bunch of lame sheep for accepting the degradation of T's &C's , but Hell :mad: even THEY don't work for free :}

Clever managemnt you have, they have reduced staffing costs to ZERO, and you are going along with it ? ? ! ! :ugh: :D

2nd Apr 2011, 17:27
Why do we still keep flying on empty stomachs?what happened to flight safety?well at least there's food on board hmnnnn maybe thats where we take our daily breads,When are we gonna say enough is enough,Are we so desperate to continue to discount Ariks operations by flying for free?Or is it the NG type hours that we;re so desperate to have?I cant just figute out what makes Old,bold men wake up everyday to swot for nuffing.Im terribly confused;Any help out there?:\:=:mad:

2nd Apr 2011, 21:15

lead the way,you stop flying now!

3rd Apr 2011, 08:33
@Nanga I have already voted with my feet,got mouths to feed,the stores dont take eppaulettes for barter,Good riddance to bad rubbish:\:uhoh:

3rd Apr 2011, 09:43
A few NM behind you Bro..

4th Apr 2011, 18:21
Arik is good for something... making a thread go over 100,000 hits in the Africa forum !!!


4th Apr 2011, 19:52
The Rumour is that RH has jumped ship:rolleyes:

4th Apr 2011, 22:17
Look at my post from March 31st where I tried to give a big clue

Dear All,

With great pleasure we would like to announce the joining of Captain Randy Brent Howe as Chief Pilot- Head of Training with effective 1st April 2010. Capt. Howe is a 330 TRI with a Master’s degree in Administrative Management. He is a qualified professional with hands on work experience.

Safi Airlines internal news....extract

4th Apr 2011, 23:16
The Rumour is that RH has jumped ship

Expect news of a Tsunami warning then sometime soon in the Lagos area.

5th Apr 2011, 04:08
Now that's my kind of comedy! Thanks for making me laugh.

5th Apr 2011, 04:56
An airline that also started in 2006, but only has 5 aeroplanes... but already MILES ahead of Arik:

Safi Airways has codeshare agreements with the following airlines:

Qatar Airways
United Airlines
Air China

Good luck Randy.

6th Apr 2011, 08:11
RH will be sorely missed, if it is true that he jumped ship from W3. He was a breath of fresh air, now we have got to find someone else now to focus the radar on. Now lets see, How about a self acclaimed pilot with loads of A330 time and never flew it before joining the W3 mgt as ..........

11th Apr 2011, 16:05

RH will enjoy the Stuka flts for

Qatar Airways
United Airlines
Air China

into KAB then

have fun

btw - Bottomline consultants -the rocky horror av picture showgirls already jumped ship at Safi

11th Apr 2011, 16:44
Those who worked for Nigerian Airways will find many, many similarities with current Arik, just prior to shutdown.


13th Apr 2011, 19:42
:hmm:any get the dosh for the last month?

13th Apr 2011, 23:23
Not yet.


14th Apr 2011, 05:42
All this talk frightens Arik interviewees...its the like of Arik or go bye 500hrs on type.I'd take the 1st option..only God knows what awaits me,fingers crossed....

14th Apr 2011, 10:32
Well you need 500 hours on type to come to Arik so its not an option for someone who has Zero hours on type

14th Apr 2011, 12:22
I'm guessing that the most important question asked at interview would go along the lines of "So, you've been here a month and your contacted salary date is 16th of each month. We've failed to pay you on this date, how do you feel about this?"

Depending on your answer, the interview could be cut early!

14th Apr 2011, 15:46
Actually,it looks like they overlooked my baby 300hrTT,it looks like My newly acquired Nigerian passport may help....they have responded positively with my FAA CPL and my new (and proudly acquired)737NG/classic type rating...

14th Apr 2011, 18:33
Hmmn, what a name, i am sure it will get you those responses you are proud of from Arik. Advice: take anything from them with a pinch of salt because the left & right are not sychronised.

Before you know it 6 months down the line, you can't fly because you can't go to sim because your proud employer isn't up to date with their financial obligations.

And unless as your name suggests your old man is Goodluck/Tinubu/OBJ/ARIK JOHNSON, then you maybe drinking lots of GARI everyday to pay for your proud shiny type rating. Imagine when the aircraft owners repossess another one ala the A330, would you be happy to go on unpaid leave?

If as you say you have your own type, go for a more stable employer who pays ontime with no stories. An employer who values its employees and their families.

Kill the ants in your pants & think properly before making the wrong choice, its not about new planes but the bread, happiness & less GARI.

14th Apr 2011, 20:26
It is not every one who pays for his own type rating that pays with his blood.I have read every post in this forum.LATE PAY SUCKS.I guess it could be said that i am infected with the "first Airline job syndrome".The plan was to buy the hours and go to Vietnam or china.... but i knew i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i did that(considering what i was doing to other pilots).
The Nigerian dudes that came to my flight school all got jobs.I'd thought i'd give it a try......I dont know anywhere else in the world where low timers (400hrs and below) get hired by Airlines.perhaps only their Nationals...mom is Nigerian,am happy i got the passport.

15th Apr 2011, 02:05
pilots need to stop paying for type ratings and flight time.......you are killing the business......you are taking a job from a perfectly qualified Nigerian who was flying a Dash or 1900 or Citation or any other aircraft.....

That pilot should be sent to training and paid for by Arik to fly the 737/CRJ or any other aircraft in the fleet.....If they can't find anyone in Nigeria to fly those aircraft....then they find expats who are current, qualified and high time before someone who just went out and bought a rating...

Just my opinion

15th Apr 2011, 09:13
Wandered in to LHR this morning to find an Arik A340 parked across from the Quarantine Station .....

Any idea if it's staying/passing thru/ repossessed ? :bored: ?

15th Apr 2011, 15:33
For those that are interested:

I spoke with the accounts department in London this morning to obtain an estimate on when we might be paid. The gentlemen on the other end of the call, said he had no idea.


15th Apr 2011, 17:20
I think the end is near. Arik has been in the death throws for quite some time, chronicled here ad nauseum.

It won't get better.

19th Apr 2011, 01:07





19th Apr 2011, 14:33
@Unionizeit11 (http://www.pprune.org/members/353095-unionizeit11),If you are patient enough to read half of the earlier posts,you will get to understand that flying for Arik is a vocation that requires no payment,pilots fly for fun thus it is free,you can log your 500hrs on NG type and scram.Wake up you seem to be floundering:=

19th Apr 2011, 16:38
:oh:but most lie and say they have 500 on type before they get here to" la la land." SO why the rush to fly for free...anyone fancy the chairman shoving his fist up your _ _ _ ? Apparently alot of gentlemen do around here. :(

I would like to know if anyone can take a shot at guessing how the post "election" results will favor arik? So far I hear plenty of talk but will it be one big lump sum payment to "settle all payments ???" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Will Goodluck make all the bad men and debt collectors go away?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Exciting days ahead.:mad:

19th Apr 2011, 17:23
Don't bank on the money coming Arik's way.

