View Full Version : Masters Thesis Ideas

23rd Aug 2000, 16:58
Any ideas out there for an Aviation Psychology Masters Thesis ?

All ideas welcome. Many Thanks.

24th Aug 2000, 00:54
What about something to do with perception in fast jet pilots. Sounds good to me! Top down vs bottom up??

25th Aug 2000, 01:53
What makes people love flying so much

Why some people hate it

What is the difference psychologically between a pilot and (say) a bus driver

People who have survived accidents....how it has changed them? do they or would they still fly?

How surviving pilots cope if they have killed people (even if it was not their fault) in an aircraft incident. Do they still fly?

25th Aug 2000, 09:40
Try Air Rage - yet another interesting article I read the other day, about someone creating havoc on an American carrier, only to drop dead after being carted off by the cops. Sounds like cocaine to me...