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View Full Version : Any RAF Dr's ??

Bulldogger Andy
11th Oct 2000, 12:46
When i go to University next year, i am looking to join a UAS. I'm an active member in the ATC and a Staff Cadet at a local AEF with a fair few hours on Bulldogs. I am studying for my PPL and have been solo after 8 hours. Also, on the Air Cadet Gliding Scholarship, i was solo after just 2 hours on a vigilant.
I was wondering if one of you could let me know the criteria for the RAF Medical you have to pass to get in. I do not wear glasses or contact lenses, i don't think im colour blind and i don't think i'm deaf. One thing is, i'm very tall. Can someone please cofirm the very maximum height limit?
I'm about 193cm.. but may be something like 1cm above or below that. Is the RAF Medical very relaxed, or would they go by the exact mm?
Also, are the medicals done on the base? or do you have to visit Cranwell?
I take it the medical you need to join the UAS is the same as a "RAF Aircrew Medical?"

Thanks for your help,


Take off's are optional, landing's are mandatory!

flying doc
11th Oct 2000, 22:50
Dear Andy,

I think I can help..I know a little about RAF Medicine!

You are in a good position at the moment to get in to the Royal Air Force as an Officer. Having been a Staff Cadet Warrant Officer myself, it has been very advantageous for me.
Regards the flying side of things, stick in the cadets and the AEF and achieve as much as you can. Do you know about the glider courses, the microlight course and the parachute course. Seize every opportunity as well as courses that will give you the chance to develop your leadership and team working skills. Try to get involved with the flying and technical sides of the AEF. This will serve you better than knowing the intricacies of log sheets!

Regarding medicals. I am sorry to sat that you sound too tall for RAF Aircrew. This may be a big disappointment to you, but do not give up yet. Aircrew must meet very strict guidelines (yes, in mm) for their own safety. You do not want to ejct but lose those nice long legs! It is, however, worth checking. I would advise you not to bring it to the attention of the Air Force yet though. Go through the medical first and you will find out how your eyesight, hearing and general health are for free. Measurements are actually dependent on several things- how long the bones in your legs are, how long your spine is and how far you can reach.

Do, however, go your careers office or ATC CO and ask about flying scholarship. They are great fun and it was once the case that if you proved how good were as a pilot and an officer that you could get into the RAF providing that you understood you would only ever be able to fly certain types of aircraft.

The very best of luck to you and happy flying!

11th Oct 2000, 23:30
There have been taller pilots in the RAF than you, in fact I knew one on Nimrods and he now flys for BA. If they try and tell you you're to tall I suggest you politely point this fact out, you'll be OK as long as you go Multi Engine.

Bulldogger Andy
12th Oct 2000, 13:25
Thanks for the help!
I don't really want to be Fast Jet / Eject from a/c - I would much rather fly multi-engine or rotary aircraft.
What i do now, i love. I have no problems fitting in a grow bag or the Bulldog A/C.
I just want to join the UAS and fly, as an Off Cdt in the VR. I want to be in the position that i don't have to join the RAF, but, have the option there.
I am also in the process of applying for the Flying Schol.
Thank you for your time,
Best rgds!

15th Oct 2000, 01:42
You may find yourself in a catch-22, coz as you've been told, the main reason for the height restriction is 'buttock to knee' length - too long and you'll lose your knees when ejecting from a jet. Unfortunately, the RAF only recruits Fast Jet pilots and if you go to OASC saying you want to be a helo pilot they'll generally show you the door to the RN CIO or the Army CIO (for Army Air Corps)...
Again, the sound advice would be to go for it at OASC (and you DO want to be a FJ pilot don't you !) and if THEY tell you you're too tall (but would have been recruited otherwise) THEN suggest the multi-engine or rotary only options !?? You might be lucky !

[This message has been edited by Happy.on.FW (edited 14 October 2000).]