Any money from the FG or GJ for aviation will surely go to Air Nigeria in return for Jimoh Ibrahim's support during the election process.

Why would they have 2 x A340-300 ready and waiting - not to compete with Arik that's for sure?

Arik's Long haul schedule is way out with delays at the moment - is this due to the money (or lack of) situation?

21st Apr 2011, 00:12
You have 32 pages that all say the same chit, and you can't figure it out? :ugh:

21st Apr 2011, 02:47
Thanks to Oba1 for the information. Lets look at the big picture, once u get ur hours on type, there are many opportunities out there for ya. Lets goooo!!!!:ok:

21st Apr 2011, 04:54

This is the real scoop, Johnson and i just made a fantastic business discovery. We are investing in a fried ice cream factory in mexico. our good buddy GEJ is investing hundreds of millions of dollars of nigeria's money into this venture.
We have decided to make all our pilots millionaires. We are investing all their salaries into this. IPO will be later on in the year, at which time the shares will be trading at $100000/share, higher than Berkshire Hathaway. Right now the share are $0.01/share. See how much we love you guys.
We like the kool aid you have been drinking, keep it up. Jr will be the CEO of this venture. So if you're wise, send us all your life savings plus borrow all you can and send it to us. We love to make you millionaires.

21st Apr 2011, 05:48
Thanks to Oba1 for the information.

You're welcome. My real hope is that at least one person was forewarned before coming to Arik.

I'm told that Oman Air (middle east) is hiring 737NG drivers.


21st Apr 2011, 23:35
what about air Nigeria?? am too fresh for foreign airlines. 250TT

26th Apr 2011, 13:51
Looks like everybody is getting smart working for a nice company

26th Apr 2011, 14:50
Has anyone been paid for March 2011 as yet ? I am still waiting..

27th Apr 2011, 15:31
Slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery)
Slavery*is a system under which people are treated as*property*and are*forced to work.[1]*Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand*compensation.In some historical situations it has been legal for owners to kill slaves. It is the fastest growing*criminal industry*and is predicted to eventually outgrow*drug trafficking.[10][11]

27th Apr 2011, 17:07
Nobody is being held at Arik to perform work. While the pilots aren't being paid, each day they wake up with a passport in their pocket, they are free to go home (if Nigeria is not their home).

Pilots enable this company's poor behaviour by continuing work without wages. A far cry from slavery. Quite the opposite, actually.

Why would they pay, when you'll continue to work? Sounds like good business, Nigerian style, to me.


27th Apr 2011, 21:20
I hear the NCAA is preparing for safety audits?that safety oversight function does not include the airlines ability to be financially solvent?The capacity to operate without paying emoluments to staff obviously does not concern the regulatory body?becos methinks the NCAA is playing the ostritch in this matter,pretending not to know what is going on until theres a scoop in the dailies and they start to run helter skelter talking trash as usual.Are we going to wait for an accident/incident to occur before attention is paid to Arik.This airline has exhibited high level of insolvency and NCAA is Blind Deaf and Dumb.We are watching how far this will continue,this is obviously a very good precedent for the regulators.An utter shame of a parastal.We read everyday how the Indian regulatory body is worthless and we are competing with them in ineptitude,Shame on you ALL.Eish:\:*:sad::suspect:

28th Apr 2011, 13:17
PAYDAY !!!! Again. Except no pay.........

May each Arik Air employee find a happy landing, wherever they may land.


28th Apr 2011, 13:58
and while most might not.... I choose to put in "perspective." These blokes owe me 2 months plus expenses...don't short yourself.

2 Months of salary... holy h:mad:ll !!!! ***

*** officially done

Solid Rust Twotter
28th Apr 2011, 14:40
*** officially done

Yes, you most certainly have been.

28th Apr 2011, 15:02
Try explaining 3 months salary behind to the tax man and your bank manager and mortgage lender:ugh::mad:

29th Apr 2011, 02:30
You guys are not getting paid while at the same time, you keep flying. ALL of you are your own worst enemies. That company, from the very top down, doesn't give a rat's %$# about any of you, AS LONG AS ALL OF YOU keep flying. If you simply stopped flying, one of two things would happen. Either you all would get your money immediately, at which point you would be good for another 30 days until he starts his madness all over again the next month...OR...you shut him down for lack of crews, you're unemployed and he's basically out of business( what semblance of a business he has left). But if you're working and NOT getting paid, you're begging, hoping and praying, every month that they are going to pay you, you are already, for all intensive purposes, unemployed anyway!!! So what have you got to lose?! You guys need to "grow a pair" and get a spine while you're at it; STOP FLYING IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PAID PER YOUR CONTRACT! But for Christ's sake, have some self-respect for yourself. This is one of the longest threads on this forum and every month you guys are on here whining---again and again---about how you're not getting paid. Either stand stand up for yourselfs OR WALK!

29th Apr 2011, 14:38
You guys need to "grow a pair" and get a spine while you're at it; STOP FLYING IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PAID PER YOUR CONTRACT! But for Christ's sake, have some self-respect for yourself.

This deserves repeating.


29th Apr 2011, 21:45
I guarantee that there are expats who will get on a plane and RETURN to Naija from their 30 day rotation home, without being paid for two months, AND know that they'll have to potentially pay for their own way home.

It's quite difficult to comprehend. Just a fact.

30th Apr 2011, 00:30
Correct, I will return and put my feet up until there is 2 months pay in the bank.

It's the local ground staff I worry about - how do their families live!!

30th Apr 2011, 03:56
Correct, I will return and put my feet up until there is 2 months pay in the bank.

I salute you, sir. Sadly, you are the minority.

Arik Air does pay some bills. They are the bills that will shut the airline down, like the navigation charges, fuel, etc. Pilots have just shown that they are not a threat to shutting down the airline, and will continue to be on the secondary (or lower) pay list.

Yes, locals will suffer the most when this finally shuts down. It's all quite sad, because it didn't have to be this way.


Mr. Smith
30th Apr 2011, 17:03
Is this really happening? I can't imagine so many people complaining about lack of pay yet they are still "working". You might as well consider yourself a volunteer and save yourself the energy of coming here to complain about lack of pay. :ugh:

30th Apr 2011, 17:19
In Favor of a Blacklist...(company B*tch list)

Anyone fancy a quick webpage blacklist?
A little list of all who are (expatriates) actively flying while unpaid?

30th Apr 2011, 19:45
What is the salary that Arik pays for the 737 contract Captains?

30th Apr 2011, 20:41
They DON'T get paid. (read the above)

30th Apr 2011, 22:24
For sure guys with low hours/newly upgraded captains who desperately wants their 500 command hrs will return from their rotation but I will not be returning for sure. And I will take this matter to the authority in UK. Just feel sorry for my friends who are stuck there and desperately wants to get the hell out of there. Wish I could take them out! Luckily I never trusted them and was actively looking elsewhere, sadly just lost two months of salry and three months of local allowances. I finally learnt the meaning of slavery. Meet you guys somewhere else of this planet earth other than Lagos!


The Vicar of Bray
1st May 2011, 11:22
:ok: Well said, I hear a lot of pilots running their traps about not working after this day and that, and blowing a lot of steam but 8 hours later the same people are in their monkey suits heading out to fly and saying I will give them until next week Tuesday or Friday. I also hear a lot of guys who are on rotation at home trying to instigate work stoppage but I know the same suckers would be out flying if they were here. It's a dog eat dog world, every man for himself, lot's of barking and no bite.

1st May 2011, 22:43
I also hear a lot of guys who are on rotation at home trying to instigate work stoppage but I know the same suckers would be out flying if they were here. It's a dog eat dog world, every man for himself, lot's of barking and no bite.

Even if they did stop, there would be an endless stream of new pilots continuing to show up and fly non-paid work, to wit:

>>>>What is the salary that Arik pays for the 737 contract Captains?<<<<

Until the world pilot economy improves to the point that Arik can't find pilots at any price, it will be business as usual (without pay) until the company ceases operations.

2nd May 2011, 01:31
Honestly...it's a bunch of "lame A**" excuses from a "Lame A**" Pilot group. I can not even use the term "group" because someone would say something just like the quote below. Something to reiterate the fact why it is the most hopeless place where no one and I mean no one gives two SH:mad:ts about self respect:confused:. Fly to your hearts content...and to the point you can't even afford to front the company for your ticket costs home. :mad:

:ok: Well said, I hear a lot of pilots running their traps about not working after this day and that, and blowing a lot of steam but 8 hours later the same people are in their monkey suits heading out to fly and saying I will give them until next week Tuesday or Friday. I also hear a lot of guys who are on rotation at home trying to instigate work stoppage but I know the same suckers would be out flying if they were here. It's a dog eat dog world, every man for himself, lot's of barking and no bite.

I hope management reads this Load of Cr*p on the 32 pages of useless banter and realizes they have all of these POS's by the Nuts. (inclusive)

5th May 2011, 15:57
A whole :mad: of crap,Look whos talking with assurances like hes Mr fix it himself,Hey bro you sound like someones who is in search for recognition,This is the 1st time in so many years that a pprune post is carrying such wanton identification,Congratulations on your new attained rank,Many have been there who swore on their fathers graves that Mr Bigstuff would bring the moon down but alas they all left frustrated.It beats me that you have now become the yeoman for your poor chairman Mr Johnson,how very sad a proffessional pilot becoming a mouthpiece,what happened to the HR guys?have they left for lack of salary too?Well Mr Toks I pity your condition,I feel like crying on your behalf.Please it would be better for you to communicate with your subjects via company mail, thats if your coy has one thats functional.Shame on you and the people you represent.Please next time keep your linen protected,not for public consumption pprune.I hope you know what pprune stands for?Eish:suspect::mad:

5th May 2011, 16:10
No cause for alarm... that your salary is months late with zero communication. Note that he didn't say who he was referring to; Mr Fat Ass. Why should he be alarmed when you keep strolling in FOR FREE.

Then, when push comes to shove, the (grossly late) quaint email to explain it all away (but not even bother to suggest being paid timely) and you'll keep flying airplanes.

Throw a bit money out now, and they can go three or four months next time. You'll work !!!

5th May 2011, 19:30
Don't know if this has been posted before, but a tongue-in-cheek summary of the problems at Arik.

YouTube - Arik Air

6th May 2011, 15:54
I see the chief pilot has deleted his post about paying salary by Friday the 5th of June for the March. I haven't recieved anything yet, has anyone else received their salary yet? Not that I believed him anyway.

6th May 2011, 18:15
If there was any intention of paying the salary they would have paid it. Why does there need to be a meeting or a discussion about it or more lies from London about how there was a problem with the banks ? Your salary is not in your account for one simple reason they have not sent it and have no intention of doing so.

6th May 2011, 18:22
I noticed that too - but do not blame the messenger he was "told" that on MON and waited till WED to post (his words) then when that did not happen he deleted on FRI, Mr. J got an extra 5 days of flying from some :D. Bottom line this deliema will continue until people stop flying :eek: - simple - realize you will never receive all what is owed to you and move on or continue in frustration either way it is your choice - good luck all - wish the best.:ok:

6th May 2011, 18:31
Your salary is not in your account for one simple reason they have not sent it and have no intention of doing so.

True. When the Airbus A330 was taken away for lack of payments, what did your management tell you? "It will be here Monday, don't worry".

Last summer, when the payment issues became more acute, what did the stupid kid tell you from London? "Your pay is late because of bank issues, don't worry".

If there was a significant amount of pilots who stopped working, you'd get attention. I don't think you'll get paid, or even save the company from failure. But, you won't be working for free, either.


6th May 2011, 21:35
Demurren of NCAA fame has made it quite clear that all airlines are supposed to pay their bills - especially with reference to the Bellview/ First Nation and Eurocontrol fees debacle.

Would any 'expat' pilots at Arik have the courage and / or contacts to action the following AND would it work?

The 737NG drivers could all agree that after the next promised payday - is it 15 May 2011 or sooner? - if no money is received that all the drivers flying to 'safe' international destinations e.g. LHR, JNB, ACC etc develop nasty illnesse down route just as they are due to fly back to LOS/ ABV. So flight canx and stranded in UK / SA / GH, then the next operating crewing do likewise the next day and so on so now inbound flights to Nigeria.

I'm sure a friendly doctor can be sourced to supply relevant paperwork to cover them and maintain pay and board at Arik's expense. Then through independent channels -Arik Management are told to pay all pilots and ground staff, once pay has been received and is up to date - even up to end of May as a gesture (LOL), pilots will miraculously recover.

You could even get pilots in LOS to 'volunteer' to be flown out to pick up planes and then they could do likewise with the mysterious illness down route...

To ensure no contract crew fly the planes back, I'm sure you could use local Sim Centre Training contacts and even local pilot unions to put word out to steer clear.

I reckon it would take a week to 10 days and 2 x 737NG parked in LHR and 2 in JNB and it would work.

Pilots stuck in NG could also start to snag every problem they can to delay all other flights and declare as many 'no fly' situations as possible.

The national embarassment would force them to pay you.

Don't leave it too long for co-ordinated action, the longer you leave it the less chance you have of getting anything. There should be so hard currency in London after the Easter rush to pay the salaries, get yours before the other suppliers shout for theirs.

THEN GET OUT FOR REAL! (fully paid up) with references untarnished:)

7th May 2011, 22:41
No money : Strike - a judge can block the plane outside the country - and send email to newspapers in nigeria and all around the world. Workers have famillies who are waiting $$$ for eating...

8th May 2011, 04:45
Nice try guys, the pilot group just missed a bloody good opportunity to set things straight regarding the consistent late pay.
They all chickened out and big J played a fast one on them. This crap will continue now he knows the pilots are clowns who cann't stand up for themselves.
Too many "girly men" strolling around acting like they are men, but we all know what they are.
I duff my hat to big J, he is the quintessential manipulator.
Be safe out there

8th May 2011, 09:30
I heard a Capt was fired because he refused to fly after being owned two months salary. What's happening? i think somebody needs to sue Arik for a billion Dollars for some of the actions they take on crew.

9th May 2011, 04:29
I heard a Capt was fired because he refused to fly after being owned two months salary.

Not surprising. Think of it as a shot across the bow of the pilot "boat". The management reads this forum, they hear rumours. They can't pay you, but they can't have mutiny either.

Fire one, and any of the rest even thinking of not working for free will be afraid enough... to keep working for free.


10th May 2011, 01:19
Oh, and in case anyone was wondering every plane was flying today. Expats et al.:D

10th May 2011, 09:55
It is no suprise that pilots will get fired for refusing to fly without getting Paid,what is gonna happen soon will beat every body hands down and this because safety is now getting compromised.An Arik flight suffered birdstrike to an engine on Takeoff in Owerri and the Captain continued the flight all the way to lagos on a single engine?what manner of captain is this?I believe such a decision was taken because of money matters.If what I read in the papers were true?then its just a matter of time before something TRAGIC happens.Keep flying on empty stomachs.:\:{:suspect:

10th May 2011, 10:17
It would have been the Captain's call whether to bring the bird (no pun intended) home, or not. Maybe the Captain made a mistake but you have no bases to charge the company with unsafe policies. A pilot foretelling an air tragedy without evidence is irresponsible, or worse. :=

10th May 2011, 12:08
Sorry Zebiak,
You can make excuses all you want, but the reg's are pretty clear. Nearest suitable.
The chairman had standing orders. The next captain to hit a bird would be fired.
I flew for Arik. I had a bird strike. I wrote it up in such a way the chairman would not fire me. How you might ask. The bird hit my engine. Not the other way around. To the chairman, this was acceptable.
I left Arik for a number of reasons, but among them was my strong feeling that safety was being compromised at every turn.
It is just a matter of time before they lose an aircraft.

10th May 2011, 13:49
'@Zebiak,As a professional that is if you are one,You would realise and know for a fact that Regs and SOP's are written in blood and are there to serve a purpose,flagrant disregard for SOPs have no place in the working area,If its Arik policy to fly birds on a limp across the country thats not my problem as long as my family and friends stay far away from them,There are no personal sentiments when safety is an issue,the world has become a very small and educated environment and it does'nt take being a pilot to figure out that something was wrong with the decision making process of such a commander,for your info, this incident has been posted on various sites on the internet and my comment happens to be a very soft one,when issues like this arise please say it as it is and resist holding brief for clowns who have no regard for your welfare,let truth be told.and I hope the regulatory authority ask this hotshot Captain a few questions.Its not who is right but what is right Mr Professional Pilot :\

10th May 2011, 14:28
Gidigba and 221340; you both made some very interesting points. I agree that the hotshot should be questioned and, equally Arik should be questioned and made accountable for upholding the regs/sops. It's an unsustainable business model to do otherwise, which is why I'm surprised to read your charges that they disregard the standards as a matter of both policy and practice . . .

10th May 2011, 15:44
I understand they paid for ?? March or April ? and that "got most" back into the air / along with the firing of one Capt. - so now the game continues for next month and next month and ...... We all know how this goes. Good Luck to all :)

Zebiak - You have seriously put ARIK and "accountable" and "Regs" in the same sentence - clearly have never worked for ARIK. As for the "unsustainable business model" well they are going on 5 years now and got a 129 approval ! for what aircraft - well that is to be seen. The only truth I know is that those who are still in LOS will never get all money owed and as for a potential for a adverse Aircraft event due to this and literally dozens of other items as 221340 mentioned - I agree with him only a matter of time - sad but probable given the current situation.:eek:

10th May 2011, 17:20
You're right, I'm not an Arik pilot. I just find this situation fascinating with all due respect to those who are real stakeholders having a vested interest in this company. I'm glad you raised the comment about "sustainable business model". I know more about financing things than piloting and I know that if Arik gets too cute with respect to Regs/SOPs, then the lenders/insurance co's will bring a sh#$storm upon the company. That's why I find it illogical that they would be so foolish as to do the things that some on this thread have charged (e.g., policies creating danger to person and property). There have been many harsh claims on this board, but noone has said that these guys are dumb.

10th May 2011, 19:08

Ok understand / not at ARIK - you can trust those who post here / sadly it is all TRUE - thus the number of posts and length of time this has dragged on.:mad: There are no stakeholders ?? this is one person's preverbal wet dream gone wrong. As for lenders you are correct - like the ones that REPO the 330 last month or the 7 current aircraft "stuck" in long term C Checks because they cannot pay for them to come out (30 % of ARIK's fleet):D No one says they are dumb - far from that, they have acheived what major US Airlines have never achieved - Pilots flying for free / IOSA approval while while it lasts. What everyone here does say is that the days are numbered and they do not PAY - simple but true.:ok:

13th May 2011, 09:00
Is it just a coincedence or the posts on this thread has practically slowed to a crawl, or the fear that AJ might some how get PPRUNE mgmnt to disclose the identity of the ARIK pilots castigating the company for late payments of salaries for severe punishment has forced most guys to crawl into their shells, pick up their rosters and conform.:D

News has it that the pilots that flew on single engine to LOS after a bird strike on departure from OWR, have had their licences suspended by the aviation authority after operating to LHR same day, any confirmation?

Mr. Smith
13th May 2011, 12:00
Appropriate response I think, until investigation is complete.

13th May 2011, 13:52
It's thread fatigue

PPRuNe Towers
13th May 2011, 14:02
AJ might some how get PPRuNe mgmnt to disclose the identity of the ARIK pilots castigating the company for late payments of salaries

And how on earth would he do that whitedove?

It's a matter of record pilots aren't being paid and he certainly can't buy us:E I suppose he could threaten to offer me a 737 job to incite a moral collapse on my part?


13th May 2011, 17:21
Can anybody tell me about the terms and conditions at Arik ? I will work for free, and wear 5 stripes on my uniform. Also, will fly airplanes with engines inoperative.

I was made for Arik! Please, somebody respond soon!!! I also have ten mates who will also work (all got their licenses in India, so you know that's good).

Please, contact me soon. I need hours !!! When can I start?

Edit: I forgot to add, I can miss all those big birds with my Boeing, easy!! Even easier in an Airbus (whoops, don't have that one anymore).

Hurry, CALL !!!!


14th May 2011, 00:02
the full sentence states '.......or the fear that AJ might somehow get PPRUNE mngmnt to somehow.......' Key word; FEAR!!! Not to doubt PPRUNE credibility, confidentiality or intergrity, but to highlight how fear full most Arik pilots are of their chairman, maybe even attribute magical powers to the man.
Or how else do you explain grown adult married men & women flying for free rather than insist on beign paid their lawful wages for work done before additional work is considered, fire one captain and everyone else
shelves any idea of dissent.
These folks shouldnt underrate the pilots' licences they hold, no airline that i can think of would rather have their planes on ground and close shop than pay their pilots their legitimate earnings.
Has anyone reported this unpaid salaries to the aviation authority? (even anonymously if too scared)

14th May 2011, 10:10
@WD,the world is full of suprises,working for free is not my kettle of fish,safety ultimately is the loser for it,confirmed reports state that the crew that flew with one engine from Owerri to lagos,later that evening operated a flight into LHR,could it have been the crews fear of losing their layover allowance in London that affected their better judgement since they were not getting paid their legitimate salaries?The ultimate loser is always safety.if you are all so scared of oga johnson at least you can all report sick,theres no law against falling sick especially if you are suffering from acute pay induced stress/fatigue.Its your life guys keep playing russian roulette with it:=:sad:

15th May 2011, 14:28
After the Afriqiyah Airways (http://www.afriqiyah.org.uk) , Arik air now becomes the favorite air line in eyes of lagos people. Being a direct flight from london to lagos Arik Airlines (http://www.arikairlines.org.uk) is now the favourite choice . Managment should now take a brave step and should increase the salary of pilots.

15th May 2011, 16:33
"Managment should now take a brave step and should increase the salary of pilots."

Absolutely! From the current zero to----let's say $8000 EVERY MONTH, ON TIME

15th May 2011, 22:04

Good PR job, i wonder how much fatman is paying you for the advert work for ''emirates of Africa'', a.k.a Arik Air.

Since you mentioned the Airline of Africa - Afriqiyah in your previous post, would you be so kind to tell the world where Gaddafi is hiding?

And please make sure you don't end up like the pilots, make sure fatman pays before you offer any additional service.

Happy landings mate.

Land and Hold Short
17th May 2011, 13:10
We have the Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, Save The Children Fund etc and Arik.
What do they have in common??

All their staff work for FREE.... volunteer organizations.:ok:

Happy Landings

Naija nonflyer
17th May 2011, 17:49
You guys got paid yet?:ok:

Naija nonflyer
18th May 2011, 14:12
Good news guys,at least salaries will now be on time!

FG to give Arik N4.5bn lifeline (http://www.thenigeriandaily.com/2011/05/18/fg-to-give-arik-n4-5bn-lifeline-%E2%80%93-investigation/)

18th May 2011, 18:04
I know the audience here, but you have to start thinking like business people. To say that when business turns up the first thing to do is pay pilots more is to be ignorant of the real world. This lengthy thread does little beyond proving that there are a lot of pilots willing to be mistreated. When financial fortunes turn upward, airlines care about capital reserves, the balance sheet, etc., not giving the guys will appelettes more $$. :8

19th May 2011, 03:51
It seems that everybody is quick to demand these pilots to refuse to fly until they are paid. That is fine however in my experience, if i refuse to fly then i get fired. I go home, no job, no job prospect, and no immediate hope to a paycheck. Also, I wont see a dime from the company that fired me for non payment.

I am now past a year looking for employment. Alll my friends that just put up with it, have earned more than a 100 grand. Late as it may be, I am broke and unemployed with my house foreclosed on.

But hey, I got my pride for refusing to fly without pay.,

This didnt happen at Arik.

Capt. Manuvar
19th May 2011, 07:23
Pilots can be a bunch of to$$ers at times. We r so quick to jump to conclusions without the facts. It makes me wonder how some of us will act if faced with airborne emergencies.
Did any of u bother to get the facts before castigating the crew?
The bird strike occurred on departure but the engine vibrations went out of limits over 15 minutes into the flight and the IFSD was accomplished. Owerri-Lagos is about 42 minutes. When faced with all the facts, all pilots I've spoken to gave d crew :ok::ok:.
The level of technical knowledge and modern operating procedures is abysmally low in Nigerian aviation. There has been so much drivel spewed around in response to this incident:
1. NCAA officials reprimanding d crew for following d appropriate checklists
2. NCAA officials telling the crew they should av abandoned the checklists and just landed
3. Pilots criticising the crew for declaring a mayday

The pilots May have not been paid but the flew the airplane like pilots that ad been paid. They did it by the book.

Oh! BTW they did not operate to London that day. Arik's flights to London are morning flights.

19th May 2011, 08:00
Well said Sunset. Best of luck with employment in the near term.

19th May 2011, 08:02
@Capt Manuvar,I give you a very solid thumbs up for a good write up, sic,,but in what modern sop does it state that if you encounter a birdstrike on departure,You will be required to continue the flight until you experience engine vibrations? That SOP must be suspect,I make bold to say you got it all wrong my Capt,why do you carry out air returns after such encounters in the sim?Lets not expose ourselves to ridicule,If you have nothing to say stop holding brief for the crew.The NCAA has seasoned pilots on its team and we are sure they will get to the bottom of this, meanwhile we shall wait and see and not speculate since an investigation is on going,but from me and moi,no kudos for the actions by that crew:uhoh::eek::=They were definitely bold pilots,remember there are no old and bold pilots

19th May 2011, 23:34

What's the single engine range of the B737? Do you consider QOW to be a reasonable diversion airfield considering the facilities there? Is a birdstrike with a precautionary engine shutdown such an emergency, landing anywhere is a priority?
Just your thoughts on these please.


20th May 2011, 11:56
Extended range ops in practice.

20th May 2011, 12:59
Good news guys,at least salaries will now be on time!

FG to give Arik N4.5bn lifeline

I hope you were being sarcastic. This won't make the slightest difference to pilot pay and it being on time or not. It's just another large amount for the corrupt within ARIK to squirrel away for their retirement.

John Miller
20th May 2011, 15:06
I can see you guys are all talking nonsense. Writer Sebastian Schmitz says in the UK's Air International magazine: "Arik is striving to be an airline of high international standards" and "Proving to sceptics - those claiming that a high quality airline and Western Africa just do not go are wrong" :ok:

20th May 2011, 20:52
@Miller,if you really believe what that britz mag says about Arik,then you are just as ignorant as they are and full of a lot of :mad: and nonsense,Airline indeed, Eish:eek:

27th May 2011, 07:30
Seven days since the last post! Any pay yet? Any local staff received their April pay yet? Any expat staff received April pay yet? What do the ICAO inspectors think about this? Is anyone complaining? Or is everyone cowered into submission?:ugh:

May pay is due tomorrow guys! Will then be owed 2 months pay!!!!:yuk:

The Vicar of Bray
29th May 2011, 11:49
The games continue, a handful of expats have been paid as of Friday, but the rest continue to wait for what is rightfully theirs. Give jack his Jacket, Johnson certainly knows how to play the game of divide and rule, i.e, he pays a token few so the rest think that salaries have been paid, their salary is in the pipeline so they continue to work. I wager that this 2 months late salary will turn into 3 months, also, if anyone leaves for whatever reason, ARIK wins, they will always owe at least 1 month salary.

30th May 2011, 05:14
I wager that this 2 months late salary will turn into 3 months, also, if anyone leaves for whatever reason, ARIK wins, they will always owe at least 1 month salary.

The same game played with every business that Arik owes money. Nothing new, and no surprise to any pilots.

Pilots, obviously, will play along and already know the next moves in the game.

31st May 2011, 05:45
However whilst the game continues it is up to each group (be it Pilot or otherwise) to play the game and achieve a positive result.

I suspect that should Arik shut down in the coming weeks, obviously no pilot will get paid the many months owed them.

What is the status of the 4.5b from the government?

Has the Fat Guy acquiesced to their demand for a board that the government has a 49% share of?

Has anybody used their brain and decided to shut down the money hemorrhaging A340's ? (it was a godsend to have the A330 repo'd !!!)

Who wants to put a date on the last day of operation?

June 29 is my vote. :mad:

31st May 2011, 11:34
Who wants to put a date on the last day of operation?

June 29 is my vote. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/censored.gifAny reason for that date?

John Miller
31st May 2011, 12:05
Can anyone tell me how many pilots Arik has and a current breakdown of the fleet. An Arik Air photo would also go down well (high res). Also when the salary nonsense started and what has been done in attempts to rectify it.

31st May 2011, 16:53
So the prediction is no more Arik after June 29, why..?

The news from Air Nigeria is just as gloomy - staff cuts, unpaid salaries, reduction in salaries - yet they are finalising the re-launch of LOSLGW. Start date of 01 September 2011 - daily service.

First Nation look set to launch soon - but why would they want to do that in the current market?

It is obvious there is too much capacity on Nigerian Domestic Routes driving down the yield to unsustainable levels. Add to that vast over capacity on LOSLON from 01 September - outside of 2 weeks at Xmas / New Year and 4 weeks in August / September.

Just look at the NG carriers - are any of them making profit or are they begging for a bail out - is this the true picture?

Or is the grand plan by all the aim to get their hands on the Government billions to line their pockets?

This is truly baffling compared to the 'real' business world.

The BIG question is which airline will be the one to survive all this and then thrive - any opinions?:confused:

1st Jun 2011, 01:52
John Miller said,
"Can anyone tell me how many pilots Arik has and a current breakdown of the fleet. An Arik Air photo would also go down well (high res). Also when the salary nonsense started and what has been done in attempts to rectify it."

Why would you want this? You can go to the highly accurate website at Arik Air Limited (http://www.arikair.com) for the fleet. The pilot population is so fluid that, honestly, the company couldn't give you a verifiable number. You can imagine the turmoil that not getting paid for many months does. If you need a number, just make it up, like Arik would.

Arik never really paid exactly on time, but usually within a few days to a week late. There were a few times that they did pay on time, but that was extremely rare. About one year ago, when this thread started, is when it really went downhill; after Jason Holt was shown the door for ruffling the feathers of Fat Ass.

Unfortunately, there was never anything done collectively by the pilot workforce. Some refusals to work (and a few sackings), but mostly folks just realized the futility and left when they could. Some would work for the potential at an upgrade to captain or larger aircraft. Those were very rare, considering the almost five years and 30 aircraft, and hundreds of pilots during that time. Truly, these latter group, who would literally "sell their souls" for this company, probably will have the most heart break with this failed company.
There are any number of sources for a photo. Try: Airliners.net | Airplanes - Aviation - Aircraft- Aircraft Photos & News (http://www.airliners.net)

If you need a non-copyright photo, post an email and I'm sure somebody will send you something worthwhile.

I left Arik many months ago, as I could fairly accurately predict what my labors would eventually provide me by staying.

1st Jun 2011, 07:35
The solution: ask a bailiff to seize the planes in London.

3rd Jun 2011, 12:13
My sources inform that Big J has put pen to paper to promise April by the tenth & May by twentieth :rolleyes: Deja Vu??? Then subsequents on time!

Different this time they say.....is on paper :=

All this cannot be good for safety. Aircrew flying being owed 2 months pay!
What is the N Authority doing? Oh, i forgot...their boss recently received an award from the Safety foundation for outstanding oversight. And no doubt they passed their ICAO "audit" with flying colors (forgive the pun).

Noone really cares i guess. Pity. Is the way of the world these days. Almost no moral courage to be found anywhere. And no moral conscience even amongst papal nights. :{

3rd Jun 2011, 13:51
Different this time they say.....is on paper

It's all fixed, then!!! It's on PAPER !!!!!!


7th Jun 2011, 20:24
was havin a beer wit a friend who flies for arik when he got an sms alert. April salary in his account

11th Jun 2011, 12:06
My friends are still waiting! Deadline 10 June for April salary has now passed. So much for the piece of paper signed by the chairman. The man seems to have no honour. And how about his management pilots????

Land and Hold Short
11th Jun 2011, 19:12
Any truth to the rumor the one of the A340 impounded??

13th Jun 2011, 21:49
well both are still flying...... one was at LHR and the other on the way too JFK on 14thJUN......

14th Jun 2011, 12:22
Big boss have win
nearly 30 pilot have resigned .... so he will have more money ...
One question ; how the arik operation will survive without pilot ( the dream of ALL managers in the world ) ?

14th Jun 2011, 14:18
:mad:...... have just heard that the A340 is stuck on the ground in LOS no fuel.......

14th Jun 2011, 15:09
nearly 30 pilot have resigned

Which means there are bunches who are working for free. :ugh:

I'm confident that they can find plenty of "pilots" to fill those seats.

14th Jun 2011, 15:23
:ouch:..... looks like even if they have the pilots there is no fuel in the country.......

Just heard...A340 stuck in LOS no fuel..... :ugh:

15th Jun 2011, 16:20
Are the Nigerian aviation authorities not aware of pilots flying with Arik, Air Nigeria etc while being owed back log of pay? or they don,t consider this a safety issue?
Part of the conditions for an airline to maintain it's AOC is to be financially solvent, so it follows that pilots compelled to fly while a large part of their attention is focused on outstanding obligations and responsibilities due to unpaid salaries is actually subjecting the travelling public to unnecessary risks and the Civil Aviation Authority is duty bound to step in and put pressure on the offending airlines to do the right thing or be sanctioned.

Another option would be to inform the media of this development(assuming its a free and incorruptible press) so as to enlighten the fare paying travelling public of the risks they are being exposed to by pilots salaries delayed for so long

15th Jun 2011, 18:24
Not only a safety risk because Pilots salaries are not paid 'on time'.

Consider the greatly increased overall security risk because all staff have not been paid for 2 months.

For obvious reasons this situation is not allowed in many states but for some reason the Nigerian authorities seem to overlook the obvious.

15th Jun 2011, 20:19
I think the NCAA know whats going on...see below article..

Daily Independent (http://www.independentngonline.com/DailyIndependent/Article.aspx?id=35425)

15th Jun 2011, 22:55
It looks as if Arik used a 737-800 from HI FLY TRANSPORTES AEREOS S.A for today's LOS LON LOS rotation. One does wonder ........!

16th Jun 2011, 14:10
:E.... where did they get the money for that... I wonder if Hifly get paid on time.... we are still here waiting to get our money.... :mad:.....

16th Jun 2011, 15:05
HI FLY will have been paid long ago - they have a no pay/no fly policy!

16th Jun 2011, 15:18
:Di wonder if the international station staff get paid... friends tell me some JNB staff have taken long term unpaid leave..... Dr M is in London office so they get paid.... and you don't mess with the US staff in JFK.....so they get money....

17th Jun 2011, 17:45
Arik Air sinks with lies, slavery and debt running into billions (http://www.pointblanknews.com/News/os5105.html)

It looks like some within are not happy bunnies:E

18th Jun 2011, 06:38
what a load of BS,wrt slavery,anyways looks like vk has caught the late sal flu as well,but PLS don't start a thread as well.

18th Jun 2011, 08:45
Lots of pain, just few facts. Arik is Arik

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Matthew 19:24
... the people (employees) get the government ( the company) they deserve...

19th Jun 2011, 23:52
As long as they continue to accept crap as the norm!!!!!!!!!:ok::D

20th Jun 2011, 06:18
At least someone finally has the liver to say it as it is,its all in the posted link,have fun reading it,sadly but very real

http://www.saharareporters.com/article/echoes-tyranny- (http://www.mail2web.com/cgi-bin/redir.asp?lid=0&newsite=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esaharareporters%2Ecom%2Farticle%2 Fechoes%2Dtyranny%2Darik%2Dairline)
arik-airline (http://www.mail2web.com/cgi-bin/redir.asp?lid=0&newsite=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esaharareporters%2Ecom%2Farticle%2 Fechoes%2Dtyranny%2Darik%2Dairline)

21st Jun 2011, 16:56
Fix your link:

Echoes Of Tyranny At Arik Airline | Sahara Reporters (http://www.saharareporters.com/article/echoes-tyranny-arik-airline)

21st Jun 2011, 21:27
Saw your "honourable" chairman hop off his global in phc this evening. I wonder if those pilots have been paid?

Mr. Smith
22nd Jun 2011, 11:45
Abuja-Kano-Jeddah posted on Arik facebook. Any idea's as to when that will start? That should be a particularly fruitful route during Hajj season.

22nd Jun 2011, 22:59
Rumours abound that ground staff have gotten their 2 months back pay today....could this mean better things to come? Or is this the final breath before the beast that is Arik dies.....

Mr. Smith
23rd Jun 2011, 02:07
It is more likely that if this beast were to die imminently, they would not pay the 2 months arears. I say they've got more life left in them if that is the case.

Rumours abound that ground staff have gotten their 2 months back pay today....could this mean better things to come? Or is this the final breath before the beast that is Arik dies.....

23rd Jun 2011, 15:04

24th Jun 2011, 06:17
It is rumoured that the Nigerian Government have injected $300 mil into Arik - very nice

Therefore, the only reason that they paid salaries. That $300 mil will be gone in no time, and they'll be back to business as usual... and back at the government hand-out line.


24th Jun 2011, 15:23
:O.... $300Mil.....should be enough..... till July.....summer loads will get some much needed money in but that will dry up by mid AUG...:rolleyes: SEP and OCT will by the months to watch...... back to fill the money bags.... then.....:confused:

25th Jun 2011, 08:26
When are you guys flying without gonna ever learn.mschew:\

27th Jun 2011, 10:35
So..just to confirm... Are they up to date with all payments now? or have some staff been left out....again....

27th Jun 2011, 10:46
Hi Fellows

Arik is recruiting again, good news


1st Jul 2011, 04:52
Can somebody confirm that T.S. was dropped to the curb ? I can't believe that she hasn't killed somebody yet. Also heard that she might be trying to get on with Aero Contractors !!! Somebody warn them !!!!

Here's a letter that I sent to the NCAA concerning her "pilot" skill:

13 Sept 2010

Dear Captain XXX,

Per our conversation today, here are the details that I can offer:

Pilot: Captain T.S. (American expat who holds a Nigeria ATPL)

Aircraft: Bombardier CRJ-900, registration 5N-JEC, operated by Arik Air

Date: On or about the first week of August, 2010

Flights: Arik 201, Lagos to Jos, and Arik 202, Jos to Lagos


On or about the first week of August, Captain TS flew an Arik Air
regularly scheduled passenger service flight from Lagos, Nigeria to
Jos, Nigeria, as Arik flight 201. Upon arriving at the Jos airport,
Captain TS executed a Go-Around to the runway and returned to the
airport for a second attempt.

Even though the aircraft was never stable or on speed during the
second approach, Captain TS continued, contrary to good judgement
required of an ATPL holder, and contrary to Arik Air Standard
Operating Procedures.The second attempt was so poorly managed and
executed that the aircraft missed the touch down zone, landing long.
In addition to an unstable approach, and long landing, she allowed the
aircraft to touch down at an estimated speed of Vref plus 20 knots.

She elected to use extremely heavy braking, contrary to prudent
operating practice for any normal approach, and subsequently
overheated the brakes. The right brake set overheated to such an
extent that the Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS) indications
went to a value of 20, indicated in red to highlight the severity. The
number 20 is the maximum value that can be recorded by the BTMS. A
normal landing on this aircraft by a competent pilot might indicate 3
to 5 with a green indication.

This heavy braking by Captain TS set off the aircraft Master
Warning triple chime. Captain TS allowed ground workers near the
aircraft, endangering their lives should the tires explode, or the
lead plugs in the wheels explode out of the wheels per their design
for wheel overheating.

The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH), Volume 1, for the CRJ-900
specifically lists a red brake overheat as a "NO-GO". Nonetheless,
Captain TS then operated the aircraft back to Lagos.

Subsequent dismantling of the right brake set by Lufthansa engineers
in Lagos revealed the brake set to be completely destroyed. In
addition, the right main strut has a number of built in overheat
temperature monitors, ALL of which were overheated. The strut was also
destroyed. The overheating likely affected the temper of the steel,
and weakened the structure, allowing the possibility of the strut to
fracture and fail. The ramifications of a main strut failure could be
fatal. Allowing the aircraft to operate with at least one known bad
brake set, and possibly both, makes it hard to fathom how such a pilot
could still hold any ATPL.

Captain TS allowed over $200,000 in US dollars worth of damage to
the aircraft, but to my knowledge, did not notify the NCAA of this,
nor the US FAA and NTSB (as she is also a US-FAA ATP holder).

Captain TS has a long history of poor piloting and decision making
issues with Arik Air, in addition to this latest one. She has been at
home in the USA since this event. I do not know when she is expected
to return.

Anthony Williams
Pilot, Arik Air
Nigerian ATPL holder
Lagos, Nigeria

1st Jul 2011, 05:37
Tony, I have heard many stories about this captain from very reliable sources. My understanding is that she was in fact let go over 6 months ago, but due to a screwup on an unrelated flight.

In your post, it would have been interesting to hear what inputs you were making during the unstable approach and landing, and also during the time she decided to return to Lagos.

We have all flown for weak captains. Not saying you did, but the first officer who stares out the right window (hoping the captain really screws up) is not doing his passengers right. Believe me, I've been there!

Good FO CRM skills become critical during those flights.

1st Jul 2011, 07:08
I was not the FO on that flight.

I actually refused to fly with her on a separate flight, and physically walked off the plane. I did not fly. Because she was a captain, and me just a lowly nobody, I was specifically passed over for upgrade from my refusal to fly with her (and denied any opportunity to transfer to the Boeing fleet as an FO). I left very shortly after that for my next job.

She was, without a doubt, the worst pilot I ever have flown with in 25 years that I've held a pilot's license. I'm equally confident that Arik Air will forever be the worst company of any kind that I have, or will have, worked for!

No pilot will ever take me to my death bed without a serious push back from me.


1st Jul 2011, 07:37
Well said, Tony!!
As a captain, I always encourage FO's to speak up. My standard briefing is "I make mistakes all day long, so sing out if you see something wrong". And yes, as an FO, there was one captain I told the chief pilot I would no longer fly with. Unlike Arik Air, it was a reputable airline and they backed me up.

1st Jul 2011, 09:46
I heard she is now working in the club next door to the Sheraton.

Back on subject tho has anyone got paid for May yet ?

Land and Hold Short
1st Jul 2011, 11:13
She has been employed by Air Nigeria DEC.

Go Figure...

1st Jul 2011, 13:33
Dear all,

please anyone to share infos or advise on actual Arik recruitment, i want personnaly to Lagos (all the way by road from Togo) to give my cv to Arik Air 3weeks ago, but still no new,
anyone from Arik can send me pm about how is the recruitment at this stage?

Greetings from rainy Lome

1st Jul 2011, 17:02
Received May salary today.....

1st Jul 2011, 19:29
Received May salary today.....

Hope you get the June soon !!!


2nd Jul 2011, 18:24
The Incident that put Former Capt. T.S. out of arik: As told by fellow Pilots… T.S. and F/O(shall go unnamed) operated ABV-GOM flight in the CRJ900. F/O Had been signed off of line training and line checked one day prior to the flight. Captain T.S. and New F/O Operated flight to Gombe routinely. On the return flight GOM-ABV captain TS flew at a undetermined flight level that according to KANO CTRL was not assigned. Captain T.S. and F/O flew at this undetermined flight level until opposite traffic was reported and a Traffic Advisory message appeared on the Primary. Captain T.S. and F/O instead of responding with caution to the Traffic Advisory(as trained) Captain T.S. took action or instructed F/O to take action and the pilot's unfortunately took action that further induced the problem thus incurring a RA or RESOLUTION ADVISORYwith the conflicting traffic. The controller reported that he had not cleared the arik crew to that level. A report was to be made… Captain T.S. knew that this was her final chance as she was fresh off suspension and furthermore remained in a probationary state. Captain T.S. created a false story for her and her F/O. Stating that the two advisory were separate of each other (basically one on each leg.) Management found out and both pilots attempted to quelch the story and furthermore the first officer wisely came clean thus saving his job. Capt. T.S. was voted off the sinking Arik ship and is now in Training for B737 Capt. at Air Nigeria…go figure. They had given her the choice of Resignation or take a Downgrade at Arik...

2nd Jul 2011, 18:35
Is arik really looking for pilotson b737ng????
Dear all,

please anyone to share infos or advise on actual Arik recruitment, i want personnaly to Lagos (all the way by road from Togo) to give my cv to Arik Air 3weeks ago, but still no new,
anyone from Arik can send me pm about how is the recruitment at this stage?

Greetings from rainy Lome

Go to ASKY based out of Lome ... don't waste time here unless you pay to play airline pilot.

3rd Jul 2011, 08:57
Speaking of competent past Arik Air captains,what happened to Dr Cpt RH?:}

3rd Jul 2011, 14:10
Speaking of competent past Arik Air captains,what happened to Dr Cpt RH?http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/badteeth.gif

He is currently Chiep Pilot/DFO for Safi Airways (afghanistan) He and M.S. the former head of OCC and several others from Arik are now starting up this company known as the Airline of Afghanistan. All pilots are based in Dubai and fly a 320 via Dubai, Kabul and Delhi.

3rd Jul 2011, 16:35
RH...:*.... was all talk... heard he logged a few Hundred... hours on the A330 with Arik but he only flew it for less then 10+hrs..until NCAA did what they did..... :yuk:

3rd Jul 2011, 23:46
Yes it makes you wanna puke doesnt it. Flew like 1 sector and got suspended for flying with an invalid medical. But then left for another airline claiming to have hundreds of hours on the type and even put these fictitious hours in his logbook. Deplorable reptilian man.

4th Jul 2011, 14:55
African Aviation News | Arik Air becomes first Nigerian airline in over a decade to receive US FAA Part 129 (http://www.african-aviation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=791:arik-air-becomes-first-nigerian-airline-in-over-a-decade-to-receive-us-faa-part-129&catid=16:africa)